Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 290 The Truth About the Ceremony

Chapter 290 The Truth About the Ceremony
Not far away, the remaining two ghost masters saw it in their eyes, and their expressions changed.

Just want to escape.

How could Chutian let them go? His ultimate treasure hunting opportunity was on these two guys, and now the Blood Ghost Emperor was dead.

Only these two ghosts are left.

With Chu Tian's face pulled, with the movement of that one hand, the divine sword also came out of his body instantly, and the divine sword flew up.

Directly pierced through the bodies of the two ghost kings.

puff puff!

The ghosts in the two ghost masters were penetrated instantly.

After two screams, they both turned into two puffs of gas and disappeared in smoke.

In this ghost village, the turmoil subsided.

Quite a few ghosts and immortals watched all this, noticing the death of Ghost Emperor Xueming.

Already excitedly cheered directly.

"Long live my lord, my lord is amazing."

"The Ghost Emperor of the Blood Underworld, the Ghost Emperor of the Blood Underworld is no match for an adult, the number one immortal in the ghost world!"

A group of ghosts and fairies looked excited.

The same was true for the hundred ghost kings, who saw Chu Tian's astonishing strength.

The confidence in the ghost king's heart has also increased a lot.

Gui Huajiao curled her lips, with a happy smile on her face, her eyes swept over everyone, and she said with a haughty look; "Have you seen, master's strength, you little devils can't understand it."

"The master alone can be compared to the Ksitigarbha King!"

At this moment, no one doubted Gui Huajiao's words.

Can easily kill the blood ghost emperor.

Chutian's strength is comparable to that of Ksitigarbha.

With such a powerful cottage master, why would they not be able to make a name for themselves and strengthen them in this underworld.

Chu Tian didn't care about the cheers of these ghosts and fairies, but heard a voice next to his ear.

"Get the ultimate treasure hunting opportunity once, please note that the ultimate treasure hunting opportunity is full of difficulties, don't claim it if you are not sure!"

"The ultimate treasure hunt task can only be completed by the host alone, without the assistance of outsiders!"

This treasure hunting opportunity is really a pit.

It can only be done by one person!
All he knew was that high-level treasure hunting opportunities would come from all kinds of strong men comparable to Immortal Emperors.

Just don't know what will happen in this ultimate treasure hunt opportunity.

Could it be that he really wants to go directly to attack the saint by himself?
Thinking of all this, Chu Tian's eyes fell on the ghost village in front of him, feeling the enthusiasm of the ghost village in front of him, and his face straightened.

He came to the underworld this time.

He also wanted to see these ghost slaves that belonged to him.

As soon as he moved his body, he approached directly and looked around, but he didn't see a single person.

Chu Tian pulled his face and shouted directly; "Where is Gui Qi, Gui Lao Qi, come out for me!"

Every time I opened my mouth, there was a loud sound.

Not far away, in that hidden place, a figure swayed, and the visitor seemed to be stumbling over.

In front of Chu Tian, ​​Gui Qi knelt on the ground, trembling: "Ghost Qi is here, what is the master's order?"

Unexpectedly, something happened to this ghost cottage, and this ghost seven, as the ghost master of the cottage, was still hiding.

Chu Tian's expression turned ugly, "As the ghost owner of the ghost village, you dare to hide and watch a good show. You are not worthy of the position of ghost owner. You really disappoint me. Get out of here."

Ghost Seven didn't dare to fart, lowered his head, and turned aside with an ugly expression.

Some ghost kings looked at this scene, showing even more respect to Chu Tian.

"Master is really discerning, this ghost seven, runs away when things happen, and loses the majesty of the master."

"That's right, if it wasn't for Sister Hua, our entire ghost village would have been taken away in one go."

Hearing the ghost kings' words, Chu Tian's eyes fell on that ghost Huajiao, but he never expected that this female ghost fairy was so powerful.

Looking at Chu Tian's gaze, Gui Huajiao's whole body trembled, and she immediately knelt down.

With a respectful face on his face, he said: "The master is the real master of the cottage, with the prestige of the master, Hua Jiao can suppress thousands of ghosts, and she dare not be proud."

Chu Tian nodded in satisfaction, this female ghost fairy is very obedient.

Without even thinking about it, he raised his hand and said, "Okay, Guihuajiao, from today onwards, the position of the ghost master of this ghost village belongs to you alone, and the position of the ghost master is also up to you to decide."

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that they were raising Gui Huajiao to a higher level.

This made Gui Huajiao happy, and she agreed directly with excitement.

"Thank you Master, thank you Master, Hua Jiao will definitely do her best for Master."

After finishing speaking, this ghost Huajiao really couldn't stop smiling, and she looked at Chu Tian with winking eyes like silk.

It made Chu Tian sigh, this female ghost fairy really knows how to do things and be a ghost.

If it wasn't for Xiaodie approaching, staring at Guihuajiao in front of her with an ugly face.

Chu Tian was just about to flirt with this female ghost.

Think about it, it's also a good thing to pick up a female ghost fairy.

However, it depends on whether the little fairy agrees or not.

Chu Tian, ​​who coughed dryly, still didn't dare to act recklessly.

He straightened his face, looked at Gui Huajiao in front of him, and said seriously; "This time, I came to the underworld to celebrate the Ksitigarbha King. Ask me, among the ghost kings, who is familiar with the ceremony? You can go with me."

When it comes to the big talk of the celebration, many ghost kings' expressions changed.

He looked ugly.

That ghost Huajiao also trembled all over, and looked over with complicated eyes: "Master, why is master going to this celebration meeting?"

"Oh, can't this place go?"

"I'm afraid the master doesn't know that this celebration meeting is a rule set by the Ksitigarbha King to select the King of Hades in the Eighteenth Hall. One city, the Palace of the King of Hades."

These words only brightened Chu Tian's eyes, which was a good thing.

If you rob life and death, you can create a ghost town.

It's just so cool.

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

Seeing the emotion in Chu Tian's eyes, Gui Huajiao smiled wryly and said, "My lord, the Eighteen Kings of Hades will never let others compete with them for the eighteen life and death certificates. There are many ghost soldiers and ghost generals in their hands. , as long as there is another ghost who wants to fight."

"I will definitely be attacked by thousands of ghosts and generals. At that time, there is only one dead end!"

Clearly, this life and death book is not so easy to grab.

Otherwise, an ordinary ghost emperor could be the King of Hades?
This is simply impossible!

But knowing that it is difficult to grab, can Chu Tian give up his mind?
This is simply impossible.

This aroused his fighting spirit even more, Chu Tian's face became serious, and he said without thinking; "So, you should be very familiar with the rules of this celebration meeting, Guihuajiao, are you willing to accompany me to participate in the celebration?" General Assembly."

Gui Huajiao was stunned, but when she heard Chu Tian's words, her expression changed.

Obviously, there will definitely be many difficulties in this celebration meeting.

At that time, there will be chaos, and with her strength, she will not be able to protect herself.

But Chutian is her ghost master, and she is willing to sacrifice everything for Chutian alone!
Gui Huajiao didn't hesitate for a second, and said directly: "Hua Jiao is willing to go with the master, even if this ghost body is destroyed, she must help the master!"

Chu Tian was very satisfied, nodded and smiled; "Okay, don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

 I owe a chapter and make it up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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