Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 293 Questioning the Ghost Saint

Chapter 293 Questioning the Ghost Saint
The ancient gods and beasts listened carefully.

It was full of arrogance, looking around, this mount was so majestic, it made many people bow down.

However, among them, there are still a few people who did not kneel.

Not to mention the ancient gods and beasts who were listening, Ksitigarbha also raised his head, and his gaze fell on Chu Tian and others in front of him.

Chu Tian stood straight and looked at King Ksitigarbha, which was not false at all.

He curled his lips and looked over with a smile on his face.

"Lord Ksitigarbha Ghost Sage, you are number one in the ghost world. I have something that I would like to ask you."

As soon as the words opened, the faces of the people in front of them changed.

The disciples of Ksitigarbha King pulled their faces and glared at them angrily.

They were all annoyed by Chu Tian's appearance.

"Shut up, Lord Ksitigarbha can also look directly at you, so hurry up and kneel down."

"Ksitigarbha is the number one ghost sage in the ghost world, what qualifications do you have to dare to stand in front of adults."

These disciples all had a bit of murderous look in their eyes, and they stared at them unhappily.

Chu Tian curled his lips, showing no sign of wanting to kneel at all, and just stared at Ksitigarbha ahead of him with that gaze.

Sensing Chutian's gaze, Ksitigarbha looked calm, folded his palms together, and proclaimed a Buddha's name.

This Ksitigarbha pretended to be very similar.

No matter which saint it is, it must pretend to be a universal salvation.

Was it because he was afraid that others would not convince him?
"My dear friend, I know that you are not from the underworld, and I don't understand why you have received my invitation letter. However, since you are here, you are my guest, and I naturally welcome you. What's the matter, I can answer you."

Ksitigarbha had a calm face and looked at Chu Tian with a kind of calmness.

Chu Tian didn't believe it. The Ksitigarbha didn't know that he had a problem with his disciples.

Chutian's face was pulled, and he didn't even think about it; "I don't know, why did the ghost king of Ksitigarbha want people to attack my ghost village? There are thousands of ghosts. I don't know how many people died in my ghost village. Ghost Immortal, your disciple is disrupting the entire ghost world, you don’t think that you have gone too far.”

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian dared to speak so bluntly, dared to say such words to Ksitigarbha King.

The faces of all Hades changed.

The Ksitigarbha King in front also frowned slightly, and soon let go, and looked over with a calm face, with a calm face; "I am only for the peace of the ghost world."

"The tranquility of the shit ghost world, you, Ksitigarbha King, rule alone, don't let the fairy world interfere, let the disciples of the ghost emperor mess around, it's clear that you want to control the entire ghost world!"

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, the voice pointing at Ksitigarbha was loud.

Looking at the King of Hades in front of him, Chu Tian said directly, "Ask them, these Kings of Hades are here, do you really think that they all sincerely trust you?"

All the Hades kept silent.

Ksitigarbha glanced at the kings of Hades, his eyes fell on Chu Tian again, and said with a faint smile, "It's the same in heaven and in the world. Whoever is holy can rule one side. The strongest is supreme. This is the same principle."

Hearing that Ksitigarbha was talking about the way to him, Chu Tian only laughed.

The laughter was loud, and he said directly; "Then, as long as I am better than you, then I am the truth in this world."

With his eyes fixed, Chu Tian's words were astonishing.

All the Kings of Hades raised their heads and looked over, with astonishment on their faces.

This is the first person in the ghost world who dares to speak to King Ksitigarbha like this.

Ksitigarbha King's eyes also flickered several times, looking at Chutian in front of him, his expression froze, and at the end, he still smiled: "My friend's comprehension is good, but it's a pity that you are not my opponent. .”

This ghost saint really has a full face.

Even the ancient beasts under the seat let out a long breath and let out a cold snort.

It was obvious that he didn't pay attention to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian was not angry, he looked at the Ksitigarbha King in front of him and said, "It won't work now, but it may not work in the future. This hell and ghost world has been going on for hundreds of millions of years. It's not you, Ksitigarbha King, a ghost sage, a ghost way, I'm going out of my own way. The ghost way, to achieve my ghost body."

The disciples under the throne of Ksitigarbha all glared at him.

Seeing this, Gui Huajiao smiled wryly.

Unexpectedly, Chutian would have the courage to talk to King Ksitigarbha like this.

"Hey, the master talks to the Ksitigarbha like this. I think the Ksitigarbha won't tolerate letting the master stay in the ghost world."

Hearing Guihuajiao's words, Xiaodie pouted.

They all snorted coldly: "He is only a saint in a world, Young Master Chu doesn't even pay attention to the great saint, and he is afraid of him alone."

"That's right, the sages of the three realms are not Ksitigarbha alone, and the sages are just one step ahead of the immortals."

Pan Shan raised his head, with his previous cultivation and strength, it was enough to say such arrogant words.

Hearing what the two said, Gui Huajiao was taken aback, looking at Chu Tian in front of her, she also looked thoughtful.

Chu Tian was not afraid of those disciples under the throne of Ksitigarbha, and looked at the Ksitigarbha in front of him. He still has one thing to do now.

It must be completed before Ksitigarbha begins the ceremony.

He didn't want to wait until the celebration was over before he could get the ghost bones of the Land of Ten Thousand Ghosts. This was related to his grand plan to snatch the ghost town of the King of Hell's Palace.

"Ghost Saint, I have something, I want you to look it over for me."

With a smile on his face, Chu Tian raised his hand, and took out the obtained ghost bone token in his hand.

This is a Ghost Saint Token!
The ghostly aura lingered in the token, and the ghostly aura emanating from it made the Ksitigarbha in front of him startled.

The faces of some disciples also changed drastically.

"You, how could you have the Ghost Sacred Token of Burial of All Ghosts? No, it's impossible."

"You, you must have stolen it, you can't have this ghost token!"

The changes on the faces of these disciples proved that the things in his hands were definitely not fake.

Now let's see if the Ksitigarbha King ahead will agree.

Looking at the token in Chutian's hand, Ksitigarbha's expression changed several times, and when it landed on Chutian, he asked calmly, "Where did you get this token?"

"With the token in my hand, I am qualified to win the ghost bones of the Ten Thousand Years Burial Ground, right?"

Ksitigarbha did not speak.

Gui Huajiao stepped forward and said, "Before the ghost sage was sanctified, there was a rule in the Boneyard, which had not changed for thousands of years. Step into the cemetery of ten thousand ghosts in the place where the bones are buried, and take the bones of ten thousand ghosts."

The ghost sedan chair looked at the Ksitigarbha King in front of him with a serious face.

Even if she is a ghost saint now, she will always be Chutian's ghost slave.

She mustered up the courage to face Ksitigarbha directly in front of her.

Ksitigarbha turned pale, glanced at Gui Huajiao, and then nodded: "That's right, but there is such a rule in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cemetery."

"Since you have the key to the Ten Thousand Ghosts Graveyard, you are of course eligible to enter the Ten Thousand Ghosts Graveyard and get the chance to obtain ghost bones!"

As soon as the words opened, the faces of the hundred disciples changed, and they stared at them with ugly faces.

Looking at Chu Tian's eyes, he was full of deep jealousy.

(End of this chapter)

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