Chapter 254

Ao Ye left directly, the room was full of deep sea treasures.

They all stayed, and Chu Tian asked Ru Rong and Ru Fang beside him to sell the deep sea dragon heart to the immortal family who was willing to buy it.

2 million together, Chutian only needs 5 million cents, and the remaining fraction is also used as a reward for these generals who follow him.

Distribute according to their respective positions.

The faces of the two women were a little happy, and they agreed directly.

Follow Chutian's request to deal with it.

Looking at the room full of deep-sea dragon treasures, Chu Tian waved his hands and tightened all the treasures into his treasure ring.

This dragon king is indeed generous.

You can go to this Dragon Palace banquet, maybe you can get a lot of good things.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Chu Tian's face. Seeing that it was getting late, he definitely had no time to return to the Southern Heaven Realm now.

Chu Tian could only return to the human world with a look of regret.

He still has a treasure map, and he still has to go to the world to dig it.

He owes a lot of fairy coins now, and he needs a lot of fairy coins now.

I hope that this treasure map will not disappoint him too much!

Returned to the mortal world.

When Chu Tian arrived in his villa, he felt the tranquility of the mortal world, which made him feel much better.

After leaving the room, he took out his phone, and every call was made to Qing Xiaoyu.

Knowing that Qing Xiaoyu is in the Qing Group, there is no nonsense, so he went straight to the Qing Group.

Sitting in the special car prepared by Qing Xiaoyu.

As soon as Chu Tian arrived at the company, he saw that the head office of the Qing Group was very busy.

Presumably, the registered capital of 1000 billion has made the entire Qing Group lively.

With the development of the Qing family, it will definitely grow stronger and stronger.

This is also good for him, Chu Tian walked towards Qing Xiaoyu's office with a smile on his face.

Before he got to Qing Xiaoyu's office, he found a girl there.

Zhang Xuelian was obviously waiting here, knowing that he was coming, and when she saw him, she ran up excitedly with a smile on her face; "Young Master Chu, the Zhang family asked me to accompany you. If you have any orders, you can tell me. Our Zhang family will Help Chu Shao solve it."

Hearing Zhang Xuelian's words, Chu Tian nodded slightly without saying anything.

Pushing open the door of Qing Xiaoyu's office, she walked in.

Seeing that the two women are there, I feel relieved.

Qing Xiaoyu's complexion was very good. When she saw Chu Tian, ​​her eyes lit up and she took the initiative to approach; "Young Master Chu, there is something I just wanted to tell you."

"Last time, Young Master Chu gave our Qing family a registered capital of [-] billion. We have already invested in many businesses. I believe that it won't take long for our Qing family to become a super big family in the north and south!"

Qing Xiaoyu had a confident face, which made Chu Tian smile slightly, raised his hand, and touched Qing Xiaoyu's face.

With a calm face, he said, "Just don't be too tired."

To him, it doesn't matter how much money in the world is. Now he has enough confidence to make a lot of money.

I don't want the girl in front of me to be too tired.

Feeling Chu Tian's concern, Qing Xiaoyu couldn't stop smiling, and said with a sweet smile: "No, as long as I think that the assets of the Qing family have something to do with Chu Shao, I won't be too tired, and I will help Chu Shao fight Take care of everything."

Chu Tian was moved a lot in his heart, it is good to have such a good girlfriend as Qing Xiaoyu.

Just as he was sighing.

Instead, there was a knock on the door, and someone walked in with a anxious expression on his face.

"Miss, someone wants to meet Miss, he, he said, they belong to the Hua family, as long as they say this name, Miss will know."

Hearing her secretary's words, Qing Xiaoyu raised her head to look at Chu Tian with a puzzled expression.

With a calm face, Chu Tian asked directly, "Where is he?"

"It's in the waiting room, where are you waiting? He said that he has something urgent and wants the eldest lady to go over quickly."

Chu Tian glanced at Qing Xiaoyu, put down his words, and left directly; "I'll just go and meet him."

Qing Xiaoyu nodded, knowing very well that the Hua family must have something to do with Chutian when they came to look for her.

He also wanted to contact Chutian through the Qing family.

Chutian left the office, and Zhang Xuelian followed closely behind Chutian.

Zhang Xuelian also looked curious; "Is this Hua family the one in the east that was hit by the Xia family?"

"you know?"

"Just a little understanding. I heard that the Hua family property was originally a top business family in China, but it was constantly suppressed by the Xia family and took up a lot of business. The most important thing is that the Xia family knows many thousand-year-old families. It is not the Hua family that can resist, so, That's why the Hua family was hit everywhere."


After listening to Zhang Xuelian's words, Chu Tian had already arrived at the lounge.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw that there was a man waiting here, and the visitor was stunned when he saw Chu Tian.

Clearly did not see Qing Xiaoyu's puzzled face.

"you are?"

"You Hua family, have you forgotten who you made the agreement with, and what about Hua Xin's people?"

As soon as Chutian opened his mouth, Hua Qiangren in front of him reacted and looked at Chutian with respect.

"It turns out that you are Young Master Chu, who has long admired your name. Young Master Chu, I am Hua Feng, and I am also Hua Xin's father. I came here this time to ask Young Master Chu to help our Hua family."

"Did something happen to the Hua family?"

"Young Master Chu, these few days, the Xia family learned that our Hua family was about to move, and they also attacked our Hua family again. This time, many businesses of the Hua family were hit. Our Hua family was outraged and made an agreement with the Xia family A challenge."

Huafeng's face was ugly, and he clenched his fists and said, "Whoever loses will hand over the family business. This time, our Hua family doesn't want to be suppressed by the Xia family anymore."

Hearing this, Chu Tian's eyes lit up.

"Oh, your Hua family has done a good job, so the Xia family agreed?"

Hua Feng nodded, with a little excitement on his face.

How to put it, the Xia family never thought that their Hua family already had a powerful backer.

With Chutian around, their Hua family would have a chance to turn the tide.

Unexpectedly, the Hua family has such a backbone, which made Chu Tian agree without thinking; "Okay, since that's the case, I will help you. Anyway, as I said, your Hua family will submit to me, and I will help you." I will definitely take care of your Hua family's affairs."

"Thank you, Young Master Chu."

Hua Feng lowered his head, his face full of respect.

In the eyes of Zhang Xuelian, who was watching from the side, she curled her lips, pulled Chutian, and couldn't help but said, "Young Master Chu, let's not agree so hastily, the Xia family knows a lot of people in the east."

"I'm afraid, it's very possible that the Xia family has found a powerful millennium family. Do you know that there are several super millennium families in the east area."

Chu Tian glanced over lightly: "Very powerful?"

Zhang Xuelian said with a serious face: "That's right, young master Chu, you don't know that these few masters cultivate Taoism. After cultivating Taoism and strengthening the heart of Taoism, after becoming immortals, they will get the five dharmas. Compared with those who practice Buddhism and Taoism, they are all It’s going to be a lot stronger.”

 5 more, and start to make up what I owed before.

(End of this chapter)

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