Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 255 Heading to the Hua Family

Chapter 255 Heading to the Hua Family
Hearing Zhang Xuelian's words, Chu Tian became even more interested.

He really wanted to see how capable these thousand-year-old families who majored in Dao Xin were capable of.

Cultivate Dao Xin to become a fairy?

Isn't this the way to enter the immortal through the Tao, the way of the immortal?
Unexpectedly, these thousand-year-old aristocratic families have so many ties to the fairy world, which only made Chu Tian sigh.

Without talking nonsense, he said to the Hua family in front of him; "Take me there, I will take care of your Hua family's affairs."

As soon as Chu Tian opened his mouth, Zhang Xuelian smiled wryly. She knew she couldn't persuade her, so she gritted her teeth and said seriously, "Young Master Chu, I'll go with you too. I understand the thousand-year-old Chinese family in the east. A little bit, I can help you too."

Chu Tian nodded and directly agreed.

Huafeng's face was full of excitement. Hearing Chutian's promise, he immediately called someone, bought a plane ticket, and sent Chutian there.

The Hua family's preparations were very quick, and the air tickets were booked.
There are special cars to pick up and drop off Chutian, and it takes only half an hour to arrive at the airport.

take plane.

To the east of Donghai City.

This bustling metropolis is full of traffic. As a developed city in China, it is also the economic button center of the entire China.

The east area is the most fertile area.

This is not comparable to the business families in the north and the south, nor is it comparable to the west area at all.

The grandeur of the Hua family was also seen in Chutian.

Even such a down-and-out Hua family is stronger than the Qing family, which is enough to show the prosperity of the business families in the east.

The special cars that came to pick up and drop off Chutian were all ostentatious.

These additional limousine teams were all waiting for Chu Tian alone.

After getting out of the car, Chu Tian felt the eyes of a group of people.

I have to admit that there are quite a few people in the Hua family, and they looked over with a little expectation, but they noticed Chu Tian's age.

Some people in the Hua family still looked astonished.

"Patriarch, this, this is really the person our Hua family is looking for?"

"I, I originally thought he was a white-haired expert. He, he is so young. My lord, we, we really didn't find the wrong person."

The Hua family also knew many high-level people from thousand-year-old families. None of these high-level people were over middle-aged.

He had a childlike face with white hair, but Chu Tian was really too young.

So young and energetic, it is inevitable to make people suspicious.

Hua Hong, the Patriarch of the Hua Family, let out a dry cough, took a deep look at Chu Tian, ​​and approached with a forced smile, "Excuse me, is this Young Master Chu?"

Chu Tian nodded.

Many Hua families are full of discussions.

Although this Young Master Chu's name is very young, he never thought that he would be so young. Judging by the age of the other party, can he really be twenty?

At such a young age, he is really someone their Hua family can trust.

"Patriarch, I object to this competition and give him an outsider."

Inside the Hua family, someone raised his hand and couldn't help but yelled.

Many Hua family members stared at the past, their faces were silent, and their eyes revealed a sense of worry.

"Patriarch, what Hua Qing said is right. Our Hua family must carefully consider this competition. Our Hua family cannot afford to lose."

"The Xia family can lose, but our Hua family cannot. If we lose this time, our Hua family will be finished."

The faces of the Hua family were ugly, and they sighed, and their faces were full of sorrow.

They took this competition too seriously.

This is related to the future of the entire Hua family.

A man from the Hua family walked out arrogantly. Hua Qing sneered, pointing at Chu Tian and said, "Patriarch, do you really think that he alone can beat the one who claims to be a Taoist in the east? Original home?"

Hear this name.

Hua Hong's face darkened, looking ugly.

Everyone in the Hua family was silent, and for a while, the atmosphere in the entire Hua family was still a bit weird.

There was one person who couldn't bear it.

Huaxin is an absolute supporter of Chutian.

It was also he who wooed Chutian and let Chutian take control of the Hua family.

At this moment, he couldn't bear it for a long time, stepped forward, and said in a loud voice; "I have seen the strength of Chu Shao, and he smashed a pirate ship in an instant."

"He can make hundreds of pirates decapitated with a single shot!"

As soon as Hua Xin's words came out, Hua Qing in front of him heard it, and curled his lips, his face was extremely cold.

"Brother Xin, what you said is too ridiculous. Those people from the original family, which one, can turn their hands into clouds and rain with a single shot, and destroy a pirate ship. For them, don't be too big!" Simple, not too easy."

Hua Qing looked around and said indifferently, "I have known the people from the original family this time, and I know how powerful they are. The people the Xia family is looking for are the real strong!"

The Hua family fell silent again.

Just like what Hua Qing said, when the original family flipped their hands, the world changed even more.

Just by solving a small pirate ship, can it be compared with the original family?
This is simply not possible!

Facing the eyes of the Hua family, Hua Xin's face was extremely ugly, she was so angry that she wanted to say something.

Instead, a voice sounded.

Chu Tian couldn't bear it long ago, looked at the Hua family in front of him, and said coldly; "Your Hua family are really rubbish. After all, you are still afraid of losing, which is ridiculous. If I don't help you, who can your Hua family turn to?" to help?"

When Chu Tian's cold words were passed on, the faces of the Hua family changed.

As Chu Tian said, who else can the Hua family turn to for help?

Seeing the hesitation of these people in front of him, Chu Tian shook his head and said coldly, "Forget it, your Hua family has really disappointed me. If you want to lose, I will give you a chance, and I will not accompany you!"

As soon as he turned around, Chu Tian wanted to leave.

He really planned to go back, he didn't have much time to chat with the Hua family in front of him.

What he wants to do most is to dig the treasure map in his hand.

Life and death of the Hua family is none of his business.

Chutian wanted to leave, which made the faces of the Hua family change drastically. If Chutian left, who could help their Hua family.

His face was ugly, and he was in a hurry.

The Patriarch of the Hua family, Hua Hong also looked over anxiously, and couldn't help blocking Chu Tian's way: "Young Master Chu, you, don't be angry, our Hua family didn't mean that, our Hua family was just worried, our Hua family It’s just that I can’t afford to lose anymore.”

Hua Hong smiled wryly, his face was ugly, and there was a kind of sigh.

As soon as the words came out, a girl behind Chu Tian twitched her mouth and said with a straight face: "You Hua family really don't understand Chu Shao's strength, Chu Shao's identity and background, how can you understand, Let me tell you, even if the thousand-year-old family ranks among the top 10, they must respect Young Master Chu."

Hearing this, the Hua family looked up.

Noticing Zhang Xuelian, her face changed, she recognized the eldest lady of the Zhang family.

The Zhang family, after all, is a thousand-year-old family.

The words that the Miss Zhang family said had to be believed.

The top 10 thousand-year-old aristocratic families must respect Chu Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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