Chapter 292
A single movement of life and death can determine life and death in the three realms.

Hades wants you to die on the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch!
The life-death book blew a cloudy wind and aimed directly at Chu Tian. King Jing's face turned icy cold, and he wanted to teach the boy in front of him a lesson, as long as he sucked his ghost into the life-death book.

You can hold the kid in front of you in your hands, and he is still in control of life and death.

The corner of King Jing's mouth continued to sneer, and the life and death book in his hand shone with light, covering Chu Tian's body.

It was about to suck Chu Tian's ghost.

Unexpectedly, the life and death book suddenly trembled, and the whole life and death book was directly ignited instantly.

That's straight up burning.

The life and death book burned, which made King Jing's face change drastically. When he raised his hand, he shot directly, and quickly grabbed the life and death book in his hands, resisting the terrifying flames that scorched his hands.

They all forcibly extinguished the fire of life and death directly.

Seeing that there was only half of the life and death book left, his expression changed drastically.

He raised his head and looked over with a look of surprise.

The other Kings of Hades also looked astonished.

How is this going?

Life and death Bo couldn't absorb a lot of the ghosts of the kid in front of him, and he was actually burned by a flash of fire.

Could it be that this kid has escaped beyond the Three Realms?

But how is this possible, this kid doesn't have ghost emperor ghost aura, nor immortal emperor immortal aura, how can he escape from the Three Realms.

Chu Tian looked at the life-and-death book in front of him, and it was nothing more than that, but he was somewhat disappointed.

"I didn't expect that this life and death is so thin, it is only so little ability, and it can only be effective against ghosts below the ghost emperor. In my opinion, I am afraid that it will be difficult to deal with ordinary immortals."

Chu Tian curled his lips, his eyes filled with disappointment.

He came here for the life and death book, and the life and death book became less attractive to him, and only the ghost town could attract him.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, King Jing's face turned red and he was full of anger; "Boy, you, you dare to destroy this king's book of life and death, and this king will kill you."

King Jing roared angrily, and his whole body swelled up, revealing his ghostly body, directly trying to reveal the ghost, intending to attack Chutian.

Chu Tian frowned, very upset, the guy in front of him really thought he was a soft persimmon, easy to pinch.

With a downcast face, he watched Hades in front of him about to grow his ghost body.

Chu Tian, ​​who couldn't bear it for a long time, raised that one hand, without even thinking about it, as soon as he raised his hand, the heavenly Buddha came to the world.

"Dare to be crazy in front of me, get out!"

The instant the Buddha appeared on this day, he also directly raised a hand, which was extremely huge.

King Jing, who was still in front of him, was stunned. He obviously didn't react, and he didn't understand why such a big Buddha image suddenly appeared.

The huge palm of the Buddha Dharma directly pressed over.

They all slapped it and flew it out.

King Jing, who spurted out a mouthful of blood, almost couldn't stop when he flew out.

When it hit the ground, it left a huge pothole.

Many people watched this scene, their faces changed, and their eyes on Chu Tian also changed.

It was completely unexpected that Chu Tian would have such terrifying strength when he made a move.

Directly shoot one of them, Hades, and fly them away.

The power of this blow is too terrifying, too powerful!

The whole process took less than ten seconds. Chu Tian pulled his face down and walked forward as he swept past the Hell King who fell to the ground and vomited blood.

I really don't intend to let him go, dare to hit his attention.

How could he just let this Hades go.

However, as soon as he stepped forward, before he approached, a Buddha's name sounded, and the sound was loud and crisp.

"Nanwu, the Centennial Celebration of the Underworld is not a place of struggle. You have to forgive others and forgive others. This friend of the fairy world, why not let him go, the local king of Tibet is willing to apologize for him!"

The voice of the Ksitigarbha King carried a kind of courage.

All the kings of Hades around were listening to their ears, trembling all over, and could feel the power of Buddha in the words of Ksitigarbha King.

This Buddha power is astonishing, it really made Chu Tian tremble.

I was almost bewitched by this Buddha power directly.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed down his disturbed heart. He knew very well that this Ksitigarbha's Buddhist practice was indeed better than him.

I am afraid that even compared with the Tathagata, it is only a tiny bit worse.

This is also one of the ancient true Dharma!

Hearing Ksitigarbha speak, Chu Tian also lost interest in the Hades in front of him. Of course, he came here to see Ksitigarbha.

This mere King of Hades doesn't look at him at all.

He will also enter the land of ten thousand ghosts.

Getting the ghost bone was what he wanted to do.

Greeting Gui Huajiao, Xiao Die and Pan Shan, without even thinking about it, they went to the depths of the Land of Ten Thousand Ghosts.


For the centennial celebration, the place where Ksitigarbha is located is a palace, and the palace is very magnificent.

The entire palace is like an ancient city.

This ghost city is not much smaller than the underworld city of Hades.

Here, there are all ghost slaves who follow Ksitigarbha to practice the way of ghosts, as well as disciples.

These disciples have followed Ksitigarbha for many years, with Ksitigarbha as the center.

Do your best for Ksitigarbha.

As soon as Chutian came in, he saw that there were a lot of ghosts and ghosts prepared in front of him. There were quite a lot of these rare delicacies.

Looking at it at a glance, the ghost fruit is crystal clear.

Tempting to drool, there are so many high-class ghosts here, it is also dazzling.

Chu Tian couldn't help but sigh, this Ksitigarbha was enshrined by the King of Hades in the Eighteenth Palace, and the tributes are quite a lot every year.

With so many tributes and so many supporters, it's no wonder that his position as a ghost saint is safe and sound.

I'm afraid that for ten thousand years, Ksitigarbha, the ghost sage, has sat very comfortably.

As soon as she came in, Gui Huajiao also lamented that the ghosts for the Centennial Celebration were all top-notch.

"The annual tribute of Ksitigarbha King is the best in the entire underworld. I think, nourished by these high-quality ghosts, his life in this place where thousands of ghosts are buried is much more comfortable."

"Moreover, even his disciples have received a lot of benefits. No wonder, led by King Ksitigarbha, they can become the number one force in this underworld!"

It was the first time for Guihuajiao to come here, and she had never seen this Ksitigarbha King before.

The disciples under the throne of Ksitigarbha are unattainable.

Not to mention, Ksitigarbha himself, this is not something ordinary ghosts can see.

This made Gui Huajiao look forward to it.

But Chu Tian looked around and saw that there were quite a few people coming here, among them the Kings of Hades from the Eighteenth Palace had already arrived, and the strength of these Kings of Hades was indeed quite good.

From the looks of it, this competition for King of Hades will be very fierce.

This gave Chu Tian a headache.

No matter what he said, he wanted to take down this ghost city to stabilize his power in the underworld.

Just as he was thinking, a person riding a mount in front of him came from Yukong.

appeared in front of the crowd.

With a kind face on his face, Ksitigarbha slowly paced down the ancient beast.

As soon as he appeared, the faces of those disciples changed, and they all knelt down on the ground with a loud cry.

"Congratulations to Lord Ksitigarbha."

"Welcome, my lord!"

Not to mention these disciples, even Hades knelt down to the ground one after another.

Except for Chu Tian and his group, all the kings of hell, ghost soldiers, ghost generals, ghost immortals, and ghost emperors knelt on the ground facing the Ksitigarbha king in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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