Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 240 The Disaster of the Xuan Family

Chapter 240 The Disaster of the Xuan Family

The Xuan family dared not go forward.

The two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family were equally shocked.

What is the origin of this person, he actually knows the Buddha's Dharma, it is clear that he has cultivated the Tathagata's Great Buddha Dharma and obtained the Tathagata's supernatural powers.

This day the Buddha is extremely terrifying, this kind of Buddha Dharma appearance, even if they are the two of them, they can't compete with each other.

Chu Tian stood in front alone, holding up the talisman in his hand, and he was the first to take down the talisman.

No one dared to challenge Chutian.

The current Chutian is No.1 who passed the first level.

Looking around, Chutian curled his lips, and said indifferently: "The talisman is in my hands, anyone who dares to snatch my talisman can come and try it, but my Chutian's strength has even killed an immortal emperor. If you want to try it, you can come here.”

All the immortals; "..."

Even the Immortal Emperor can be killed, how terrifying is this.

Although they couldn't believe it.

But I also understand that they really dare not snatch this spell.

Anyway, there are 99 charms, even if Chu Tian takes away one, there are still [-]. For a moment, they are all staring at other charms.

This made the Xuan family see it and noticed that no one dared to step forward and trouble Chutian.

The faces of the Xuan family changed, and for a while, they all had no idea at all.

"Master Ming, we, do we still want to attack this kid?"

Chutian's Buddhist appearance also shocked Xuanming, noticing Chutian's terrifying strength, he gritted his teeth and could only look at the other two people.

"Let him go first, and let me get rid of the two Zhang family members. These two people must be solved first, and they cannot pass this first level."


The Xuan family responded immediately, and also noticed that the two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family had already locked two spells.

It can be seen that it is because of Chu Tian's move now.

Everyone else is just around the corner, snatching the talisman, and now it can be regarded as the official start.


I don't know who will put on the cover first, someone shot directly at the talisman in an instant, thousands of immortals moved, and the speed was so fast that each of them aimed at a talisman and rushed directly.

Even the Immortal Emperor fought hard.

The scene was chaotic.

Zhang Ren and Zhang Xue didn't want to wait any longer, they had originally come for the Daoist Conference.

If given the chance, he would really like to take the top spot.

What's more, Chutian is so powerful, and they don't want to be left behind.

Both of them aimed at two talismans, rushed to the sky, and wanted to get the talismans in their hands.

But before the two of them approached, they both belonged to the same family and stopped in front of them.

"Stop, this spell cannot be given to you."

"Everyone in the Zhang family is going to die. It is our gift that your Zhang family can survive until now. What are you talking about? Today, your Zhang family must die here for me!"

There are hundreds of people from the Xuan family.

It's all for them, and it's clear that they don't want to give them a chance to breathe.

Seeing the Xuan family blocking the way for a split second, Zhang Ren's expression changed.

Zhang Xue's face was even more ugly.

Chu Tian, ​​who was not far away, also noticed this side.

Seeing that the two were in trouble, he was not in a hurry to act, but just glanced over indifferently, and said directly: "You are the descendants of Dao Zun, I promised you that I will take the top spot, but you haven't Show me your strength."

"Since you want to be my servant, you must be amazingly powerful. I, Chutian, don't like trash!"

Chu Tian's voice was indifferent, and every time he spoke, people's faces changed.

Zhang Xue clenched her fists; "Okay."

Seeing Chutian's strength also made her unconvinced. She didn't think that she was much worse than Chutian, and that what they had cultivated was the strongest existence in the Three Realms.

Zhang Ren also had a cold face.

The Xuan family has been on top of them for too long, and he has long wanted to take revenge on these people.

Now that the two brothers and sisters have taken Yangxin pills, more than half of their injuries have recovered. I really don't believe it, they are no match for these people from the Xuan family.

Zhang Ren couldn't bear it, and took the lead.

"Heavenly Ways and Laws, Heavenly Talismans, Divine Thunder Tribulation Changes, Three Changes to the Heavens!"

As soon as Zhang Ren raised his hand, with that casual move, countless spells appeared in the sky, and the dense spells in the sky directly surrounded hundreds of Xuan family members in front of him.

Today's Dao Dharma is powerful, and he is not a waste as the Taoist's successor!
Zhang Xue's strength is not bad, she originally aimed at the Daoist sage, as an idol, her strength has fully recovered, surpassing her brother.

But the peak of the dignified Xianjun in the middle stage is close to the late stage of Xianjun.

Speaking of which, she is the closest person to Dao Zun.

"The way of heaven and the law, the spell of the earth, the catastrophe of heaven and water, and the five changes shaking the sky!"

The ground trembled, and there were countless heavenly waters, which directly spread over and trapped the hundreds of people from the Xuan family in front of them.

The terrifying strength of the two made Chu Tian nod his head.

Noticing a member of the Xuan family and wanting to help the Xuan family, his expression changed, and he stepped forward a long time ago.

He stopped in front of Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming's expression changed, and he noticed that someone was actually blocking his way, and his face became extremely ugly; "Get out of the way!"

Chu Tian curled his lips and looked directly at him, feeling extremely ridiculous.

How could he let the Xuan family dare to seek death, he must fulfill these people.

"The two of them are now my people. If you dare to fight, you are my enemy. Are you sure you want to fight me?"

Xuan Ming: "..."

Xuanming vomited blood in anger. In the past, their Xuan family threatened others like this, but now, they actually let other people threaten their Xuan family.

Don't be too hateful this kid.

Xuanming's face pulled, and as soon as he raised his hand, he appeared directly. That day, he did his best and smashed directly at Chutian.

"Damn it, I'm afraid you don't know the status of our Xuan family in the East Heaven Realm, but you dare to stand in the way of our Xuan family, you and the Zhang family, you deserve to die, you deserve to die the most!"

"Heaven arrives at Taoist law, the divine thunder will transform into a calamity, change seven times and seven calamities!"

In an instant, the divine thunder was triggered, but the Dao Dao of this day was so powerful that it fell in an instant.

It really smashed the head of Chutian's Heavenly Buddha in an instant.

Seeing all this, Xuan Ming burst out laughing. The end of the Thunder Tribulation of the Gods of the Seven Paths would destroy more than half of Chutian's Heavenly Buddhas.

Xuan Ming had a smug look on his face. After all, he is also a mid-stage Immortal Sovereign.

With the help of Heaven and Taoism, he doesn't think that he is worse than the guy in front of him.

So what about the Buddha Dharma, compared with their Heavenly Dao and Dao Dharma, it is also far behind.

of course.

For Buddhist cultivators, it is natural that they cannot resist the laws of heaven and earth.

It's a pity that Chutian had countless opportunities, and he was no longer comparable to ordinary immortals when he obtained the great supernatural power of the Tathagata.

Noticing the smile on the other party's face, Chu Tian curled his lips and sighed directly: "You are really ignorant, you think you can win, and your Heavenly Dao and Dao are nothing more than that, if the Daoist also has this kind of strength."

"Then I'm too disappointed, the law will be reorganized, and then condense!"

As soon as he raised his hand, Chu Tian cried out.

The destroyed Buddhist ideas are all directly reorganized.

Seeing all this, Xuan Ming was completely dumbfounded, that is, the whole person froze, froze in place, motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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