Chapter 276
Accompanying Zhang Xuelian to the main lobby of the hotel.

There are already people waiting here.

The Hua family looked respectful, and when they saw Chu Tian, ​​they lowered their heads with a respectful expression; "Young Master Chu, we have already prepared breakfast, and at the same time, there is one thing that we need to report to you, Young Master Chu."

As soon as Chu Tian raised his head, he asked directly, "Is it about the Xia family?"

It must be the Xia family's business that the Hua family is looking for him like this.

Today, it was agreed that we will fight against the Yuan family, the thousand-year-old family that protects Xia's family.

He still has a little expectation for this matchup.

It depends on what kind of master the Yuan family can find, so that he can be happy.

But think about it, in this mortal world, is there really an existence stronger than the immortals in the heavens?

Let's just say that those aquarium spirits and monsters yesterday, if any one of them didn't come to this mortal world, they would be able to set off a turbulent wave.

After thinking about it, Chu Tian looked calm.

It's just that the faces of the Hua family are not good-looking, so thinking of the arrival of the original family this time, one by one is very pale.

"Young Master Chu, this time the Yuan family has invited a patriarch of their Yuan family to help. I heard that the other party is a genuine earth immortal."

"Earth Immortal strength?"

Chu Tian looked curious, turned his head, and his eyes fell on Zhang Xuelian, obviously asking Zhang Xuelian.

Zhang Xuelian's expression changed, and she said seriously, "Young Master Chu, if you cross the realm of the golden core, if you can break the golden core and make the nascent soul come out of the body, then they are earth immortals. They are real underground immortals who can look down upon the heavens. "

Hearing Zhang Xuelian's words made Chu Tian startled, especially the last sentence.

Made him feel amused.

"Condescending to the heavens, haha, this is really arrogant. In the three realms, who dares to say that they are arrogant to the heavens."

Even the ancient real dragon king was killed by a divine thunder because he was against the sky.

This mere mortal, who is only in the Nascent Soul realm, dares to say such words.

What kind of fairy is this, it only makes Chu Tian feel that it is a joke.

Chu Tian's face was calm, he didn't want to rest assured, he turned his head directly, and planned to talk about it after breakfast.

On the contrary, the complexion of the Hua family changed, it was clear that they were very taboo towards the ancestor of the original family.

The ancestor of the original family.

But the genuine Earth Immortals were not originally in the Yuan family, but now they were specially summoned back by the Yuan family from thousands of miles away.

I heard that it took this Earth Immortal less than half a day to rush back to his original home.

This let the Hua family know that the original ancestors of the original family were going to go out, and it made them tremble with fear all night.

Even Zhang Xuelian furrowed her brows tightly. Although there are many cultivators in this thousand-year-old family, there are many Jindan people.

It is possible to reach Nascent Soul, how many are there?
In her entire life, she had never seen a person who practiced Taoism in the Nascent Soul realm.

In her opinion, the golden core is the pinnacle of a cultivator, let alone the Nascent Soul of the Earth Immortal.

This can be regarded as half a fairy!
In the dining room, Zhang Xuelian had a frowning face, she really couldn't eat anything.

In Chutian's eyes, he shook his head, he really wanted to tell this girl.

He has not only seen a true immortal, but also an immortal emperor, this little earth immortal, half an immortal.

In his eyes, nothing counts.


After eating breakfast, Chu Tian also sat in the Hua family's car.

The Hua family looked dignified, and led him back to yesterday's underground martial arts arena.

The Xia family had already arrived.

This time, Xia Tao, the head of the Xia family, finally appeared.

The Patriarch of the Xia family, who was half-footed into the cemetery, had a pair of eyes with a bit of cold murderous intent. When he saw the Hua family, his face was pulled, and he glared angrily, his eyes were cold.

That gaze and gaze made many Hua family members look heavy.

The Xia family oppressed the Hua family for so many years because of this man.

The fear of these years made them dare not look at the man in front of them.

Xia Tao curled his lips, and the hoarse voice was full of sarcasm; "You Hua family dare to turn around, don't be too ridiculous, don't be too ignorant, I can suppress your Hua family for a hundred years, and I can suppress you even more Hua Family I."

"What qualifications does your Hua family have to fight our Xia family, the Hua family is simply extremely stupid!"

Everyone in the Hua family was speechless, and they couldn't even say a word when they were scolded.

This fell into Chu Tian's eyes, he frowned, looked at the head of the Xia family in front of him, curled his lips and said, "You Xia family can only call a few times now, and now I will protect the Hua family, do you really think, Can your Xia family continue to prosper?"

Feel the contempt in Chutian's eyes.

The Patriarch of the Xia family had an ugly expression on his face, and stared at the past with an ugly expression.

Obviously, the assets of the Xia family lost to the Hua family yesterday because of this kid.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Xia Tao couldn't calm down the anger in his heart. He squeezed his fists and gritted his teeth to look over, his eyes were extremely cold.

"Oh, you are the kid who protects the Hua family. You were lucky enough to win yesterday, but today is different. Today, the Yuan family showed their real skills. You think you can still protect their Hua family. The Yuan family specializes in Taoism for thousands of years. , I really thought you could defeat it."

The Xia family all sneered.

They have seen many ignorant people who dared to challenge Yuan's family, but the result was bloody.

Those who were trampled under by the Yuan family and taught by the Yuan family knelt down and begged for mercy.

The Xia family has seen this kind of thing too much, what ability does this kid in front of him have, dare to compare with the Yuan family who ranks in the top 10 in Huaxia.

Their Xia family has been protected by the Yuan family for so many years, and it is only now that they have their current status.

The Dao Xin Tian Dharma of the original family is extremely terrifying!
Not to mention this time, the Xia family didn't even expect that someone from the Yuan family would come.

This time, the original ancestor of the Yuan family made the move himself. This ancestor is almost 2 years old.

But the true spirit of immortality, travels to see the whole of China.

When this old ancestor appeared, he would only scare the kid in front of him, and he knelt down and begged for mercy.

The Xia family looked smug.

There was a kind of ice on Chutian's face, and he walked forward without wanting to talk nonsense, looked at the Xia family and said, "Okay, who is the person your Xia family is looking for, I want to see, who is the person your Xia family is looking for?" Earth Immortal, what kind of ability do you have?"

Some people in this world dare to be called Earth Immortal. Chu Tian wanted to see what kind of strength this person had to have such a title.

Looking around, he frowned when he didn't see anyone coming.

The Xia family had a sneer on their faces.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Xia Tao couldn't bear it for a long time; "Patriarch Tu, he will appear right away. When he arrives, you just wait to kneel down to the Yuan family. With the aura of Patriarch Tu, he can overwhelm you." Can't breathe."


Chu Tian's expression didn't change.

But at this moment, there was a shock ahead, and the whole ground trembled.

As if the air is frozen.

This kind of momentum is amazing, and I feel this monstrous momentum.

The Xia family's face was full of surprise.

The Hua family looked ashamed.

Even Zhang Xuelian's complexion changed, feeling the strong aura of the Earth Immortal Nascent Soul Realm, it only made Zhang Xuelian's breathing difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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