Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 283 You Are My Chutian's Person

Chapter 283 You Are My Chutian's Person

Chu Tian went up, unexpectedly, just when he was about to reach the top of this tall tower, the system gave a reminder.

"I found the treasure digging site, 100 meters away from the host and 100 meters directly above, please ask the host to dig."

In other words, this treasure is the top of the highest tower.

Hearing this news, the corners of Chu Tian's mouth turned up, all smiles on his face, he quickened his pace and went straight to the top floor.

I really didn't expect it to be so lucky.

The place Zhang Xuelian chose was the place where the treasure was buried, and he didn't need to work hard to find the treasure.

How could this make him unhappy and not excited.

Go straight to the treasure, and start digging for the treasure.

10 seconds and it's gone in the blink of an eye.

The super treasure this time is richer than the previous rewards.

"Get a gift package of fairy coins."

"Get a super fairy coin gift package."

The appearance of two big gift packages in a row made Chu Tian startled.

Could it be that as the system level increases, the chances of getting this kind of gift package also increase.

From the looks of it, it must be so.

Chu Tian didn't open the two big gift bags first, but stared at the next two items. The reward of the super treasure map is more than that.

This time, five items appeared directly.

"If you get the artifact treasure chest, you must get an ancient immortal artifact, or an artifact. The treasures that come out of the treasure chest are mainly auxiliary ones."

Artifact treasure chest, this is also considered a good thing.

However, this treasure chest is not a guaranteed artifact, but an ancient immortal artifact may also appear.

It seems that the last time I got an artifact, I was lucky.

Wanting to understand this point, Chu Tian nodded, then looked at the other two items again.

"Obtain the admission ticket for the Centennial Ceremony of the Underworld. The Centennial Ceremony is held by the Ksitigarbha King, and all the Kings of Hades will be present."

The century-old grand ceremony of the underworld, just don't know what will happen.

Thinking of that Ksitigarbha King, and having a little feud with him, made Chu Tian hesitate whether to go and have a look.

While hesitating, the last item also appeared directly.

"Obtain the ten-thousand-year ghost land in the underworld to get the opportunity to obtain the ten-thousand-year ghost bone, and get the ghost bone, which can refine ghosts!"

What does this mean, two copies of things from the underworld came in a row, which forced him to go to the underworld.

It seemed that this trip to the underworld was unavoidable.

With a feeling of exclamation, Chu Tian opened the fairy coin gift bag without any nonsense after getting these two good things from the underworld.

Both fairy coin gift packs are opened with luck.

An ordinary gift bag directly received [-] million cents.

The second super fairy coin spree, got 2 million fairy coins.

Although it is a bit unsatisfactory, this is okay.

It is impossible to have tens of billions of immortal coins every time.

As long as he can get another tens of billions of immortal coins, he will be satisfied.

As soon as the two fairy coin gift packs were opened, the artifact treasure box was also opened.

I don't know what good things will be in this treasure chest, I hope it's not an ancient fairy weapon, but a divine weapon for him.

"Successfully open the treasure chest of the artifact, and get a piece of artifact."

Chu Tian's eyes lit up, and there was a little smile on the corner of his mouth. He felt that his luck was really good, and he got the artifact directly.

This is great luck!

Seeing the golden light shining on the artifact, the light disappeared in an instant.

In the system, there is an auxiliary artifact appearing.

The spirit of the ancient soul: it can repair the soul of the ancient immortal emperor, heal the damage to the body and spirit, and repair the incomplete soul of the ancient immortal emperor.

Chu Tian: "..."

Looking at this item, Chu Tian thought of the ancient immortal soul he had obtained earlier, and made it clear that this artifact was really prepared for that immortal soul.

Chu Tian was still hesitant to try it out.

Zhang Xuelian's voice came over, interrupting his train of thought.

"Young Master Chu, the scenery here is not bad, why don't you come and see it?"

Hearing this, Chu Tian raised his head, only to realize that he was already standing on the top of the tower building. Through the thick circular glass, he could see the beautiful scenery of the whole city.

Taking in everything at a glance, he took the city into his eyes.

It only made Chu Tian feel a sense of pride.

He caused a lot of trouble in the fairy world, he was not afraid of the fairy emperor, and even dared to fight against the fairy saint.

What else does he have to be afraid of, he can't survive in the heavenly world, but he can survive in the mortal world.

He didn't believe that in this world, no one could do anything to get him, even the saints couldn't do anything about him.

An aura rose in his heart, which also made Chu Tian feel fearless, and without thinking about it, he directly threw the spirit of the ancient soul to the ancient immortal soul in the system.

He wanted to see what kind of immortal soul this would perfect.

The spirit of the soul was directly absorbed by the immortal soul in an instant, and the incomplete immortal soul trembled.

Then a number appeared, which directly stunned Chu Tian.

"The perfection of the soul is 10%."

Do you want to be so foolish, this is the spirit of the ancient soul, which can restore the soul of the ancient immortal emperor, but it can only perfect 10% of this immortal soul.

What the hell is this, Chutian is really a little confused.

It seems that it is not easy to completely repair it.

Let it be placed in the system, Chutian still plans to have the opportunity to get things in the future, and then slowly nourish this fairy soul.

He wants to see how far this fairy soul can grow in the end.

Maybe there will be an awesome saint's immortal soul.

If this is the case, if he directly occupies it, he will not hand over this fairy soul to the body of the ancient god and demon.

Wouldn't this allow him to directly obtain the cultivation base and strength of a saint?
This is simply flattering!

Thinking of this, Chu Tian smiled, looking forward to perfecting the ancient immortal soul.

That gaze also swept away, and fell on Zhang Xuelian in front of her.

This time, Zhang Xuelian helped him a lot and made him think about the matter, so Chutian couldn't help but approach him.

"You did me a favor, close your eyes, I have something for you."

Facing Chutian with a smile on her face, Zhang Xuelian was taken aback, not understanding what Chutian was going to give her.

Thinking of the dragon scale in the morning, it was enough to startle their Zhang family and make her very excited.

In her opinion, the things that Chutian gave were absolutely extremely valuable.

It was very direct eye contact, and it was a bit suspicious that he hadn't waited for Chu Tian's gift.

Seeing the girl in front of him do the same, Chu Tian smiled lightly, and raised his hands, placing them on Zhang Xuelian's shoulders.

Feeling the trembling of the girl in her arms, she just lowered her head and kissed her soft red lips without even thinking about it.

As soon as he touched it, Chu Tian didn't let it go, it was a direct kiss.

Zhang Xuelian came to her senses, she looked over in a daze, she was clearly surprised by Chutian's move.

From beginning to end, there was no response.

Not even a little resistance.

Until the end, Chu Tian let it go, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chutian laughed loudly, and his voice was loud and full of arrogance: "From today on, you are my Chutian's people, and no one can bully you in heaven and earth."

"You are my woman, and I can give you benefits that mortals in this world can't enjoy. How about it, isn't the thing I gave you good?"

(End of this chapter)

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