Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 243 60 billion to buy the top spot

Chapter 243 60 billion to buy the top spot
Zhang Ren also nodded with a wry smile.

However, looking at Chutian in front of him, he remained silent for a while, and couldn't help but said, "Maybe he has other purposes, let's see how Taoist answers."

After hearing Chutian's words, the Taoist priests froze for a moment, and passed on Chutian's words to Daosheng.

In less than a while, I got a sound transmission from the Taoist sage.

"Master Daosheng has just learned that this fairy friend has a great chance, and he didn't expect that the Tathagata of the Western Paradise can teach you the Dharma and give you the true transmission. The chance of the fairy friend makes us Taoist very admire."

Xianjun Daoist sighed, and said those words.

Only let Chu Tian curl his lips, his voice was loud, and he continued; "This is not nonsense. I helped Tathagata invest in the West Heaven Realm, and the capital was almost 50 billion. I bought the three Buddha seats of Tathagata to enshrine, and it cost a lot of money. 20 billion fairy coins per year."

"How could he not pass on supernatural powers and great Buddha Dharma to me!"

As soon as Chu Tian waved his hand, the words surprised everyone.

What a heroic fairy this is.

A big fairy family has a profit of less than 1 million fairy coins a year.

He can actually take out 20 billion immortal coins to buy the Buddha's seat every year.

This is definitely a rich master.

Obviously, the eyes of the immortals and Taoists in front of them all brightened, and they couldn't look away from Chu Tian.

Noticing this line of sight, the corners of Chu Tian's mouth turned upwards, he raised his head, and continued, "I went up to the Heavenly Court and won the first-rank priesthood, but I don't accept an offering. I have to give billions of immortal coins every year. Give it to the Jade Emperor of Heaven."

Everyone: "..."

The two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family were shocked.

Their Zhang family, when Dao Zun was still there, was the most prosperous period.

Up and down the Zhang family can't earn 10 billion cents a year.

But now, the person in front of him actually spends billions of fairy coins every year to get so many benefits from the fairy world.

This is not only shocking, but shocking.

Chu Tian looked at the Taoist disciples in front of him with confidence on his face, "I came to the Eastern Heaven Realm this time to seek the Dao of Heaven and Dao. I already have a body of Dao, so I am qualified to learn Dao of Heaven."

"I also need the person who has the most understanding of Dao Dao to teach me, and I promise not to treat him badly!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned.

What do you mean, this is to buy, Daosheng lord.

The faces of the two immortal emperors sank, and they looked over angrily, and their hair exploded.

"You want to bribe Daosheng, you guy, do you know who you are saying this to?"

"It's ridiculous, I, Emperor Futian, have more than a dozen Taoist temples, and I have an income of nearly 10 billion fairy coins a year. Could it be that I can't afford money? Don't think that in the heavens, you are the only one who can come up with billions of fairy coins. "

The two immortal emperors stared, their faces full of anger.

Among them, the words of Emperor Futian fell into Chu Tian's ears, and he curled his lips.

Really burst into laughter; "10 billion cents, 10 billion cents, I don't pay attention."

He has a system, 10 billion cents a year, what is this.

As long as the system task comes, he can easily get billions of fairy coins.

He is really not short of this little money.

Looking at the two immortal emperors in front of him, Chu Tian said with a cold and proud face; "I also forgot to say one thing, this time, I want the top three positions, and I will take all the top three positions. .”

Infinite Emperor: "..."

Emperor Futian: "..."

The expressions of the two immortal emperors changed and became ugly.

"You, you dare to talk nonsense, you really think that you can win the top three, let alone three, you don't even think about one."

"That's right, damn it. If you treat the two of us as vegetarians, I tell you that no matter what you do, it is impossible for Master Dao Sheng to give you the top three rankings."

The two immortal emperors were directly out of breath.

Chu Tian still had a cheeky smile on his face. He raised his head and looked at the immortals and Taoists in front of him. He raised his hand and said loudly, "Tell Taoist, the top 3 on the list, one position, 20 billion immortal coins, I am willing to pay 60 billion cents to buy his top 3 list."

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

The two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family suspected that they had heard wrong.

For this fairy family in the fairy world, it is considered amazing to be able to come up with one billion.

Even the Great Emperor Futian has countless Taoist temples, but he really asked him to spend 20 billion to buy the Taoist saint to teach the way of heaven.

This is simply impossible.

But now, Chutian directly offered 60 billion cents coins, such a sky-high price.

Even the Taoist disciples in front of them were shocked.

His complexion fluctuated, and he immediately passed on this matter to Lord Daosheng.

The Daosheng Temple can receive 10 billion immortal coins from the East Heaven Realm every year, which is a tribute to everyone in the Daosheng Temple.

But these immortal coins, in the hands of Dao Sheng, are less than 5 million immortal coins.

Now Chutian directly offers nearly 12 times the price.

Dao Sheng was obviously silent.

These 60 billion immortal coins, what kind of heroic words, shocked all Daosheng adults.

After the Xianjun Taoist passed on the message.

They didn't speak again, and it was obvious that they were all waiting for the consideration of Lord Daosheng.

Dao Sheng thought for a long time, but Chu Tian didn't want to wait any longer, his face pulled, and he waved his hands in displeasure; "60 billion cents, if Dao Sheng doesn't want it, then forget it, I'll leave here, and never will Then step half a step into the Eastern Heaven Realm."

"I'd better go back to the West Heaven Realm and find the Tathagata Buddha. Maybe the West Heaven Realm really needs these 60 billion immortal coins!"

As soon as he spoke, the Taoist priest in front of him became anxious.

"and many more."

Leaving Chutian to find people from the Western Heaven Realm, it was obvious that he didn't want to see it.

There was a conflict between the East Heaven Realm and the West Heaven Realm, and it was given to the West Heaven Realm for nothing. Such a hero, this is not to strengthen the West Heaven Realm.

The immortals and Taoists couldn't help persuading the Taoist saint; "My lord, you don't know. In the past few years since you seized the heavenly way, the Western Heaven Realm has grown and grown. The Tathagata Buddha has caused us a lot of trouble. There have also been a lot of incidents."

"Originally, the merits and virtues of our Taoist temple's incense in the world are not comparable to their Buddha's show. Over the years, our Taoist temple has been suppressed everywhere. Why can't we continue to let those Buddhas continue to bully us!"

As soon as Xianjun Daoist opened his mouth, it was obvious that Daosheng was also directly moved.

That seems to have sighed deeply, and sighed with a face; "This is all the fault of the sage. The sage put down the Taoist hall and ignored it, which caused such a consequence. Hey, the Tathagata received the incense of the world originally than us. , we can no longer have them continue to develop."

"Master Taoist?"

"60 billion cents, ask him how to give it."

The eyes of Xianjun Daoist brightened, and his face was happy when he heard Daosheng speak.

When he raised his head and looked at Chu Tian in front of him, the words made the two immortal emperors drop their jaws in shock.

"Our Master Dao Sheng has something to say, can you guarantee to hand over 2 billion immortal coins to our Dao Temple within 60 days?"

Chutian smiled, without even thinking about it, he raised his head and said, "My credit to Chutian, the Tathagata Buddha of the West Heaven Realm, is very clear."

Xianjun Daoist nodded, very decisive; "Okay, the top 3 on the list will be handed over to you. Besides you, who else do you plan to let them see the Taoist?"

(End of this chapter)

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