Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 288 Chutian Arrives

Chapter 288 Chutian Arrives
As soon as Chu Tian got up, he raised his feet and went up.

Flying directly in the air, heading towards the ghost village in front, but has not yet reached the ghost village.

I saw a black cloud billowing in the cottage in front of me.

This black cloud is really gloomy.

Many ghosts and immortals in the ghost village were oppressed and screamed.

"Hey, Young Master Chu, this cloud seems a bit strange, what kind of cloud is it, so powerful?"

Xiaodie was stunned when she saw the black clouds in front of her, so it was kind of strange.

Panshan's face was startled, and when he saw the black cloud in front of him, his expression changed, and he couldn't help but said, "This black cloud is terrifying. Master, let me go up and see what kind of ghost cloud it is."

As soon as Pan Shan raised his hand, he also rushed forward with the immortal axe.

With one move, the sky was even split into two.

The immortal ax had a terrifying momentum, rushed forward, and hit the black cloud ahead.

The entire black cloud was shaken, with a roar.

Among them, the ghost emperor was furious.

"Ah, who dares to hurt me, Blood Ghost Emperor, are you tired of living?"

The Ghost Emperor Xueming let out a roar, and turned his head with one of the black clouds.

It is obvious that they want to swallow Panshan directly.

This black cloud is terrifying and astonishing. In the few minutes just now, hundreds of ghosts and immortals in the ghost village died in this black cloud.

The ghost cloud was so gloomy that it was about to completely envelop the Panshan Mountain.

Pan Shan couldn't react, and with his skill, it was still very difficult to break the ghost emperor's blood magic.

No matter what the other party said, he was also the second eldest disciple under the throne of Ksitigarbha.

His strength has already reached the middle stage of Immortal Emperor.

Every gesture is an ability to destroy the world.

"It's just a joke for you to dare to hurt my Blood Ghost Emperor. Let me refine you into my Blood Ghost Cloud and die!"

The black cloud was about to swallow it in an instant.

Just when the blood ghost emperor thought that the guy in front of him couldn't escape.

Unexpectedly, the sky trembled and there was a loud sound. When this sudden person raised his hand, he was actually enveloped by the light of Buddha with one hand.

"Ancient Dharma, the Buddha's light transcends all living beings, and the Buddha's light is ten thousand zhang!"

Seeing that something was going on in Panshan, Chu Tian didn't even think about it, he just moved his body, rushed forward, and raised his hands, all of which were Buddha's light, covering the black clouds in front of him.


The Buddha's light rushed straight up, and the horror of the Buddha's light completely penetrated these black clouds.

The countless black clouds were instantly damaged, and the black clouds disappeared as soon as they disappeared.

It even made the Ghost Emperor Xueming show his figure, with an ugly face, raised his head, and looked over angrily.

"Who dares to stand in the way of my lord, you really want to die!"

The voice was loud, and when I looked up, I could only see one person in the sky.

And within the ghost cottage.

The appearance of Chu Tian had long been noticed by Gui Huajiao and the other ghost kings.

As Chutian's ghost slaves, they could of course feel the aura of Chutian's master.

Guihuajiao's face changed drastically, and she called out directly; "It's the master, the master is back, the master has finally come back to see us."

Hundreds of ghost kings all looked excited. Looking at Chutian, those ghost kings who knew Chutian's reputation were full of excitement.

"That's great, it's really great. Once the master arrives, we'll be saved. The master will definitely help us get back together."

"Master, save our ghost village. Master, we can't let this blood ghost emperor continue to destroy our village."

Many ghost kings shouted directly.

This made the gazes of some ghosts and immortals fall on Chu Tian, ​​which fluctuated.

Seeing the ghost village, Chutian stepped forward to the ghost fairy.

Ghost cottage is developing well.

In just a few days, he was able to collect thousands of ghosts and immortals, which made him very satisfied.

It's just that these ghosts have clearly never seen him.

There was a bit of doubt in that look, and it was even more dignified.

They also did not expect that the master of the ghost king in the ghost village is a person from the fairy world.

Let them have doubts in their hearts.

What kind of abilities does this ghost village master in the fairy world have?
"It's impossible for him to win. The Blood Ghost Emperor is the second eldest disciple under the Ksitigarbha Throne, and his strength is comparable to the number one disciple. We, we are doomed."

"That's right, he is only a high-ranking immortal in the fairy world. Even if he reaches the level of Immortal Emperor, he will hardly be a match for the Blood Underworld Ghost Emperor. The Blood Underworld Ghost Emperor is in the middle stage of a majestic Immortal Emperor."

"For so many years, there have been quite a few ghost emperors who died at the hands of the blood ghost emperor. He has never been defeated. Even the Ksitigarbha King praised him a lot. Who can defeat him!"

Some people's faces changed unsteadily, and those eyes stared at them with sighs.

All the ghosts and immortals were full of despair.

It only made the Ghost Emperor Xueming laugh out loud, with a very smug expression on his face.

Chu Tian did not expect that the momentum in this ghost village was so depressed.

As soon as he frowned, Chu Tian pulled his face, and said loudly, the voice was very loud, and he said directly, "I am the master of all ghosts in the village, and I am the master of all ghosts. Listen to me."

"In this underworld, no one can stop me. If you want to stand in my way, even if Ksitigarbha King himself comes, I will kill Wushe!"

A cold light flashed, and Chu Tian's words made everyone's expressions change even more.

These are such powerful words that even the Ksitigarbha King will kill without pardon.

This is simply contempt for the number one force in the ghost world!
All the ghosts and immortals looked astonished, shocked by Chu Tian's words.

The blood ghost emperor's face also changed, he clenched his fists, with full anger in his eyes: "Little trash fairy, dare to fight against the king of earth, if you don't need the king of earth, I, the blood ghost emperor, will directly kill you!" devour."

"You deserve to mention Ksitigarbha. It's ridiculous. You can mention Ksitigarbha. I'm going to swallow you up today!"

As soon as he raised his hand, the blood ghost emperor's hands moved, and his blood ghost skills were extremely terrifying.

Even the Ksitigarbha King praised his ghost skills.

The blood mist in those hands immediately thickened, and as soon as the whole person changed, the ghost's body changed instantly, completely turning into a ghostly evil spirit, forcing it directly.

He rushed directly towards Chutian.

The two servants beside Ghost Emperor Xue Ming also sneered, looking at Chu Tian with contempt in their eyes.

"The Ghost Emperor Xueming is one of the top five ghost emperors in our entire underworld. His ghost way can refine all living and dead things. This kid is doomed."

"That's not true. I didn't expect that this kid is the owner of this ghost village. If you kill him, you can just report to Lord Ksitigarbha, hahaha."

The two Ksitigarbha disciples who were cultivated by the ghost king burst out laughing.

It was about to see the blood ghost emperor devour Chu Tian in an instant.

Unexpectedly, the blood mist drifted past and was about to approach Chutian, when Chutian suddenly trembled, and a huge image appeared behind him.

It all made the face of Ghost Emperor Xueming change.

"It's up to you, if you want to swallow me, I want to see how you can swallow me, and my heavenly Buddha will show you how to swallow me."

In an instant, the Buddha Dharma image appeared directly.

The Chutian Buddha is so huge that it covers the whole world.

Only the face of Ghost Emperor Xueming changed greatly, and he was shocked by Chu Tian's hand; "Heavenly Buddha, no, it's impossible, even Lord Ksitigarbha hasn't practiced to Heavenly Buddha, you, why can you practice?" become!"

 Sorry, there was a power outage for two hours, and it will be updated immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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