Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 284 Re-chapter South Heaven Realm

Chapter 284 Returning to the Southern Heaven Realm

Only Chu Tian could say these things with confidence.

But this is the fact that there are very few people in the sky and on the earth who dare to provoke him, except for those saints.

Even the Great Immortals of the Immortal Realm are jealous of his current strength.

Of course Zhang Xuelian didn't know this, she could only see the arrogance in Chutian's eyes, and that kind of tough gaze, which made her dare not doubt what Chutian said.

She didn't expect too much, but felt Chu Tian's sincerity, but tears accumulated in her eyes.

Couldn't help but cry out.

This fell into Chu Tian's eyes, and he really looked strange: "Are you unhappy?"

"No, no, Young Master Chu, Young Master Chu, you suddenly said such things to me, but it made me so, so happy."

Zhang Xuelian wiped her tears, looked at Chutian with a sweet smile, and said with emotion in her eyes, "I am willing. I don't ask for your protection. I just hope that I can leave a place in your heart."

Facing Zhang Xuelian's words, Chu Tian laughed, stepped forward, and gently hugged Zhang Xuelian in his arms.

Hugging her, Zhang Xuelian snuggled into Chutian's arms with a calm expression on her face.

She raised her head and looked at Chu Tian's face. She became happier the more she looked at it. She couldn't get away from it. She never thought that Chu Tian would accept her.

This made her mouth twitch with joy.

She had been waiting for this day for a long time. From the first time she saw Chu Tian, ​​she wanted this result.

Today is the happiest day for her.

The two of them were in the tower, admiring the beautiful scenery.

Chu Tian, ​​who was holding the girl in his arms, felt that this kind of leisurely life was not bad, but it was for the sake of leisure in the future.

He still plans to go to the underworld.

This trip to the underworld will not work, he has many enemies to deal with.

In order to strengthen his strength, he must speed up his pace.


Before going to the underworld, Chu Tian went back to the fairyland.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Xuelian, Chu Tian, ​​who used the Tongtian Token, went to the Tianmen again.

At a glance, he saw the heavenly soldiers who were still respectful to him in front of him.

The two of them were getting acquainted with each other. When he saw the Heavenly Soldiers in front of him, Chu Tian couldn't help but asked, "I want to ask, do you know what's going on in the underworld?"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Tian Bing froze, frowned and said, "Master Immortal Envoy said it was the centennial celebration of the underworld?"

"Not bad, you know?"

The Heavenly Soldiers smiled wryly, and shook their heads directly, with a helpless expression on their faces: "My lord, there are no immortals in the underworld who can manage it. The Underworld has the Ksitigarbha King Yisheng in charge, and there is no need for too many heavenly soldiers and generals in the underworld. For things in the underworld, We know very little."

Tian Bing's words only disappointed Chu Tian. It seemed that it was impossible to find out the situation in advance.

"However, my lord, I have heard one thing. In the underworld, there is a ten-thousand-year ghost land, which is more powerful than the Jiuyou burial place. It is guarded by Ksitigarbha King, and the centennial celebration is also similar to the ten-thousand-year ghost land. Year ghosts and places have something to do with it."

Chu Tian's eyes lit up, and he became a little interested; "What's the relationship between Wannian Ghost Land and Ksitigarbha?"

"I heard that to become a ghost sage, one must snatch the ghost bones from the Ten Thousand Years Ghost Land. If one can take one ghost bone, one can become a ghost emperor, and if one can take ten thousand bones, one can become a ghost saint."

Obtaining this piece of information made Chu Tian a lot of interested in this ten thousand year ghost land.

It is very necessary to go to the underworld.

At the same time, he didn't want to go there alone, anyway, he also thought that he hadn't seen Xiaodie and Panshan for a long time.

It's also good to go back to your own fairy mansion, and then take the two of you to the underworld.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian raised his hand and said directly to the Heavenly Soldiers, "I see, send me back to the Southern Heaven Realm."

"It's an adult."

A ray of light flashed before Chutian's eyes, and in an instant, he returned to Nantian Street again, which made him not even think about it.

As soon as he raised his hand, he whistled with one hand and blew it.

In the sky, a flame attracted the eyes of the immortals.

Nantian Street is the same as before, there are still so many immortals selling goods, and there are also many big Luo Jinxians hanging out here.

Suddenly, a fairy horse with four feet of fire appeared, and came from the air.

It surprised many people.

Looking at such a ferocious mount, I really don't understand which immortal emperor's mount this is.

"I haven't been back to the Southern Heaven Realm for a long time. I never thought that there would be such a powerful fairy horse in the Southern Heaven Realm."

"Yes, this must be the mount of a certain immortal emperor. Wait, this immortal horse belongs to that guy. This immortal friend is actually so young."

"This is not the immortal friend in the Southern Heaven Realm who dares to challenge the Great Sage."

"What, he had a dispute with the Great Sage. I heard that the Sun's family of the Great Sage suffered a lot of serious injuries. The Sun family is in a mess, and it is no longer a good thing."

Many people sighed on their faces.

While everyone was sighing, Chu Tian had already rushed forward, directly mounted the Chihuo Immortal Horse, and walked away through the air.

Go to his fairy mansion.

He didn't pay attention to the words of the people around him.

In the entire Southern Heaven Realm, who else can stand in front of him?

Chu Tian curled his lips, looked at the surroundings arrogantly, drove the fairy horse, and returned to his fairy mansion very quickly.


The Sun family was hit hard, and they were all devastated, this one thing.

The patriarch of the Sun family, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, spent a lot of time investigating, and only then did he find out that all of this was very likely done by one person.

Who else but that kid?

Thinking of his generation of great sages, the family that was built with great difficulty was actually destroyed by someone.

He was so angry that he squatted in this fairy mansion, waiting for a person to come back for many days.

Although the seven-day deadline has not yet come.

But he still wanted to ask this kid why he wanted to destroy his fairy family.

In the sky, a fiery red fairy horse passed by, the fiery red surprise only made Monkey King's face change, and when he saw the person coming, his golden eyes sparkled.

For a while, Monkey King had a icy face.

Within the Immortal Mansion.

Seeing this red fire fairy horse also made the faces of the two people in the fairy mansion change.

Kocho looked happy.

"It's Young Master Chu. Young Master Chu is back. It's Young Master Chu's fairy horse. It must be Young Master Chu who has returned."

"It's not certain, this fairy horse didn't know where to go to have fun for a few days, and he just came back now. When the fairy horse comes back, it doesn't necessarily mean that the owner has returned."

"Panshan, you are such an idiot. Only Young Master Chu can control the Chihuo Immortal Horse. To bring the Immortal Horse home, it must be Young Master Chu who did it!"

Hearing Pan Shan's words, Xiaodie glared at him, but asked Pan Shan to touch his nose and dare not say anything.

Inside the Immortal Mansion, there were actually a few guests. These male celestial lords saw the immortal horse in the sky.

Also looked curious.

They have long heard of the famous young master Chu in the Southern Heaven Realm.

One by one, they raised their heads and stared at the past, wanting to see this genius from the Southern Heaven Realm with their own eyes.

It's just that they haven't seen that Young Master Chu in person.

Instead, a Taoist figure passed by in a flash. The person came so suddenly, holding a magic stick in his hand. When the stick went down, it would directly pierce the sky.

"Boy, how much is this great sage waiting for you here? My great sage, I have something today and I want to ask you for an explanation!"

(End of this chapter)

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