Chapter 270 I am also the Dragon King Clan

The other dragon kings, the dragon son and the dragon girl, soared into the sky in an instant, and immediately turned into real dragons the moment they rushed over.

More than a dozen real dragons hovered in the sky, and the real dragons roared.

Breathing out deep water, he rushed directly towards the Ao clan in front of him.

It's okay for the Ao family to face a few real dragons, but the number of real dragons in front of them is simply not something they can deal with.

This made the Ao family keep dodging in embarrassment.

Bo Shi and Gao Shi couldn't stop laughing, and when they glanced at the embarrassment of the Ao clan, they all looked bright.

The two dragon kings were very proud, their faces were full of arrogance, and they roared directly.

"Aoye, don't admit defeat directly. It is impossible for your Ao family to win."

"Don't you really think that you can beat our clan of more than ten dragon kings and these hundreds of real dragons? You are so ridiculous. How long can you last?"

Ao Ye's face was ugly, even though he had turned into a real dragon, he still couldn't resist the other dragon kings who were besieging him frantically.

Surrounded by four dragon kings, he couldn't escape.

It also put his Dragon Son and Dragon Girl in crisis.

At this moment, several dragon sons and dragon girls were injured.

However, the dragon son and daughter of the Ao family are very strong and are still struggling to support them.

Seeing that her brother and sister were all injured, Ao Ya clenched her fists, unable to hold back her breath.

Xiao Longnv was angry, took a step forward, and yelled out, "Don't you want to hurt my brothers and sisters, I, Aoya, am also a dragon girl of the Ao clan, and I, Wulongnv, are not afraid of you guys, I am also Aoya!" to fight you."

As soon as Xiao Longnv stepped forward, she still wanted to make a move.

Seeing this, Longzi and Longnv of the Ao family's face changed drastically, and they immediately stopped her.

"Ao Ya, you haven't passed the Dragon Clan trial yet, and you haven't learned the Dragon Clan's mind yet, so don't mess with me."

"Little Yaya, hurry up and leave me alone, you can't even turn into a real dragon, what can you do."

Several dragon sons and dragon girls looked over worriedly.

Xiao Longnu held her breath, gritted her silver teeth, her pretty face was very serious; "Who says I can't transform into a real dragon, I'll show you, Miss Ben, I'm no worse than you, take care."

Opening her mouth, she spit out the dragon ball, and at this moment, the little dragon girl relied on the dragon ball in her mouth to directly transform into a dragon.

This little dragon is small, and the whole body is white.

The figure of less than 1 meter long really made other dragon sons and dragon girls not far away laugh when they saw the real dragons.

"This can be regarded as the posture of a real dragon, which is obviously a bug."

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, such a little bug dares to shout at us here, let Prince Benlong swallow her in one gulp!"

A dragon more than ten meters long suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed it towards Ao Ya.

Ao Ya was only one meter long, and her whole body trembled, obviously because she was frightened by the other party's huge mouth.

Floating in the air stupidly, motionless, all looking dumbfounded.

The faces of the dragon sons and daughters of the Ao family changed drastically, and they wanted to help, but unfortunately they couldn't protect themselves and couldn't go forward at all.

Even Ao Ya thought she was going to die.

There was a loud voice, and as soon as the person came raised his hand, this move only shocked the whole body of the ten-meter real dragon in front of him.

"I said before that I will protect the Ao family. This little dragon girl is my younger sister. You alone dare to hurt her in front of me."

Chu Tian's whole body moved, without even thinking about it, he shot directly.

The speed was so fast that he arrived in front of the real dragon in the blink of an eye, and a palm was directly printed on the opponent's real dragon.

The whole body of the real dragon trembled, and there was a scream, and the dragon's body was directly sent flying by Chu Tian's palm.

When the dragon's body collided with the crystal palace of the Dragon Palace, it vomited blood wildly. When it landed, it could no longer maintain its real dragon figure, and fell to the ground, dying.

Noticing this situation, many dragon sons and dragon girls watched over.

Being directly shocked by Chutian's move, and attacking Chutian at the same time, he was very dissatisfied.

"You, you are not a member of our Dragon Clan, why should you intervene?"

"Yes, even if you are a first-rank priest, but this is a big fight within our Dragon Palace, you can't mess around, be careful, we will report it to the Heavenly Court, saying that you disturbed the banquet of our Aqua Dragon King."

"Don't even think about meddling with me, don't even think about meddling with the affairs of our Dragon King clan!"

Some dragon sons and dragon girls glared over angrily.

Chu Tian curled his lips and looked over with a smile on his face; "Who said that I am not from the Dragon King clan, she is a younger sister, and I am her brother, so I am also a half-blood relative of your Dragon King clan."

Not to mention the words of Long Zi and Long Nu who were killed by Chu Tian, ​​they directly vomited blood in anger.

How could this be counted? This guy is obviously just trying to quibble.

Not far away, Na Bo and Gao also noticed this side, looking at Chutian, their faces were not good-looking, and they could clearly feel Chutian's powerful aura.

It is clear that Chutian has different identities.

They had already known that Aoye had hired a first-rank priesthood, but they did not expect that the relationship between this priesthood and the Ao clan was so difficult.

The two dragon kings couldn't help but speak.

"My lord, the matter of the dragon king of the water clan can only be handled by our dragon king clan. If you intervene like this, we will report to the Tianhe Tianlong clan, and the Nine Heavens Shenlong clan will also intervene. Are you sure you want to take care of it?"

"That's right, if the Nine Heavens Dragon Clan finds out that you disturb our Deep Sea Dragon King's banquet, the Nine Heavens Dragon King will not let you go."

Facing the threat of the two dragon kings, how could Chu Tian be afraid, and when he curled his lips, his face didn't change at all.

"So what, am I really afraid that you will fail?"

Anyway, he also had a feud with the Tathagata Buddha, so there really isn't a lot of Nine Heavens Dragons.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the two dragon kings were really furious.

His eyes fell on Ao Ye in front of him, and his face was even more gloomy; "Ao Ye, you are looking for people from the heavens to fight, you are violating the rules of our Dragon Clan, and the Nine Heavens Dragon Clan will not forgive you for this matter. "

"You Ao clan are not qualified to be the clan of the deep sea dragon king at all. You have broken the rules of the dragon king since Yi Nian!"

Ao Ye's expression changed, and his eyes fell on Chu Tian in front of him.

After taking a deep look and sweeping across the little dragon girl, Ao Ye didn't panic at all, but just burst out laughing.

"Haha, breaking the rules, that's not necessarily the case. Who said that this lord can't become a member of our Dragon King clan."

"Aoye, what do you mean?"

Ao Ye's words made the two dragon kings look bad.

Ao Ye curled his lips, looked straight at him, and said with a cold face: "As the Dragon King of Zhenhai, and as the Dragon King of the Ao Clan, I betrothed my little girl, Aoya Wulongnv, to this lord. .”

"Ao Ya, the daughter of five dragons, is the dragon son-in-law of my Ao clan. From now on, he is also a member of our Dragon King clan!"

Hearing Aoye's words, the faces of some dragon clans changed drastically, and they looked astonished.

Ao Ya also had a long mouth, and when she heard her father's words, she couldn't recover, and glanced at Chu Tian.

This little loli actually blushed a little.

(End of this chapter)

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