Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 281 This place is reserved

Chapter 281 This place is reserved

Walk into this high tower, along the high tower, to climb up.

Many people who come to play around are all going up.

There were quite a few pedestrians, and Zhang Xuelian tirelessly led Chutian, preparing to climb to the top floor.

The two walk between.

But watching this group of people gathered in front of them, it seemed that the way up was blocked by someone.

As soon as Chu Tian approached, he immediately saw that there were people blocking the road ahead.

Do not let people continue to go up.

Zhang Xuelian's pretty face was pulled down; "What's going on here, why is the road closed, we want to go up and have a look."

Zhang Xuelian stepped forward, Chutian followed closely behind, and the two passed through the crowd.

The road ahead was blocked by two tall men, who raised their hands to block the way, and they couldn't let the couple who were having fun take another half step.

The faces of the two tall men were indifferent, and they shouted directly to the crowd, "From now until tomorrow morning, the entire upper floor of the tall building will be reserved by our second young master."

"Have you heard, from now on, no other outsiders are allowed to enter here, and they are all reserved by our second young master."

As soon as these words were uttered, the crowd was excited, and they all cried out in great displeasure.

"What do you mean by that? This is a public tourist area. When will people still be able to book it?"

"You guys are too hateful. I've never seen it before. This Pearl Tower can be reserved by people. It's too hateful for you to do so."

The two tall men looked around with cold eyes, and were scolded by others.

That was not a bit shaken.

Opening his hands, he even stopped everyone, and he couldn't let some people approach, even if he forced a breakthrough.

No one is, at first glance, these two are opponents of strong and strong men.

This made a group of people look angry.

And on the upper floors, there was a rich young master with a proud face and a beautiful woman in his arms, curling his lips.

He raised his head and looked over arrogantly; "See, this is a group of low-level people in our sea city. These people, what qualifications do they have to stand with me? It's a joke."

The rich young master curled his lips, and the woman also said flatteringly with a smile on her face; "Second Master Xia is right, these guys can't be compared with you. The Xia family of the Second Young Master is the upper-class nobles in this city."

The second young master of the Xia family, Xia Wu laughed out loud, with a very smug smile: "That's right, our Xia family is the superior, and these people are all inferior."

"Just because of these low-class people, they are worthy of enjoying the scenery with me. Pooh!"

As soon as he spit, his eyes were full of sarcasm, his eyes were indifferent, and his eyes swept over everyone, with a look of arrogance.

This made many people dare not speak out.

Especially when they heard that the other party was a member of the Xia family, some people stopped making noise and did not dare to go forward at all.

In this city, quite a few people know the name of the Xia family.

Anyone who dares to fight with the Xia family is courting death.

Seeing that the people in front of him were not shouting, Xia Wu curled his lips, then raised his arms and put his arms around the woman in his arms, and was about to go upstairs.

"Baby, I heard that the top floor of the Pearl Tower is very good, let's enjoy it together, just the two of us, hahaha!"

"Second Young Master, you are really amazing. The position of the Patriarch of the Xia family must belong to you."

"Haha, you are right, I am the future head of the Xia family!"

The arrogance remained undiminished, and he raised his foot with a big smile on his face and was about to step forward.

Unexpectedly, a voice came.

Zhang Xuelian couldn't bear it long ago, and finally brought Chutian to this place to enjoy the opportunity for the two of them to be alone, but it was ruined.

This made her pretty face look ugly, she glared at her angrily, and exploded angrily: "Don't be so hateful, ah, I, Zhang Xuelian, are not easy to mess with, get out of here."

As soon as she raised her hand, Zhang Xuelian immediately shook the two bodyguards out.

He raised his feet and stepped forward, staring at Xia Wu in front of him with a cold and arrogant face, "Why do you dare to reserve the venue, this place is not for you, what right do you have to occupy it by force?"

Sensing Zhang Xuelian's aura, Xia Wu turned his head and took a look.

Xia Wu hasn't said yet.

The women on the side curled their lips and said with a sneer, "I'm afraid you don't know who this is, this is the second young master of the Xia family, let me tell you, our second young master can shake the whole city with one word. "

"It's just such a small place. Our Young Master Xia, if you want to reserve the place, you can reserve it. Second Young Master, you can show this little girl a little bit!"

Xia Wu pouted, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

In less than a while, some of the crowd appeared.

He led a group of people to surround him directly, and when they saw Xia Wu, they immediately stepped forward with a smile on their faces; "Second young master, hello, you are here, why didn't you notify me, I am here The manager is also the chairman of this tourist area, and I have heard of the prestige of the second young master a long time ago."

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and help the Second Young Master clean up people. From now on, today, this is the Second Young Master's place. No one else is allowed to come in."

As soon as he raised his hand, the chairman of the tourist area directly asked people to start dealing with the surrounding crowd.

To drive the crowd out, the chairman also landed on Zhang Xuelian and Chu Tian who were in front of him.

"Didn't the two of you hear that, this is not a place for you to come, someone else's identity as the second young master, but the upper-class people in the entire sea city, you people, hurry up and stay away from the second young master, this is already the second young master's The site is not something you can walk in."

Zhang Xuelian's pretty face was angry, and when she heard this, she clenched her fists angrily, with an ugly expression on her face.

"You, you..."

Seeing Zhang Xuelian's angry look, Chu Tian curled his lips, smiled faintly, and raised his hand to gently hold Zhang Xuelian's tightly clenched little hand.

This calmed Zhang Xuelian's anger.

Chu Tian walked forward with a cold and arrogant face, looked at the chairman of the tourist area in front of him, and said directly: "How much money do you have here, I want to buy it directly."

As soon as the words came out, the chairman of the tourist area in front was stunned.

The second young master of your Xia family, as well as the woman around you, were also taken aback.

The three of them couldn't help but laughed outright.

"Second young master, this guy is out of his mind, he, he actually said that he wants to buy this place."

"Haha, it's just ridiculous. Our Xia family can't afford to buy just one piece of land, but he still wants to buy it. He really thinks he is rich."

"That's right, Second Young Master, this guy is really good at bragging."

Even the chairman of the tourist area curled his lips and looked at Chutian with disdain on his face: "Hey, our tourist area has been established for ten years and has never been sold. Even if it is sold, the price is not affordable by ordinary people. .”

(End of this chapter)

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