Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 280 Nuwa Holy Stone

Chapter 280 Nuwa Holy Stone

Nvwa Holy Stone: The sacred stone left by the human saint Nvwa, which has won the luck of the sky, is the source of the immortal energy of heaven and earth, which can be absorbed directly, but non-sages cannot directly absorb it.

Otherwise, they will explode and die!

"Without the strength of a saint, you can't absorb it, and you will explode and die?"

This is indeed an ancient artifact, the Divine Stone, but the Divine Stone is too powerful.

What the hell is this? If you don't have a true saint's cultivation, you can't absorb it. It can't be used by him at all.

The holy stone of the saint, if given to some saints in the fairy world, might be able to exchange a lot of things.

But how could he give such a good thing to those saints in the fairy world.

He doesn't want to give this kind of top quality to anyone.

Chu Tian couldn't imagine how much immortal power there were with 5 holy stones.

This is the luck of taking the sky, and got these 5 holy stones.

This is an ancient divine artifact, but it is simply tasteless to the extreme.

These 100 billion cents are not worth spending!
Chu Tian regretted it a little.

While sighing, they all raised their hands, still planning to put the Holy Stone aside temporarily, maybe it will be useful in the future.

At the same time, there are still a few items obtained in the treasure chest that I have not seen.

Just let him stare at the past.

This treasure chest also allowed him to get two items.

The things that can be opened by the super treasure chest are not ordinary good things.

The first item is a very special token.

In the Northern Heaven Realm, the land of immortals, saints compete for immortal cards.

"Human saints compete for the immortal card?"

For a while, Chutian didn't understand what it was. It seemed that he was going to the Northern Heaven Realm too.

I just don't know when this token can be used.

When you get to the gate of heaven, you have to ask the heavenly soldier carefully.

To understand this point, Chu Tian continued to look at the last item.

This thing is also very special.

Really long time no see.

The last thing is a soul.

Yes, he understood why he got such a thing.

Ancient Immortal Soul: The soul is closed, and it needs to be nourished in order for the soul to regain its spiritual consciousness.

Who does this fairy soul belong to? Chu Tian could only look at the body of an ancient god and demon that he had initially obtained in the system.

This female body is still kept in his system.

Maybe this piece of fairy soul is nourished and completed, so it can be revived.

But, why did he resurrect?

Although this woman is very beautiful, he doesn't know whether she is a fairy, a demon, or a human being, he doesn't understand at all.

Not even sure if it was friend or foe, he decided to keep it in the system.

He didn't want to resurrect this ancient female body of a god or Buddha.

If there is a chance, if you can directly take the fairy soul and fairy body of this female body, you can try it.

Think about it, let Chu Tian raise his hand and leave the soul of this ancient fairy in the system.

It is impossible to nourish this fairy soul.

There are many things to get from the super treasure chest.

Now that everything has been opened, the harvest is rich enough for Chutian to repay a lot of debts.

However, after the repayment is over, there will definitely not be many fairy coins left.

He still needs some fairy coins, let him go to the fairy world to buy them.

This fairy coin is a good thing, so the more the better.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian looked at the treasure map, taking advantage of this spare time, he opened the treasure map directly.

Immediately obtained the treasure location of this super treasure map.

"Get the location of the treasure map, ask the host to go there, and there will be a reminder 100 meters away from the location."

Hearing this voice, Chu Tian immediately made Hua's car change direction.

This location indicates that it is also within this big city.

However, the specific location, and the urban area, are some distance away from here.

Only let Chutian ask the driver to change the route and go directly to the area where the treasure is located, approaching it.


Haishi, the central location, the bustling location.

The location where the super treasure map is located is within this area.

"Young Master Chu, what are you doing here? This is downtown Haixi. If Young Master Chu needs anything, our Hua Family can help Young Master Chu get it."

The driver looked respectful, and as soon as he spoke, Chu Tian raised his hand and got out of the car directly.

"No need, I'll just go down and see for myself."

Chu got out of the car, and of course Zhang Xuelian got out of the car too.

Zhang Xuelian was very curious about Chutian's coming here, and also thought that there was something Chutian wanted to buy.

Anyway, this is also a sea city.

The most affluent urban area.

Under heavy traffic.

The whole city is very lively.

"Young Master Chu, is there anything I can help you with?"

Having obtained a treasure from Chutian, Zhang Xuelian really hoped to help Chutian.

Glancing at Zhang Xuelian, Chu Tian shook his head slightly with a calm expression; "No, you can't help me, I'll take a stroll here and talk about it."

Hearing Chutian's words, Zhang Xuelian was a little unhappy.

Puckering her mouth, her little face was really stubborn: "Young Master Chu didn't ask me, how did you know that I couldn't help you? No matter what the price, I will help you."

Patting her small chest, Zhang Xuelian looked serious.

This made Chutian smile slightly at the girl, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, I will give you 10 minutes now, can you take me here, to a very special place, we must find some special places Place."

Hearing this, Zhang Xuelian was taken aback, her face was pensive, and she thought for a long time.

Even in Chutian, he wanted to leave directly, planning to walk around by himself first.

Suddenly, Zhang Xuelian's eyes lit up, and when she raised her hands, she grabbed him.

"Young Master Chu, I'll take you there. I know a place that must be very special, and you will definitely like it, Young Master Chu."

Zhang Xuelian smiled lightly, pulling him and not wanting to let go.

This made Chu Tian a little curious. Since he found the location by himself and didn't have any clues, he planned to follow Zhang Xuelian around.

Anyway, there are still 60 minutes left in the system time.

If he couldn't find it within 10 minutes, he planned to use the magic method to find it here quickly.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian leisurely let Zhang Xuelian drag him to a place.

Appearing in front of him, it is very spectacular, a tall tower building.

Zhang Xuelian dragged him, all wanting to climb to the top of this towering building.

"Young Master Chu, I heard that this is one of the most distinctive places in the entire city, and it is also one of the tallest buildings here. You can see the beautiful scenery of the entire city. Let's go up and have a look."

The tall conical tower is very tall. If you look down from above, you can definitely see the whole city.

It's definitely a beautiful view at sunset in the late afternoon.

He was very happy to see Zhang Xuelian. Although it was not a special place, Chutian still planned to go up there with Zhang Xuelian.

There are a lot of couples coming here. I didn't expect that this high-rise building is actually a holy place for couples to play.

It seemed that Zhang Xuelian knew a good place for such a tryst.

This made Chu Tian smile slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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