Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 277 Dragon Qi Comparable to Immortal Qi

Chapter 277 Dragon Qi Comparable to Immortal Qi

"Junior, you deserve to die for messing with my Yuan family, and you deserve to die for offending my Yuan family. Those who hurt my Yuan family, I intend to put you to death on the spot!"

Someone came, with a loud sound, and said two damn sentences in a row.

The voice was loud and shocking, and it fell in front of Chu Tian in an instant.

It seemed to appear out of nowhere, surrounded by two spells.

Looking like a real fairy, with his head raised, this man, who is no more than 50 years old, stared at him, with a cold and arrogant aura all over his body.

The visitor looked arrogant.

"In the past few years, I have cultivated the Shuangdao Heaven Talisman. My original drawing has now comprehended the true heart of the heavens. I don't mind letting you, a junior, take a look at my Shuangdao Talisman today."

As soon as he raised his hand, the double spell in front of the original picture changed.


A group of real fire, a group of real water.

Fire and water are incompatible.

circled around him.

These two streams of fire and water made people feel the weirdness in them, and Zhang Xuelian was even more surprised.

She couldn't help shouting out: "This, this is the five elements and dual methods, mutually restraining and compatible. He, he has really reached the mortal world on the ground. This, this is really able to peep into the heavenly spirit."

The two talismans even more arouse the aura of heaven and earth, allowing the aura to seduce the power of the gods.

This is where the horror of the original picture lies. As an Earth Immortal, he can already turn spirits into immortals.

Every gesture is to change the world.

He is the real mortal on earth.

Who dares to compare with him!
Looking at the kid in front of him who is not in the realm of Jindan, the original picture has a sneer on his face; "A mere Jindan cultivation base dares to speak to our entire Yuan family. Even if you kneel down and beg for mercy in this fight today, my original picture will not let you down!" I won't let you go."

As soon as he lifted his foot, his foot shook the ground, and the whole ground trembled.

That gaze looked straight over.

In Chutian's eyes, he really shook his head, his face full of sighs.

"This is the reason why you are called Earth Immortal. The two spells arouse the immortal energy. It seems that I really overestimated you again."

Chu Tian sighed a little, he really overestimated this Earth Immortal.

I really thought that what the other party said, there is also the ability to be called a fairy.

Unexpectedly, this was a complete joke.

The other party has no immortal power, so they use this spiritual energy to attract the immortal energy from the heavens.

This is not even a little bit worse than the real immortal energy, and more importantly, it's just that these two spells can really fully arouse the immortal energy of the heavens?
This is simply a big joke!

Chu Tian's face turned down, looking at the original picture in front of him, he waved his hands and said, "Forget it, I'll give you a chance, let me see how powerful the double charm of the five elements is, and use all your strength, I will Just give you this one chance."

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Yuan Tu was taken aback, and his popularity exploded.

He is the elder generation of the dignified original family.

Following the ancestor of the Yuan family for many years, he has lived to the present, and he is already more than 200 years old.

He has seen many masters of Taoism in Huaxia, and there are several masters of Jindan late stage who have been crushed to death by himself.

The guy in front of him, who has directly entered the Golden Core realm, dares to be so presumptuous in front of him.

Why give him a chance.

It was as if, once this guy made a move, it was impossible for him to have another chance to make a move.

How could Yuantu not be angry? He clenched his fists and looked angry: "Okay, I will let you, a junior, take a look. My double way attracts the heavenly spirit, let you take a look. If you offend our Yuan family, you will die without burial!" place!"

As soon as he raised his hand, Yuan Tu's fire and water charm rushed forward.

The whole arena was shocked.

There was a strong wind, and the aura attracted the immortal energy from the heavens.

The gathering of immortal energy also gathered streaks of immortal thunder, and the entire arena couldn't bear the combined thunder and lightning.

Feel the horror of the original picture.

The Xia family's faces were full of excitement, and every face was overjoyed.

"Haha, it's all because this kid angered us, Tu Lao, Tu Lao is now angry, and he will use all his strength when he makes a move."

"That's right, this kid is really stupid. If he didn't say those things, he could live longer. Now, he can only die faster and worse, hahaha."

The celestial thunder that aroused the celestial energy in the original picture fell directly, destroying more than half of the ring that was affected.

Rolling towards Chutian.

Just letting Chu Tian glance at it lightly, at this moment, he really wanted to try the power of the Dragon Golden Pill he had obtained.

This dragon golden pill is different from ordinary inner pills, it can give him a lot of dragon energy.

The Dragon Qi of the Deep Sea Dragon King Clan is the Qi that can truly shake the Three Realms.

Even if it is immortal energy, it is nothing more than that.

Watching the opponent's fairy thunder rolling towards him, trying to tear him into pieces.

Chu Tian, ​​who smiled contemptuously, opened his mouth without even thinking about it, and spit out the golden pill.

"Long Dan protects me, Jin Dan achieves great success, and Dan Xin breaks all laws!"

"Your rubbish attracts the heavenly spirit, even my golden core can't break it, look at the dragon energy of my golden core!"

As soon as he raised his hand, Chu Tian actually aimed his golden core at Xianlei in front of him.

This made the original picture stay where it was, with a look of astonishment.

He didn't even understand if the kid in front of him was crazy.

For ordinary cultivators, the golden elixir represents everything, so recklessly letting the golden elixir out of the body is completely courting death.

Once the golden core is broken, it is impossible for this kid to live!

How dare he use the Golden Core to deal with his Xianlei!
This made Yuan Tu not understand what this kid was thinking.

It's just that when he saw the fairy thunder he had aroused, it hit Chutian's golden core in an instant, and the scene that happened made him grow up.

Suddenly found that it was he who was looking for death.


In an instant, this fairy thunder was completely absorbed by Chutian's Golden Dragon Core.

The golden core is like a black hole, absorbing all these fairy thunders.

As if these fairy thunders had never appeared before, the entire arena was very peaceful except for the chaos.

The golden elixir in Chutian's hand flashed with light.

That aura was directly revealed, and the entire arena began to be destroyed again and again.

"Dragon Qi moves, Qi shakes nine days, change it for me, freeze it for me!"

In an instant, the immortal energy absorbed by Chu Tian instantly turned into dragon energy.

This dragon energy soared to the sky, causing the entire ceiling to be destroyed instantly, and this dragon energy rushed upward.

With a dragon chant, the dragon energy directly transformed into a slender golden real dragon, which hovered in the air.

A roar at the original picture.

In the original picture, the whole person sat down on the ground in fright, his legs trembled, and he couldn't get up.

"No, no, you, you are dragon aura, you are not from the dragon clan, you, why do you have dragon aura, and, moreover, this is the aura of a dragon king!"

"No, it's impossible, the Dragon King of the Deep Sea, every dragon king, even the weakest dragon son and dragon daughter, is at the level of a mortal. You are not a dragon, why do you have dragon aura? I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Yuan Tu was so frightened by this scene that he went crazy.

Dragon son and dragon daughter of the Dragon King family, born with the power of a mortal.

I don't know how many realms are higher than ordinary people.

What they use is different from those who practice Taoism, but use dragon energy, which is comparable to immortal energy.

It is extremely easy to shake the Three Realms!
(End of this chapter)

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