Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 241 I want to surpass the saint

Chapter 241 I want to surpass the saint

Chu Tian smiled.

Xuan Ming in front of the laugh was trembling all over, this was the whole person who was pissed off and was about to collapse.

This guy is simply too perverted, too scary.

How can there be such a playful person.

This Buddha Dharma appearance is simply invincible.

Without the strength of the Immortal Emperor, how could it be broken, Chu Tian, ​​the Buddhist figure.

After all, this is the great supernatural power of the Tathagata, and it is also the great supernatural power of a generation of Buddha saints. How could it be that the immortal can resist it?

Xuan Ming looked fearful, and for a moment, he thought of retreating, with Chu Tian around.

There are still two descendants of Dao Zun ahead, and now he feels the danger of the Xuan family.

What ability does he have to snatch this spell.

Gritting his teeth, he took a deep look at Chu Tian, ​​his face darkened.

As soon as he turned around, he also wanted to run directly.

Chu Tian would not let him go, seeing the other party turn around, with one hand move, Tian Buddha also grabbed him directly with one hand.

In an instant, Xuanming was directly caught in the hands of Tianfo.

Xuan Ming's face changed drastically, and his whole body trembled unsightly.

He was in the hands of Tian Buddha, so that he could not escape, and when he was caught by Tian Buddha, he screamed in pain.

"Ah, let me go, let me go!"

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape from the giant hand of Tianfo.

Noticing the young master of the Xuan family, something happened to Xuan Ming.

The face of the Xuan family changed, they couldn't keep calm, they wanted to forcibly break through Zhang Ren and Zhang Xue's way of heaven and earth.

It's a pity that their strength is not enough at all.

Dao Zun's successor, the two joined hands, and their strength is not bad at all.

As soon as he started, the two strands of divine thunder also directly passed among the crowd.

The Xuan family all died tragically.

Seeing all this, Zhang Ren and Zhang Xue looked at each other, without any nonsense, they killed everyone in the Xuan family, and then they set off to snatch a spell.

After getting the spell, he returned directly to Chu Tian.

Seeing that the two got the talisman, Chu Tian was not polite. When the Buddha moved that day, it was all the Xuan family in his hand.

Xuan Ming was pinched into a puddle of blood in an instant.

Chutian was never polite to his enemies.

When Xuan Ming died, Zhang Ren and Zhang Xue looked at each other with indescribable joy in their eyes.

Zhang Ren couldn't help but thank Chu Tian; "Thank you, my lord, for your action. If it wasn't for your lord, Xue'er and I would not be so simple to get rid of these people from the Xuan family."

Zhang Xue took a deep look at Chu Tian, ​​her expression fluctuating, and her expression was very complicated.

Looking at the tragic death of the Xuan family in front of him, he said solemnly; "I'm afraid, the Xuan family will know about this right away. If we can't get the top spot, the Xuan family will definitely not let us go."

"Now, we can only take the top spot quickly, and ask for help from Lord Daosheng!"

Zhang Xue raised her head and spoke seriously.

He actually said that he wanted to seek help from Dao Sheng, but Chu Tian shook his head and took a deep look at Zhang Xue.

Not much to say.

He would like to see what kind of strength this Taoist saint has, and what kind of terrifying heavenly and immortal methods.


All three of them successfully passed the first level.

This snatching spell reduced thousands of immortals by half.

There were heavy casualties, and the place was in a mess.

In the end, I got the spell, which one is not an immortal whose strength is against the sky, and the immortals occupy more than half of them.

Chu Tian also discovered now that there are still two people at the level of the Immortal Emperor.

These two immortal emperors, it is clear that this is the Daoist Discussion Conference, and they are bound to win.

The two immortal emperors are both Taoist cultivators of the Eastern Heaven Realm.

Seeing the two people get the talisman, Zhang Ren's face was also solemn.

Facing Chutian, he couldn't help saying; "They are all the masters of the two Dao Temples in the East Heaven Realm."

"This Infinite Emperor, Infinite Daoism, has been praised by our Daoist Patriarch, and this Emperor Futian, also has advanced Daoism. Both of them are in the early stage of Immortal Emperor. It seems that the positions of the top 2 are confirmed! "

Zhang Xue also nodded, and said with a serious face; "We can only compete for the third place, but fortunately there is still one place we can get."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head and her eyes fell on Chu Tian. Zhang Xue also said directly, "We will help you. Is it the top 3 on the list? At that time, I hope you can let Master Daosheng know about our Zhang family."

Hearing what the two said, Chu Tian swept across the Immortal Emperor who was not far away, with a cold expression on his face.

Especially in the face of Zhang Xue's serious expression, he only frowned and said: "Why, you want to ask the Daoist for help instead of asking me?"

Zhang Xue was taken aback, and when she heard Chu Tian's words, she really looked strange; "Master Dao Sheng is the strongest in the Eastern Heaven Realm, and only they can interfere with our Zhang family's affairs."

"In the end, you are no more than an immortal outside the Eastern Heaven Realm. You can't care about the affairs here, and you don't understand the horror of Dao Sheng!"

Chu Tian snorted coldly, his face was really unhappy.

"You take saints too seriously. I know that a generation of saints is the greatest, but don't forget that they are just ordinary cultivators. Could it be that after tens of thousands of years, no one can surpass them."

"I tell you, you don't need to go to Daosheng, I will replace Daosheng and help you solve all these things!"

Chutian's voice was loud, those proud words.

The two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family were taken aback.

Zhang Renna's complexion changed indefinitely.

Zhang Xue had a bit of disbelief in her eyes. Hearing Chu Tian's words, she couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Even if you have good strength, you are only a predestined person of the Tathagata Buddha. You can't compare with the Tathagata."

"How can you compare with us Daosheng, why do you dare to say that?"

The aggressive aura was directly projected over.

Zhang Ren smiled wryly, and pulled Zhang Xue who was on the side.

Zhang Xue came to her senses and knew that her current attitude was indeed wrong.

His complexion changed, he was silent for a while, still lowered his head, and said directly; "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you, no matter what you say, you are also our Zhang family's benefactor, and I will make up for everything our Zhang family owes you."

Chu Tian could still see that this girl was not reconciled.

Unwilling to be his servant, he worships Taoist saints.

This made him look unhappy.

So what about Taoist saints, what virtue and ability do these holy works have?

What did you do that made you so admired?

He, Chutian, was determined to crush all saints. He took a deep look at Zhang Xue in front of him, but Chutian just put down a word with a calm expression.

"I can't do it now, but I don't need to prove it. I can't do it in the future. In a few days, I will fight against a generation of great demon saints. When the time comes, you will understand whether I am joking."

Fighting with the Great Demon Saint?

Is this really no joke?

Zhang Xue raised her head with a dazed expression. She really didn't know whether Chu Tian was joking or not.

Chu Tian didn't explain much, looking ahead, he must win the top spot this time.

And he also has a plan, which is to take all the top three positions on the list.

Just add the two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family, and there are three people together.

He wants the three of them to completely occupy the top positions of the three rankings.

Even if it is the Immortal Emperor, he will never let it go!

Chu Tian looked at the front with a serious face, waiting for the content of the second level to appear.

He is bound to win!
(End of this chapter)

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