Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 291 The Burial Ground of Thousands of Ghosts

Chapter 291 The Burial Ground of Thousands of Ghosts
Under the Ghost City of Eighteen Halls, there is also a place where thousands of ghosts are buried.

This place is even more mysterious than the Nine Nether Bone Burial Ground.

Gui Huajiao has been in this underworld for thousands of years, and she only knows a little about this land of ghosts.

Do you know that since Ksitigarbha became a ghost sage through cultivation, this Ksitigarbha has never come out of this place where thousands of ghosts are buried.

However, he has an ancient divine beast, relying on the ancient divine beast to listen, even if he does not leave this place where thousands of ghosts are buried, he can still know all the changes in the ghost world.

As for how powerful this ghost saint is.

Gui Huajiao sighed; "In the whole underworld, Gui Sheng is the only one. I heard that he transcends the three realms, and he is not under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court. Even the Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Court cannot control him."

This Ksitigarbha King can be said to be the overlord of the entire ghost world.

The Kings of Hades in the Eighteenth Palaces are all appointed by him, and none of the Kings of Hades in the Eighteenth Palaces dare to oppose him.

Knowing these things, Chu Tian has already arrived at the Styx River that entered the land of all ghosts.

There are several ghost boats placed in the Styx River. The people who punted the boats were all dressed in uniform, wearing coir raincoats and straw hats, and they couldn't see their faces.

Only when Chutian approached, the faint voice came.

"Do you have the pass token of Ksitigarbha?"

As soon as he raised his head, Chu Tian clearly saw the flashing green light in the eyes of the punter, and only Chu Tian could see it.

I always feel that the punting boat in front of me does not look like a human being.

As if confirming his thoughts, Gui Huajiao on the side lowered his voice and said with a serious face: "Master, these are ghost slaves in the hands of the Ksitigarbha King, they were raised by the resentment of the land of all ghosts. Slave, the worst strength is also the realm of the ghost king."

"The number of ghost slaves is as many as tens of thousands, which is why no one dares to break into this place."

Chu Tian nodded, glanced over, but found that the ghost slave was the Yin Qi of the ghost king.

The Yin Qi is thick and lifeless, and the ghost king's strength is true.

However, there are tens of thousands of ghost kings and slaves?
This Ksitigarbha, is that powerful?

With a look of curiosity, do you have some doubts about the strength of this Ksitigarbha King?

Chu Tian also raised his hand and took out the access token.

After the ghost slave in front nodded, he immediately began to support the boat.

As soon as Chutian and others boarded the boat, the boat slid out slowly.

Go to the land of ten thousand ghosts ahead.

This distance is not too far. Although the ghost ship is slow, the speed is not too slow.

The ghost boat floated to the shore, and when Chu Tian raised his head, he saw the ghost domain ahead.

Many ghost ships are docked here.

Those who came to participate in this local centennial celebration are all big figures in the local area.

The King of Hades in the ghost cities arrived with ghost soldiers and ghost generals.

These Hades wear dragon crowns and phoenix robes, looking full of air.

He raised his head and held his chest high, only heading towards the place where King Ksitigarbha was.

As soon as Chu Tian got to the shore, many Hades noticed the weirdness of this group of people.

The ghostly aura on Chutian's body can still deceive the eyes of some Hades, but there is Panshan behind Chutian, and there is Xiaodie.

The two are immortal.

But it's not hard to make these hell kings in front of you unnoticed.

The Centennial Celebration of the Ghost Realm has been attended by no immortals for tens of thousands of years.

The fairy world cannot intervene in the ghost world, and it is a rule in the past to take action against their centennial celebrations.

Some Hades pulled their faces down.

He looked over with a strange face, his eyes were a bit ugly.

Among them, a bearded, pot-faced, and chubby Hades, with his eyes focused, all shouted; "In the centennial celebration, immortals have not been allowed to enter for a long time. Who are you, you dare to force your way in?" A land of myriad ghosts, do you know that this is the territory of Ksitigarbha King."

He stared directly at it.

Seeing Hades in front of him, Guihuajiao's expression changed, it was ugly, and she couldn't help but take a step back.

Noticing Gui Huajiao, the ghost King of Hades fixed his eyes, and he really just pouted and laughed outright; "Oh, this is not the little sedan chair I used in the six ghost cities back then. My lord has been looking for you for a long time, but you are here here."

"How do you think about the things that my lord told you? Be my ghost slave and serve my lord every day. My lord will keep your ghost way smooth sailing!"

He laughed loudly, his greedy face swept across Guihuajiao's whole body, and he looked like a rascal.

Unexpectedly, the king of Hades in this ghost city is also such a disgusting king of Hades.

Both Xiaodie and Panshan's expressions turned pale.

Gui Huajiao also had an ugly expression, but she glanced at Chu Tian beside her, she had a bit of backbone in her heart, and when she looked up, she looked proudly: "Master Liucheng Jingwang, I have found my master. You don't need to worry too much, the current master treats Hua Jiao very well."

"It's impossible for me to be your ghost slave!"

As soon as the words came out, King Jing's complexion changed, and his face became ugly.

His eyes fell on Chu Tian with a look of resentment.

It was obvious that Chu Tian had taken away his fancy female ghost fairy; "Just this kid, you would rather choose him than me, and you are so mad at me, what is he, he can compare to my scene?" King, there are thousands of ghost generals and tens of thousands of ghost soldiers in King Jing Ghost Hall."

"Couldn't it be that he can compare, I can squeeze him into a fleshy meat as soon as I raise my hand, boy, listen to me, I have taken a fancy to this female ghost fairy, if you don't give her to me, I will kill her now I want you to be out of your wits!"

King Jing's face was icy, and he glared over angrily, threatening Chu Tian directly.

Chu Tian listened to this, curled his lips, and looked at Hades in front of him.

It just feels ridiculous: "If you want someone from me, who do you think you are, go away, I'm not here to find you rubbish, I don't have space for you."

As soon as he waved his hand, Chu Tian had a cold face.

He only came here for Ksitigarbha, and he had no time to talk to other Hades.

He even dared to ask someone from him. If it wasn't for Ksitigarbha's territory, Chu Tian would have done it long ago.

How should I put it, when he first entered this sacred place of ghosts, he still planned to give Ksitigarbha a little face.

Unfortunately, upon hearing Chu Tian's words, King Jing in front of him didn't think so.

He is the King of Hades, who controls life and death, and his strength has reached the early stage of Ghost Emperor. He is in charge of the power of life and death of ghosts in a city.

Unexpectedly, he was despised by a kid.

Also let him go!

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, I'm so mad at this king, what are you, you dare to let this king go, this king is the sixth ghost city Hades, my sixth ghost city life and death book, can determine the life and death of all living things, boy, Lao Tzu I’m going to show you today, my 6th Ghost Town Book of Life and Death is amazing.”

As soon as he raised his hand, King Jing used the Book of Life and Death against Chu Tian in anger.

Seeing the opponent's movements, Chu Tian became a little curious, and raised his head to look at the past.

I would like to see how powerful this life and death book is.

King Jing moved one hand, and that ancient book flew directly into the sky.

The ancient book spins and trembles.

The light was so bright that it attracted the eyes of many Hades. Unexpectedly, this celebration has not yet started, and there is actually a Hades who directly made a move here.

(End of this chapter)

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