Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 282 Except for the Xia family and the dog

Chapter 282 Except for the Xia family and the dog

Xia Wu pursed his lips, looked at Chutian in front of him, and shouted; "You just pretend to be me, I tell you, the annual income of other people's tourist areas is more than 10 billion, a profit of 10 billion Huaxia coins."

The woman on the side also curled her mouth, and said sarcastically, "Second Young Master, don't talk nonsense with him, a person like him can't even get 10 billion, and he still wants to buy this place."

As soon as he waved his hand, Xia Wu didn't want to talk nonsense at all, so he just asked people to drive away the idiot in front of him.

"Okay, this guy is really good at bragging, drive him away, don't disturb Lao Tzu's mood."

As soon as he raised his hand, the chairman was about to make a move.

Unexpectedly, when Chu Tian spoke again, the voice remained the same; "10 billion a year, yes, then I will buy you 100 years, 1 billion Huaxia coins!"

As soon as he said it, Xia Wu in front of him was taken aback.

The chairman of the tourist area was also stunned, looking at Chu Tian in front of him, he was shocked.

Chutian's aura made people speechless.

Only the woman next to the second young master of the Xia family snorted coldly, pointed at Chu Tian and said, "You, don't pretend to me, you can come up with 1000 billion, do you think you are richer than the Xia family? Even the Xia family dared not say it, and easily took out 1000 billion."

Chutian really said calmly; "Yes, I am indeed richer than the Xia family."

Xia Wu: "..."

Xia Wuqi's lungs exploded, pointing at Chutian and saying to Chutian, "Okay, I want to see how you come up with 1000 billion, who do you think you are, just relying on you, you still want 1000 billion It is impossible to buy here.”

Chu Tian glanced at the young master of the rich family in front of him, smiled faintly, raised his hand, and took out his mobile phone, all according to the number left by the Hua family.

I made a phone call; "I need 1000 billion funds now, and I will give you 3 minutes to bring someone to me right now."

In 3 minutes, 1000 billion will be raised?

how can that be.

Xia Una absolutely didn't believe it, and looked over with cold eyes, only thinking that the guy in front of him was bragging.

The beautiful woman on the side also sneered constantly; "Second Young Master, let's see how he took out the 1000 billion. If he couldn't get it out, he asked someone to throw it out."

"it is good."

The two of them were waiting here, but the 3 minutes was very short.

In less than 3 minutes, not far away, a person walked over through the crowd.

This person is very familiar.

As soon as this man appeared, it was obvious that Xia Wu and the chairman of the tourist area were taken aback.

Xia Wuna trembled all over, and looked at a person who came suddenly with a look of astonishment.

"Dad, you, why are you here?"

Xia Gan had a strange expression on his face, he stepped forward, glanced around, and saw his son, he was taken aback and was stunned.

After a while, he raised his head, his eyes fell on Chu Tian, ​​and with a respectful expression, he walked in front of Chu Tian.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the faces of the three people in front of him changed drastically.

"Young Master Chu, you, I have already brought you the 1000 billion you want. I, our Xia family is willing to hand over more than half of the family property within the family. Just, I just ask Young Master Chu to leave a note for our Xia family." way of life."

Xia Gan's expression turned ugly, and he took out a laptop, intending to transfer 1000 billion directly to Chutian.

He looked over eagerly, with a little longing.

Hearing Xia Gan's words, Xia Wu's whole body trembled, and he was shocked by Xia Gan's words; "Dad, you, what are you talking about, you, why are you begging him so much, and why did our Xia family give it to him? 1000 billion, Dad, you, are you not sick?"

Xia Gan's complexion changed, Na turned his head, looked at Xia Wu in front of him and roared out.

"Shut up for me. You know who this big man is. With a single word from him, our Xia family can all be wiped out. What are you doing here for me? Hurry up and kneel down to apologize to this lord."

"Dad, you, you asked me to apologize to him, to Bai..."

Before Xia Wu could finish his sentence, Xia Gan couldn't bear it long ago, so he slapped him directly.

This slap directly knocked Xia Wu down on the ground, covering his face with astonishment.

Xia Gan's complexion was not good, and he stared over with a cold face, very angry: "Are you trying to ruin our Xia family, hurry up and apologize to this lord, and kneel down to me."

Xia Wu's face turned pale when Xia Gan yelled at him, only now did he understand that something serious happened to their Xia family.

It's all because of this person in front of him.

That face was ugly, and when they turned their heads, they all looked at Chu Tian with a look of astonishment.

The whole person was completely dumbfounded.

The beautiful woman beside her also had a look of astonishment: "You, who are you?"

Zhang Xuelian curled her lips, her face full of pride: "You can understand Young Master Chu, Young Master Chu, but the real upper-class people who can trample their Xia family under their feet, you people are the lower-class people, hum .”

The woman in front of him looked at Chu Tian with an ugly face.

Chu Tian's face was calm, his eyes were only on one person, and he said calmly: "You tall tower, will you sell it or not?"

The chairman of the tourist area felt Chu Tian's gaze.

Especially Xia Gan's staring eyes, Xia Gan is also an important member of the Xia family.

Even someone as powerful as the Xia family stepped forward and brought 1000 billion to buy his tall tower.

How could he not sell it? If he didn't sell it, the Xia family would not let him die.

"I'll sell it, I'll sell it now, no, I don't want 1000 billion, I just need 5 billion, from now on you are the boss, you guys, hurry up and greet the boss."

Shouting to the surrounding security guards, these security guards came to their senses, and when they walked over, they all greeted Chu Tian respectfully.

"Hi boss."

Chu Tian pouted, seeing that the top floor in front hadn't gone up yet, he glanced at Zhang Xuelian, and said softly, "Let's go up and have a look."

Zhang Xuelian agreed happily: "Yes."

When Chutian walked up, he turned his head and only said one sentence: "From today on, anyone can come up to this place except the people and dogs from the Xia family."

As soon as the words came out, the chairman was stunned, and when he glanced at the second young master of the Xia family, he nodded repeatedly, not daring to object: "Yes, I know the boss."

Xia Wu looked dumbfounded, and in the end, he really couldn't react.

Xia Gan couldn't bear it long ago, he raised his foot and kicked it directly.

"You idiot, you have pissed me off to the point of Young Master Chu, do you really want our Xia family to die? Get the hell out of here quickly, and apologize to Young Master Chu."

"Dad, me, me."

"Hurry up and apologize to me."

"Yes Yes."

Xia Wu was always kicked, rolled and crawled, and went straight forward, trying to catch up with Chutian, but unfortunately, Chutian had long since disappeared.

Both of the Xia family's expressions were extremely ugly.

His face was covered with ashes.

Seeing the distressed appearance of the two Xia family members, everyone's faces were full of surprise.

This majestic Xia family has become like this until now.

Who the hell is this guy who can actually dominate the entire Xia family!

 5 more, thanks to the lovely little book friends who donate every day.

(End of this chapter)

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