Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 279 Ancient Artifact Treasure Chest

Chapter 279 Ancient Artifact Treasure Chest
Naturally, the Xia family's property will be handled by the Hua family.

Don't worry about Chu Tian, ​​he was sitting in the car that Hua's family took him back to the hotel.

Directly opened the super treasure chest.

When the super treasure chest opened, there was a loud sound in my ears.

"Ding, get a big explosion of super fairy coins!"

"Get a super fairy coin gift pack!"

The explosion of fairy coins directly made him get more than 2 million more fairy coins.

This is not too much, but Chu Tian's eyes are brightened by the gift package of super fairy coins.

This is definitely a good thing, and Chutian didn't hesitate at all to get this thing.

It's all about betting on his luck.

"The second method is open!"

Without even thinking about it, he started directly with the second method, letting the fairy coin gift pack see his luck to get an excess amount of fairy coins.

Who wants it, the last time I opened the 50 billion fairy coins, it was so cool.

If there is another 50 billion cents, it will be even better!
With a little expectation, Chu Tian watched the number of the fairy coin start to jump.

That was a direct moment, jumping to 30 billion cents.

40 billion cents.

Chu Tian's eyes lit up, and he was very excited. Could it be said that it is really going to break through 50 billion cents.

It's a fortune, it's a fortune.

60 billion cents.

70 billion cents!
Chu Tian never expected that this fairy coin could reach such a figure.

Seeing that the fairy coins all exceeded 70 billion, I was even more excited.

90 billion cents!
100 billion cents!
At this moment, the number of immortal coins was about to stop, and Chu Tian was overjoyed. Who knew that the number of immortal coins suddenly skipped 100 billion immortal coins.

Stopped at 1 cent coin.

"Congratulations to the host for getting a fairy coin!"

Chu Tian: "..."

Chutian really wants to destroy this bullshit system now, it's too bad.

What a fool!
"The host is awarded the title of Emperor of Bad Luck. Given that 1 cent coin is more difficult to obtain than 100 billion cent coins, he will be rewarded with achievements and gain 5 experience points!"

Fortunately, there is a consolation bonus.

However, what the hell is this? One cent coin is more difficult to obtain than 100 billion cent coins.

It's bad luck for him to come home.

This is too bad luck.

"Obtain the system experience to reach the full level, and the system level will increase."

It was the last voice that made Chu Tian feel at ease.

Although there are no 100 billion cents coins, the system level has been improved, which is still very good.

Host Level: Level 6 Shenhao

The host's cultivation level: Jindan early stage

Available money: 70 million cents

Items: none
Experience: 2000/50000
"The system level is improved, and there is a big explosion of super fairy coins!"

"Get a super fairy coin gift package!"

"Get the ancient artifact exchange system, 100 billion immortal coins, you can get the treasure chest of ancient artifacts, you can open artifacts, and ancient artifacts."

The system level has improved, but this is a surprise.

What's more, Chutian didn't expect that the fairy coins would explode immediately, and he also got a super gift package of fairy coins again.

It is the last system function to bet on the ancient artifact.

100 billion celestial coins, exchange for treasure chests of ancient artifacts?

Are you kidding me.

The treasure chest of ancient artifacts is 100 billion!

This is a full 100 billion cents coins!
This is simply stealing money. This system is too abominable. If it's just 10 billion cents coins, it's fine. The hundred cents coins will be exchanged for a treasure box that doesn't know what can be opened.

If it's not an ancient artifact, but an artifact, it's not a big loss.

Chu Tian really didn't dare to bet.

Besides, he really didn't have so many fairy coins for him to gamble on luck.

Think about it, or wait for a chance in the future to gamble on this treasure chest of ancient artifacts.

Now he still plans to open this super fairy coin gift package first.

If he has the ability, the system will give him another one cent coin.

He couldn't believe that his luck was really that bad.

With a bit of indignation, Chu Tian directly opened this super fairy coin gift package without even thinking about it.

The fairy coin numbers jumped out again.

Seeing that the fairy coin directly surpassed 50 billion, Chu Tian's mood did not change at all.

Instead, he curled his lips with a little sneer.

For a small sample, this is clearly a deliberate attempt to trick him. First, there will be 50 billion immortal coins. In the end, there must be only less than 1 million immortal coins.

Seeing that the fairy coin skipped 70 billion, Chu Tian didn't intend to read it anymore.

He has completely given up on this gift bag.

It seems that it is better to be conservative in the future and receive 10 billion cents directly.

Otherwise, it would be a real loss to get another fairy coin.

While Chu Tian was thinking, who would have thought that the moment the number of immortal coins stopped, there would be a voice.

"Get the highest value of fairy coins, get 100 billion fairy coins."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the highest value of immortal coins, the title of Super Immortal Luck Emperor, achievement, and 3000 system experience points."

Chu Tian was taken aback, he couldn't believe it, he looked at the series of zeros in front of him.

Looking at the 100 billion fairy coins, I almost wanted to pinch myself to see if it was true!

This is simply outrageous!

Hahaha, with the 100 billion cents in hand, all his debts can be paid off.

You can also go to the fairyland and go shopping like crazy again.

He wanted to buy all the good things in the fairy world. Thinking about it, Chu Tian couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster.

The excitement on his face couldn't be calmed down when he saw that his system's fairy coins had reached 170 billion in an instant.

This is a full 170 billion. He is really developed now, really developed.

Chu Tian looked excited. If it wasn't for the inside of the car, he would have shouted out in joy.

However, just when he was excited, the system gave a reminder.

Let him really not think of it.

"The host has reached 100 billion immortal coins. Do you want to exchange them for the treasure chest of ancient artifacts? If you exchange them, you can get a special treasure box that will definitely get ancient artifacts. Do you want to exchange them?"

"Please note that this opportunity is only once, and you can't get it again if you lose it. Do you want to give up?"

Now presented to him to choose only two.

Redeem it or give it up.

He just got the 100 billion fairy coins, and he didn't even spend it to be happy. He didn't expect that he was given such a choice.

Looking at the two options in front of him, this treasure chest of ancient artifacts is really too tempting.

It emitted a purple-gold light, and the treasure chest flickered continuously, as if a beautiful woman was seducing him.

Chutian couldn't look away at all, he just gritted his teeth and raised his hand directly.

Click to redeem!
This is not possible without exchange, there is only one chance.

This is a must-have ancient artifact!

If the 100 billion is gone, it can be earned again, but if such a special treasure chest is gone, how can there be a second chance if it is gone.

It's not a choice at all.

Although losing 100 billion made Chu Tian a little unhappy, but he still had a smile on his face when he got the special treasure chest of ancient artifacts.

He looked at the treasure chest in front of him without blinking.

With a smile on his face, he opened it immediately without even thinking about it.

He is going to order the ancient artifact!

"Ding, successfully opened the treasure chest of the ancient artifact, and obtained the must-have ancient artifact."

"Obtain an ancient artifact, five Nuwa holy stones."

"Nuwa Holy Stone?"

Chu Tian was taken aback, and couldn't help looking at what kind of ancient artifact it was, it sounded very grand.

However, this does not seem to be an offensive artifact.

It doesn't look like an auxiliary artifact either.

Is it a defensive artifact?
(End of this chapter)

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