Chapter 271
The two dragon kings, Bo and Gao, were about to be blown up.

This Ao Ye is too hateful, within the Dragon Clan, it has been hundreds of millions of years, never marrying a dragon girl.

But now, Aoye has violated the rules of the dragon clan and married the dragon girl to someone other than the dragon clan.

Even for the Shui tribe, it's okay to say, but they want to marry a mortal immortal who has become an immortal.

This matter is absolutely not allowed by their Dragon King clan.

"Aoye, don't mess with me. Let me tell you, even the Nine Heavens Dragon Clan will not agree to this matter."

"That's right, Heavenly Dragon, I know that you dare to insult the blood of our Dragon King family like this, and I will definitely not let you go."

Aoye also went all out, but he knew very well that if Chutian didn't make a move, their Ao clan would be doomed.

I don't care if I don't care, I was blamed by Tianlong, and punished by the Dragon King of Nine Heavens.

Now he only wants to be re-elected as the Dragon King of Zhenhai!
Strengthen his Ao clan!
"Don't scare me with Lord Dragon God and Tianlong."

"I, Aoye, will never go back on the decision I made. I said I would betroth my daughter to him, and I will do what I said. From now on, he is my son-in-law of Aoye, and he is the son-in-law of my Ao clan." People are also members of the Dragon King clan!"

Ao Ye's voice was loud, which made many dragon kings look angry.

Seeing how Ao Ye destroyed the bloodline of their Dragon King family.

The dragon kings surrounding Aoye also immediately became furious.

"Aoye, if you dare to pollute the blood of the Dragon King clan, I will punish you on the spot, and I will kill you."

"Aoye, you really deserve to die. The daughter of the Dragon King never marries outside. If you dare to act like this, we Dragon Kings will never let you go!"

The four real dragon kings breathed out the breath of the dragon, and the fire water rushed forward and enveloped Aoye.

This made Ao Ya see it, her face flustered, her expression changed drastically, and she couldn't help but yelled at Chu Tian.

"Big brother, I don't want anything to happen to my royal father, please save my royal father."

The little girl came over with a pitiful look on her face.

It is impossible for Chutian to let something happen to Aoye.

Didn't Ao Ye say that he was willing to betroth him as a dragon girl and give him the identity of the Dragon King clan.

This is of great help to him in completing the task!
He had to win the first Dragon Palace, and he had to convince all the Dragon Kings.

"My father-in-law Long, let me help you. From now on, I am also from the Dragon King Clan, and I can also participate in your Dragon Palace Battle. I have all the qualifications that your other Dragon King Clans have."

"You little dragons, how dare you go crazy here!"

Chu Tian's whole body moved, that figure swayed up, and when he raised his hand, he actually grabbed a real dragon out of thin air and threw it out.

While the real dragon was being thrown into the air, it bumped into several real dragons, all of them staggered.

Roll straight into a ball.

The real dragon, which was nearly 20 meters long, was thrown out by Chu Tian, ​​which caused many aquarium spirits to look astonished, and looked at it with ugly eyes.

Chu Tian's face was calm, and he glanced at several dragon kings, his gaze was also the strongest in front of him.

It is also the body of the two deep-sea true dragons most trusted by the entire aquarium.

He was amused when he heard that these two real dragons had reached the Nine Heavens of Longyou and could be promoted to Tianlong.

The strength of Tianlong, within the heaven, is comparable to a big Luo Jinxian.

That's right, the strength of these two real dragons is the level of the Da Luo Jinxian!
This is actually the highest level of true deep-sea aquarium!

Isn't this a joke!
Facing Chu Tian's condescending gaze, the two real dragons felt a little pressure, because the status of this lord is too special.

A first-class priesthood is in the body.

With this one priesthood title, the two real dragons really dare not step forward to confront them.

The expression on his face fluctuated, and he looked around Chutian's whole body, making it clear that he was inspecting Chutian's strength, how terrifying it really was.

It's a pity that their longan is still too bad, how could they see through Chutian's true strength.

Seeing the two real dragons froze in place, not daring to move forward, the dragon sons and daughters of the other dragon kings and daughters around them were all shocked.

Chutian knew that this was an opportunity, but he didn't want to let go of this great opportunity.

He doesn't just want to win this big fight, he wants to get the First Dragon Palace and become the owner of the First Dragon Palace!
Therefore, he must do it to let all the aquarium.

All the dragon kings are sincerely convinced by him!
"I once believed that I had been instructed by the Nine Heavens Dragon King!"

As soon as Chu Tian spoke, the expressions of the two dragon kings changed.

Many aquariums and dragon sons and dragon daughters all looked astonished.

The Dragon King of Nine Heavens is the most supreme existence, and that is the real pinnacle of the Dragon Clan, the pride of the Dragon Clan.

"You, don't try to deceive people. The Dragon King of Nine Heavens travels in the Three Realms, and rarely meets people. Even the Jade Emperor of Heaven, it is very difficult to see him as an old man."

"He is a generation of Dragon God, and even more so, a generation of Dragon Sage. He is the supreme Dragon Sacred God of the Dragon Clan. You can't see him."

Chu Tian pursed his lips, his expression calm; "Not only did I see him, he also gave me a dragon orb, and I gave this orb to my pet."

These words made the Dragon King clan in front of them all look at each other in blank dismay.

He clearly didn't believe what Chu Tian said, Shenlong Baozhu, how precious it is.

How could it be possible to hand it over to someone who is not from the Dragon Clan.

This is simply impossible!
"Of course, you won't believe it, but why should I lie to you? If I want to kill all of your Dragon King clan, I'll just raise my hand."

"In front of me, you are truly like worms and ants. All the dragons of your Dragon King Clan go together, and you are not my opponent alone. However, I don't want to kill all your Dragon King Clan. I want to give the Nine Heavens Dragon King A face."

How to put it, Nine Heavens Dragon King also helped him once.

Chu Tian didn't want to touch the killer directly.

This is really a kind of arrogance, to say that all their dragon kings are like insects, like ants.

Not his opponent alone!
These words fell into the ears of the Dragon King clan, their faces were angry, and hundreds of dragon sons and daughters were all angry.

"Damn, he is too hateful, why would he dare to say such a thing?"

"Master Uncle, Lord Gao, we must not let this kid go, we must not allow him to win the victory with the Dragon King of the Ao family, let us tear him to pieces together."

"What about the first priesthood? We have Bailong here, so why are we still afraid of him being a mortal?"

Quite a few people glared at him directly, they really didn't think how powerful Chu Tian was.

They've been in the deep sea too long.


Having seen so few immortals, I am afraid that in the eyes of these dragon kings, the two true dragons of Da Luo Jinxian are considered to be the peak.

Chu Tian shook his head, with a little sigh; "The worms at the bottom of the well are talking about you, so it's no wonder that your deep sea dragon clan was abandoned by others. In my opinion, Tianlong and Nine Heavens Dragon King never thought of classifying you as one of the dragon clan. Inside."

"What did you say, you bastard!"

Bailong ran away, facing Chutian, and charged directly.

(End of this chapter)

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