Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 239 Snatching the Charm

Chapter 239 Snatching the Charm
At the beginning of the first stage of Seizing Talismans, hundreds of Talismans flew into the sky.

At this moment, the whole crowd immediately boiled.

There were many people who took the lead to snatch the talisman. They rushed towards the direction where the talisman was flying, and raised their hands.

These people directly snatched the spell into their hands first.

Some people were excited, and they were the first to get the spell, all with smiles on their faces.

It's just that Chu Tian, ​​who watched all this, remained motionless, curled his lips, for these people in front of him, they didn't have any strength, just grabbed the spell.

It just feels a little funny.

The first level was limited to half an hour, and half an hour was too much.

This is clearly to make them fight each other.

This battle has only just begun, and the first person to get the talisman will definitely be targeted by everyone.

This is to become a living target!
Without strength, there is only a dead end!
More than a dozen immortals got the talisman, and they were already targeted. In an instant, hundreds of Taoism methods were all thrown at them.

"Tianlei Dao, thunder breaks the sky, die for me!"

"Damn it, you're still fighting in front of me to steal the talisman, don't even think about succeeding, Yufeng Xiandao, the wind rises, the sky changes, the sky moves!"

"Put down the talisman for Lao Tzu, the way of robbing the fire, and the fire will spread all over the sky!"

At this moment, thunder, wind, and fire, the three kinds of Taoism showed a terrifying trend, rushing directly to the front.

In less than a minute, more than a dozen immortals who had obtained the spell were killed.

It was instantly reduced to ashes, leaving no trace of death.

It also stunned many people.

Without sufficient strength, how could it be possible to win this talisman and dare to become the target of everyone.

This must have the ability to resist the immortals before they dare to snatch it.

For a moment, the whole scene fell into a stalemate. No one dared to step forward and seize the spell in front of him.

There was a stalemate, only the people were looking at each other.

Seeing all this, Zhang Ren had already approached Chu Tian with a nervous expression on his face, raised his head, and said directly, "My lord, please don't worry, wait a moment, we and my sister will help you get the talisman, please Don't be impatient, my lord."

As soon as Chu Tian raised his head, he took a very strange look.

Hearing Du Zhangren's words, he immediately curled his lips: "When did I say that I wanted your help?"

"grown ups?"

"The first level is very easy for me. It's important that you get the spell yourself. I don't want to see the servants around me who are incapable and useless."

After speaking, Chu Tian stepped forward as soon as he lifted his foot.

This made Zhang Ren startled.

Zhang Xue on the side was also anxious, couldn't help but walked up, and said anxiously to Zhang Ren, "Brother, what does he want to do, he's crazy, now in the past, isn't this the goal of becoming the immortals?"

Zhang Ren also had a wry smile on his face. He didn't expect Chu Tian to come to the front in this atmosphere without even thinking about it.

Chu Tian moved his whole body, raised his hand, and directly grabbed a spell with one hand.

"If you don't want to grab it, I'll help you take it down. Don't blame me."

Grabbing the spell with one hand, Chu Tian got it in one go.

Many people's faces changed, their faces were shocked, and their faces were ugly.

No one thought that at such a time, someone would dare to take the initiative to snatch the talisman.

How confident is this to dare to do this.

"Brother, I, I suspect that he is a lunatic!"

Zhang Xue also had an angry expression on her face. After stomping her feet, she was really indescribably happy with Chu Tian's actions.

Zhang Ren's complexion changed, and he looked at Chu Tian in front of him very strangely.

In his opinion, this lord shouldn't be acting like this.

And this moment.

Seeing Chu Tian snatching the talisman, the member of the Xian family in the crowd curled his lips and grinned ferociously.

"Master Ming, this kid is actually asking for trouble, hahaha, it seems that this kid also wants to die here quickly."

"It's ridiculous to be ignorant. I'd like to see how he faces the attacks of the crowd. At this time, other than idiots, the only ones who dare to snatch the talisman are real gods. In my opinion, he is not a god at all."

"Yes, he is just a lunatic with a sick mind."

The Xuan family looked disdainful and looked at Chu Tian in front of them with indifferent eyes.

Chu Tian will be besieged by everyone if he gets the talisman.

Their Xuan family can take advantage of it, and when the time comes, they will definitely eradicate this kid who offended their Xuan family.

The Xuan family is all ready.

When many immortals were furious, all kinds of Taoism came together again and directly smashed at Chutian.

The Xuan family looked bright.

The Taoism is terrifying, and the sound is so loud.

"Damn it, boy, you dare to snatch it now, you are courting death!"

"Jie Huo Dao, Xianfeng, Tianlei, die!"

"Ignorant fellow, I will turn you into ashes!"

A lot of Daoist methods directly hit Chutian.

Chu Tian, ​​who was holding the talisman, did not move. When Daofa approached and was about to bump into him, his face changed and he raised his hand.

The instant shot is all Buddha Dharma.

"Dharma appearance, Dharma appearance is ever-changing!"

"Heavenly Buddha is coming to the world, I am a predestined person under Tathagata's seat, just because you also want to compare with me, and experience the Tathagata's great supernatural powers, the heavenly Buddha will change!"

Chu Tian's whole body condensed, and the aura appeared, it was so amazing.

Tathagata's supernatural powers, how could it be simple.

As soon as he made a move in an instant, the Heavenly Buddha was really huge, and when he raised his hand, he directly blocked many immortals.

Everyone was stunned when they saw all this.

Now they understood why Chu Tian dared to snatch the talisman.

Others have this kind of strength, why don't they dare to grab it?

That's right, Chutian's strength is astonishing, how can these little immortals be able to compare, these are just big Luo Jinxians, even if they all go together.

It can't break his heavenly Buddha's presence.

The Tathagata's three supernatural powers are like a tiger with wings added to him.

Not to mention, now also got a Dao Body.

Standing here now, Chutian can be said to be invincible.

Who is his opponent?

Chu Tian glanced around coldly, it was obvious that among these immortals, those few immortal emperors did not dare to make a move.

The current situation is too chaotic, and the Immortal Emperor also wants to retain his strength, and he doesn't want to show off too much.

This is only the first hurdle. Who would show his strength like Chu Tian, ​​for fear that others would not know?

Chu Tian who did this was of course also because he was not a Daoist cultivator, so he was in a hurry to make him look down upon.

Otherwise, go on like this, the plan for the second level.

He can't do it, he has to show his strength and shock most of the immortals in front of him.

Only in this way can he guarantee that he won the first place in the list without hindrance.

As soon as he raised his hand, Chu Tian didn't even think about it, let Tian Buddha slap him with his palm, and hundreds of immortals couldn't resist it.

These hundreds of great Luo Jinxians were all sent flying by Chu Tian's slap.

puff puff!

Spitting out blood, Da Luo Jinxian flew out wildly.

This is where Chutian's horror lies. Many people know that this Buddha Dharma appearance is the special skill of Buddha Cultivation Supreme Immortal.

Aside from the Dharma, it is obvious that the person in front of him has a close relationship with the Tathagata Buddha.

Knowing this, the Xuan family felt a little terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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