Chapter 242
The second level, this level, is also the most important.

Daosheng only gave three places, named the top three.

Only by ranking at the top of the top three lists can one have the opportunity to meet the Taoist, discuss the Tao with the Taoist, and obtain the true biography of the Taoist.

The once-in-a-hundred-year Daoist discussion is a rare opportunity in the entire heaven.

To win the top three rankings, without the strength of the Immortal Emperor, without good talent, it is simply impossible.

After all, the second level of this level is not just about strength, nor is it as simple as seizing the charm.

The Xianjun Daoist in front looked at the remaining 100 people, raised his hand, and saluted everyone with one hand: "All the immortal friends have won the spell and are qualified to compete for the qualifications of the Daosheng Dao Discussion Conference. The second level is set by our Master Daosheng himself."

"Different from usual, the second level this time will test your determination."

Hearing this, people just looked at each other in blank dismay. They really didn't understand what the second test was going to be.

"A firm heart?"

"What is the test of the second level? This time through the first level, there are hundreds of people, and there are only 2 at the top of the list. How do you plan to choose?"

"Yes, hurry up and come up with a clear solution, don't play anything false."

Some people have long been impatient. They came here for the top spot.

I don't want to come back empty-handed.

There are only three people at the top of the list, which is destined to eliminate hundreds of people, and only some people will look over eagerly.

Xianjun Daoist smiled lightly, and then said; "Testing the Taoist heart is the request of the Daoist Lord. He needs you to show your tenacity to Taoism and your unwavering perseverance in practicing Taoism. This can prove your determination."

The two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family were all in a daze. They really didn't expect that Taoist saints would actually give such a test.

And hearing the words of Xianjun Daoist, there was already a person who couldn't help but walked forward.

This is an Immortal Emperor, and Immeasurable Immortal Emperor is the number one on this list, but he has a well-thought-out plan, and he has the strength of an Immortal Emperor.

He really didn't believe that he couldn't pass the second level.

After knowing the test method of the Immortal Daoist, he raised his hand and said directly: "Let me first say, I am the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, I have practiced Taoism for thousands of years, and I have also glimpsed the way of heaven. Over the years, I have majored in Taoism and have made great achievements. , I think, it won't be long before I can truly reach the Dao of Heaven, and if I have the opportunity, I will see the strength of the Dao of Heaven."

"My Dao heart is firm, and I have tens of thousands of years to be a proof. This is my Dao heart!"

Tens of thousands of years of practice, mainly practicing Taoism, can reach the level of an immortal emperor, which is enough to prove that this person is highly talented.

Moreover, this Immortal Emperor did not cultivate the Dao of Heaven and Dao. He started at a very low level, but he could still become an Immortal Emperor.

Only the two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family sighed when they heard all this.

How could it be impossible for a person who is so obsessed with Taoism to be chosen by Taoism?

There is no one in the crowd who can compare to the Infinite Immortal Emperor in the past.

The Taoist priest in front of him nodded, raised his head again, and looked around.

Obviously, no one dared to speak, and no one had the sincerity of this immortal emperor's ten thousand years of cultivation.

"Haha, Emperor Wuliang is indeed devout and firm in cultivating the Dao. However, apart from you, Emperor Wuliang, I, Immortal Emperor Futian, are not far behind."

Immortal Emperor Futian's face was full of arrogance, he raised his head, and said in a very loud voice; "I am Immortal Emperor Futian, and I am the master of more than ten Taoist temples. There are tens of thousands of followers under him, and they only obey the orders of me, Emperor Futian."

As soon as the words were spoken, people talked about them.

Many people still know about this Immortal Emperor Futian.

"I know that this great emperor has tens of thousands of disciples, and he is also a powerful figure in our East Heaven Realm."

"That's right, there are tens of thousands of Taoist disciples and many Taoist temples. This Immortal Emperor Futian is also a powerful Taoist cultivator. In this regard, who can compare to him."

The admiration of the people around him made Immortal Emperor Futian smile more than ever, feeling the eyes of the people around him, he curled his lips, and said with a faint smile; "Yes, I teach tens of thousands of disciples, major in the way of heaven, and inherit tens of thousands of disciples. I practice Taoism Isn't the heart of the law not strong enough?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Compared with this Immortal Emperor Futian, he has inherited tens of thousands of believers.

Who can compare?

The position of the top 2 is probably already decided.

Watching the two immortal emperors speak first, the two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family looked at each other.

I couldn't bear it anymore.

If things go on like this, they won't be able to get the third position, but they will come here for nothing.

If they can't help Chutian get the top 3, how can they repay the Zhang family's favor.

The faces of the Zhang family turned serious, and they wanted to go forward and tell about their Zhang family's determination.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian couldn't bear it long ago, and stepped forward, without even thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said, "You Taoist sages really like to play mysteries, after all, in the end, it is not the Taoist sage who judges alone. What's the meaning."

"This second level, the last three people, in the end, it is Daosheng who makes the decision alone. He can choose whoever he wants!"

Chu Tian curled his lips. Like the Tathagata, this Taoist sage likes to play tricks and make up something grand.

After all, they just want to cover up their hypocrisy.

This second hurdle is clearly to give Dao Sheng an excuse to choose people himself, so why is Dao steadfast.

I am afraid that what the Taoist saint is looking for is also a big figure who has influence on the Taoist Immortal Realm, this Dao Saint Hall, or the entire East Heaven Realm.

These two immortal emperors are good candidates.

If he didn't show up, these two immortal emperors would have been 100% selected as the top two on this list.

Although there is still a place.

But he, Chu Tian, ​​didn't want to take the third place. If he wanted to take him, he would take the first place. Moreover, he wanted to completely occupy the last two spots.

Looking straight at the past, looking at the Taoist disciples in front of him, Chu Tian said calmly: "I know, you are the one who helps the Taoist preach, well, tell him for me."

"I don't major in Taoism. I have practiced the skills of the great demon sage and the Buddha of the Western Paradise Tathagata. I have also entered the underworld and cultivated the body, soul and ghost. Now I come to the East Heaven Realm, and what I want is his. The law of heaven!"

As soon as Chu Tian said the words, everyone around was stunned.

What a horrible guy.

I have been to so many places, and I have learned so many exercises.

Some people are jealous of Chu Tian.

There were also people who doubted what Chu Tian said.

"Damn it, this kid has been to so many places, and he dares to come to our East Heaven Realm. Could it be that he really thinks that our Daoist will hand over the Dao of Heaven to him, an outsider like him?"

"That's right, he doesn't major in Taoism, but he still wants to obtain the supreme Taoism of Heaven and Taoism. It's not ridiculous."

Some people snorted coldly.

The two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family looked helpless. They never expected that Chu Tian would take the initiative to reveal his purpose.

Still using this tone to pass on a message to the Taoist sage.

Didn't this make it clear that Dao Sheng didn't choose him?

Zhang Xue tightened his lips, and really stomped his feet: "Brother, what does this guy want to do, if we talk about it, we are all descendants of Dao Zun, maybe we can win the top 3 position on this list, but now he said so. "

"It's not like there's no chance at all."

(End of this chapter)

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