Chapter 269

First Dragon Palace, in the main hall of the palace.

Jewelry envelops the entire palace, and the walls of the palace are made of deep-sea crystals, which are crystal clear.

Incomparably beautiful, even more glamorous.

A dragon palace can be so beautiful and exquisite, it is also impossible to divert people's eyes.

Looking at the No. [-] Dragon Palace in front of him, Chu Tian had a strong desire to take it all for himself.

That's right, he wants to be the master of the No. [-] Dragon Palace and win the No. [-] Dragon Palace in the deep sea!

"Wow, the First Dragon Palace is really beautiful, I really want to live here in the future."

Ao Ya looked excited, looking at the No. [-] Dragon Palace with excitement.

When the dragon son and dragon girl beside him heard this, they all sighed: "It's not easy to live in this first Dragon Palace, not only to win the Dragon Palace Battle, but also to get the approval of all the water tribes."

"That's right, our Ao clan, it's fine if we can get the support of half of the Shui clan."

The son and daughter of the Ao family sighed.

This first dragon palace has not changed hands for tens of thousands of years.

Every hundred years, it is used as a special place for banquets in the Dragon Palace, and as the venue for the Dragon Palace Fighting Meeting.

The first Dragon Palace has to choose the master of the Dragon Palace every time, but unfortunately, every time at the end, it is opposed by many aquariums.

There is no Dragon King family who can win the first Dragon Palace.

In today's Dragon Palace Battle, the Ao clan didn't have much confidence in winning.

In the palace, many aquariums are on the side of other dragon kings.

The Ao family has no confidence.

Right now, everyone has arrived in the main hall.

All the Dragon Clans present are the focus of attention of the Aquarium Clan.

There are many of these aquarium spirits, all the aquarium spirits from the southeast, northwest, and everywhere are gathered here.

Essence of clam, dragon fish, millennium deep dragon and so on.

Attached to the Dragon Kings from all over the world, I am looking forward to this Dragon Palace Battle.

This is the focus of the Dragon Palace Banquet.

This time, the Dragon King's sons and daughters gathered in the hundreds.

Among them, the two big dragon king clans are the most powerful.

These are the Bo family and the Gao family. Now the Dragon Palace fight meeting is presided over by the two dragon kings.

The two dragon kings are well-known among the water clan, and compared to the prosperity of the deep sea dragon clan, they are much more powerful than the Ao clan.

It can be seen that two people are presiding over the Dragon Palace Fighting Meeting.

How powerful are the two dragon kings.

As soon as the two dragon kings raised their hands, only the water spirits shouted out, the voice was so loud that the whole dragon palace was boiling.

"My fellow Shui people, you should all know what day it is today. The First Dragon Palace has not changed hands for ten thousand years. The owner of the First Dragon Palace must be recognized by all the Shui people."

"In the past ten thousand years, no Dragon King family has achieved it. After all, to become the master of the No. [-] Dragon Palace, one must be the absolute king among our water clan!"

"Being able to lead our Shui Clan to prosperity, and even more so to convince our Dragon King Clan, all of these conditions are indispensable!"

The aquarium spirit yelled directly, with boiling voices.

Echoing the words of the two dragon kings.

Aoye's face was ugly. It was extremely difficult to complete one of these two conditions.

Both must be achieved, which clearly means not giving them hope for the Ao clan.

Aoye couldn't help but stepped forward, and said in a cold tone; "The First Dragon Palace has been vacant for a long time, and there is no Dragon King family who can dominate it. Tianlong, laugh at us deep sea aquarium, no dragon!"

Hearing Aoye's words, the two dragon kings were not angry either.

The eyes looked over coldly, with a mocking sneer.

"I don't think it's a joke that there is no one in our deep sea dragon clan, but a joke that you, the Dragon King of Zhenhai, don't have any strength and can't be the first master of the Dragon Palace."

"Aoye, your Ao family is no longer as good as it used to be. Don't even think about it. Now you are a fifth-rank priest, but you are mixed up like this. This is not proof. Your Ao family is rubbish!"

The mocking words of Bo Shi and Gao Shi.

It made Aoye's face extremely ugly, biting his fist, and vomiting blood in anger.

The son and daughter of the Ao family were also very angry.

Ao Ya screamed angrily; "These two dragon kings are too hateful, if they hadn't been wooing the Shui people and preventing my father from becoming the master of the dragon palace, the first master of the dragon palace would have belonged to my father long ago .”


Chu Tian opened his mouth softly, which made Ao Ya couldn't help but turn her head to look over, waved her small fist and said, "However, big brother, you just take care, this time, my father will definitely win the first dragon palace master, When the time comes, our Ao family will definitely invite our elder brother to come here often as our guests."

Ao Ye won the Lord of the Dragon Palace?

This will not work.

His system mission is to obtain the First Dragon Palace and become the owner of the First Dragon Palace. No matter who it is, he will never let it go.

Looking ahead, the Dragon Palace battle will start.

Chu Tian's eyes were fixed. Although he saw the Ao family and was very confident, he was still not in a hurry to make a move.

Obviously, the Bo clan and the Gao clan are two big dragon king clans, so it is impossible not to understand the strength of the Ao clan.

Dare to say so today, I am afraid that he has already thought about how to deal with the Ao clan, and he will win the Dragon Palace battle, which is inevitable.

He planned to stay aside and wait and see.

Facing the Ao clan, the two dragon kings in front gave a cold snort.

"Aoye, in the past few times, you were able to win by luck. This time is different. Our more than ten dragon king clans have joined forces long ago, and we will definitely not allow you to be re-elected as dragon king."

"That's right, Aoye. Today, we're going to see how qualified you are to continue to be the Dragon King of Zhenhai. The meeting begins."

Under the yelling of the Shui Clan, the Dragon Palace Battle also started directly.

These more than a dozen Dragon King clans had already discussed, and the first one they had to deal with was the Ao clan.

All Dragon Kings, Dragon Sons and Dragon Girls must participate in the Dragon Palace Battle.

Even Ao Ya is unlikely to be spared.

In an instant, Nabo and Gao were the first to transform into dragon bodies.


Two real deep-sea dragons appeared in an instant. They were tens of meters long, hovering in the air, opened their mouths, and let out a dragon cry, which really shocked the surrounding aquariums.

Feeling the terror of the two dragon kings, some of the aquarium spirits all had volatile expressions.

There was a little horror on his face.

"Bo's and Gao's, the two dragon kings, this, I'm afraid they have reached the strength of Longyou Nine Heavens. With their cultivation base, if they enter the heavenly realm, they will definitely become members of the Dragon Clan of that day."

"That's right, wow, it's indeed the pride of our Shui Clan. It's too powerful. The Dragon Kings of the Bo family and the Gao family are really suitable for the Dragon King of Zhenhai!"

The body and the momentum of the two dragon kings.

Let the aquarium look pleasantly surprised, and called out directly.

It put tremendous pressure on the Dragon King, Dragon Son and Dragon Girl of the Ao clan.

Ao Ye's strength is indeed not bad, but he has to deal with the two dragon kings in front of him, which puts him a lot of pressure.

Not to mention, there are other dragons from the Dragon King family ahead.

These dragon sons and dragon daughters had locked on to their Ao clan long ago. As soon as the two dragon kings, Bo clan and Gao clan, spoke, they rushed over directly.

"Come on, destroy their Ao clan first!"

(End of this chapter)

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