Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 289 Killing the Blood Ghost Emperor

Chapter 289 Killing the Blood Ghost Emperor

Chu Tian curled his lips, looked directly at the Ghost Emperor Xueming in front of him, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't compare your Ksitigarbha King with me, I am above him, and I, Chutian, will definitely surpass him."

"Heavenly Buddha is for you to swallow, I still have two ways of cultivating heaven, and I also let you swallow the four spells, but I want to see how much you can swallow."

As soon as he raised his hand, Chu Tian shot all four spells into the opponent's ghost fog.

Ghost Emperor Xueming trembled all over and screamed.


That whole person exploded in an instant, and at this instant, it was the first time that his blood ghost technique was broken by someone.

The Ghost Emperor Xueming recovered his body, and they all looked at him with a look about to explode.

Being hurt by Chutian made him lose a lot of face.

His face was gloomy and uncertain.

The two ghost lords behind him all looked shocked, they never thought that someone could hurt the blood ghost emperor.

What's the origin of this kid?
Inside the ghost village, many ghosts raised their heads and stared at them, feeling the horror of Chu Tian's strength. With all his strength, he was able to repel the blood ghost's ghost method of the blood ghost emperor.

I look happy.

"I didn't expect that this adult is so powerful, too powerful."

"My lord is worthy of being the master of our cottage, my lord is amazing."

The Ghost Emperor Xueming was half-dead from anger.

Immediately went into a rage.

"I'm dignified, under the Ksitigarbha King, the most powerful disciple, I don't believe it, I can't kill you, the position of the Ksitigarbha King's first disciple must be mine, I, the blood ghost emperor, will be the Ksitigarbha King, Suppress the underworld ghost world!"

"Look at my blood ghost method, the blood turns into evil spirits, and all ghosts can't stop me. My ghost has long been consummated, and the ghost has possessed me. Even the ghost emperor will kneel down to me!"

The Ghost Emperor Xueming let out a roar, and under the fury, he didn't want to hold back any more.

The whole body trembled, and the whole body also directly transformed into evil spirit. This is ghost evil spirit, which is even more terrifying than the ghost fog.

The ghost was attached to the evil spirit, and a huge grimace appeared in it, roaring continuously.

Roaring at Chu Tian, ​​the momentum is overwhelming, and it is even more yelling at everything.

Among them, the huge grimace changes endlessly, and it is really ghostly.

The consummation of this ghost is powerful.

Falling into Chu Tian's eyes, his brows frowned. This ghost emperor's middle stage is more than a little stronger than the ghost emperor's early stage.

But so what, his chance is astonishing, and his goal is no longer this emperor.

He wants to surpass these saints.

A mere ghost emperor in the middle stage can block his way.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Tian looked at the unchanging changes of that grimace, all of which had changed enormously, clearly trying to surpass his Heavenly Buddha.

Chu Tian's face was pulled, and his voice was loud, and he had already taken out his ghost directly.

"Don't think that you are the only one who has ghosts, and I have them too. I have ghosts in my body, and I am not much worse than you!"

Without even thinking about it, Chu Tian directly put the ghost into his body.

The whole body trembled, and the whole body was surrounded by Yin Qi, with gusts of Yin wind.

Chu Tian, ​​who raised his head, proudly looked at the Blood Ghost Emperor in front of him.

With a face full of fear, there was a little sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the ghostly evil spirit of the Xueming Ghost Emperor approaching directly, without thinking about it, the three cultivators, Buddha, Tao, and ghosts, are all directly fighting against the past.

It's a pity that the Buddha couldn't resist this day, the other party's evil blood ghost.

However, it can still stop the opponent's evil spirit for a few seconds.

Under the explosion of four spells.

It all made the blood ghost Emperor Xueming growl continuously, and the change of grimace was even more obvious.

It was a grimace that kept changing, approaching in an instant, approaching Chutian, all with the intention of swallowing Chutian directly.

Ghost Emperor Xueming broke through forcefully, that was a serious injury.

Even if he was seriously injured, he wanted to take Chu Tian down, otherwise, where would he lose the face of the Blood Ghost Emperor.

Ghost Emperor Xueming's blood ghost method is formidable. Even if the Heavenly Buddha who broke Chutian directly, even if the Heavenly Buddha is reorganized, his speed is not astonishing.

The four spells do not destroy all the evil spirits.

Even though the ghostly evil spirit was half destroyed, it also arrived at Chutian's side, and the grimace changed, wrapping Chutian directly in an instant.

This scene caused many ghosts to change their expressions drastically.

They all looked ugly.

"No, it's not good, my lord, my lord will be refined by the blood ghost emperor."

"That's right, even the ghost emperor can't leave the ghostly aura of the blood ghost emperor, the master is finished."

Guixian's face was ugly for a while.

Gui Huajiao and the other ghost kings also gritted their teeth and wanted to help, but were blocked by two ghost kings.

They couldn't be allowed to take a step forward, they could only look forward, and Chu Tian was completely enveloped by the evil spirit.

Hundreds of ghost kings also had a pale face.

The Ghost Emperor Xueming obviously wanted to refine Chu Tian directly.

Chu Tian, ​​who went deep into it, didn't panic at all. He curled his lips and sneered, his eyes were contemptuous, and he took out something directly without even thinking about it.

He doesn't even want to use this thing.

However, the ghost aura in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor is now powerful.

He had no choice but to let him take out the completed Nine Nether Soul Stone.

Inside this soul stone, there is a large amount of ghost energy gathered.

The Nine Nether Soul Stones instantly shattered within the ghostly aura of the Blood Underworld Ghost Emperor.

With a loud sound, the entire soul stone also exploded directly.

The ghostly aura in the Nine Nether Soul Stone rushed out crazily, and even the ghostly aura of the Blood Underworld Ghost Emperor was directly broken.

The ghostly evil spirit was directly shattered by these terrifying ghosts.

This caused Ghost Emperor Xueming to be seriously injured, and was forced to vomit blood and retreat.

The ghost body has already appeared.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Tian raised his hand, and the Buddha made a move that day, and immediately grabbed it.

Squeezing his ghost body, Xueming Ghost Emperor's ghost body has already become a reality.

He was pinched in the palm of the Buddha and couldn't move.

He kept struggling, but now he was seriously injured, and Chutian's Nine Nether Soul Stone exploded directly, which seriously injured him.

He never thought that the guy in front of him would have such a terrifying treasure.

Ghost Emperor Xueming kept struggling, his face was ugly, his whole body was trembling, and he yelled at Chu Tian, ​​"Let me go, I am a disciple under the throne of Dizang, you dare to hurt me, you bastard!"

Chu Tian looked indifferently, looked at the Ghost Emperor Xueming among the Buddhas, and said coldly, "I also want you to accompany me with an artifact. I absorbed a lot of ghosts and broke them because of you."

"Whatever you say this time, I will let you and your Ksitigarbha make up for me!"

For this ultimate treasure hunting opportunity, it is not too bad to lose a Nine Nether Soul Stone.

Sooner or later, he will find the Ksitigarbha King and return him.

Chu Tian, ​​whose face darkened, let the Heavenly Buddha do it, pinched the Ghost Emperor Xueming in his hands, and directly smashed his ghost body into pieces.

That left only a ghost.

As soon as it was locked by Chu Tian, ​​the four spells rushed forward.

"Destroy me, you think you can run away, and leave me a ghost, I will let you die without a burial!"

The ghost was smashed to pieces.

This majestic ghost emperor, with his cultivation base, is in the middle stage of ghost emperor.

But he was killed by Chu Tian in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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