Chapter 294
Except for King Ksitigarbha, no one has been able to enter the cemetery of ten thousand ghosts in the past ten thousand years.

Now, Chutian is another person besides Ksitigarbha.

And it's not a ghost from the ghost world.

Everyone's faces changed, these Ksitigarbha disciples were really outraged.

"Damn it, I have been a disciple of the Ksitigarbha Throne for tens of thousands of years, and I have already been in the body of a ghost emperor. Unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity to enter this graveyard of ten thousand ghosts."

"Yes, I heard that as long as the ghost king enters and gets one ghost bone, he can become a ghost king, and if he gets ten ghost bones, he can become a ghost emperor."

"Unexpectedly, we didn't get this opportunity, but he got it."

Many people looked over with jealousy.

Ksitigarbha also stared deeply at Chu Tian with a serious face, his expression fluctuated, and finally he said, "Since you are going to enter the cemetery of all ghosts."

"Then you have to remember that the cemetery is surrounded by Yin Qi, and you can only stay there for 3 minutes if you have the ghost token of the cemetery. Once every 3 minutes, the resentment of the token disappears, and if you don't come out, you can only become one of them." grave!"

Chu Tian knew very well that the Ksitigarbha King did not lie to him.

She was kind enough to remind him.

Let him smile a little, and take the initiative to say; "Thank you."

After finishing speaking, he lifted his foot, and under the eyes of everyone, he walked directly into the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cemetery in front of him.

The cemetery of all ghosts is in another ghost domain space.

There is a lot of yin here, and the yin energy of tens of thousands of graves is all over here.

If you don't have the cultivation base of a saint, you can't stay there for more than a second.

Unless there are ghosts and holy ghosts in hand.

In Chutian's hands is the ghost order of the previous generation of ghost saints. This ghost order contains the ghost energy of the saint and can help Chutian resist the yin energy of the cemetery for 3 minutes.

3 minutes is enough time.

In these 3 minutes, how many ghost bones you get depends on Chu Tian's fortune.

As soon as he entered it, Chu Tian could feel the yin of this cemetery. In the front, more than ten cemeteries were connected together.

However, there is a lot of ghost energy, and the ghost bones buried in it are definitely not simple.

Those ghost bones trembled immediately when they felt Chu Tian approaching.

It seems to break out of the ground!

It took a long time for these ghost bones to be buried here. These ghost bones carried the ghosts of their ghost masters, and they wanted to see the light of day again.

Feeling the strong yin energy on the Chutian Token, it was obvious that they wanted to rush forward and approach him actively.

It's a pity that Chutian didn't stop.

Although the ghost bones of these more than ten graves are not bad, they can be said to be the ghost bones of the ghost emperor.

But he was still not satisfied.

He wants to get an excellent ghost bone, but this trip he wants to get more good things to nourish his ghost.

How to put it, the perfect Nine Nether Soul Stones have all disappeared, which makes him feel a little pity.

Otherwise, his ghost would have already reached Dzogchen.

Now he wants to get back the ghost lost by the Nine Nether Soul Stone!
Chu Tian glanced around and felt that these ghost bones were not very powerful.

Without even thinking about it, he lifted his foot and went deep inside again.

The tombs inside are different from the ones outside. The tombs here are all solitary tombs.

There are no other tombs at all, and each tomb is hundreds of meters away.

The distance between each grave is quite a bit.

Among them, the ghost bones did not tremble with the excitement before.

There is no obvious sign of wanting to break through the soil.

This aroused Chu Tian's interest, and he glanced over, feeling the strong yin energy in these ghost bones.

This is more terrifying than the previous dozen or so seats.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Chu Tian, ​​who didn't even think about it, raised his hand, and the ghost leaned over directly and tentatively.

Sure enough, these ghost bones trembled immediately, feeling Chu Tian's ghost.

He actually wanted to swallow Chu Tian's ghost directly.

"You guys, you don't want to live so peacefully after death. It's not so easy to swallow my ghost. My ghost is so easy to swallow."

His face pulled, and when Chu Tian raised his hand, the Buddha's light directly covered him.

Purdue Buddha light!

The entire cemetery exploded in an instant.

Those ghost bones flew out directly. Unexpectedly, there were more than ten ghost bones in one cemetery.

This is too awesome!

When a ghost emperor was about to die, he could only leave behind one ghost bone at most.

It can make this ghost bone indestructible.

But now, what kind of strength is there to leave more than ten roots?

These ghost bones rushed directly, and they all came to force Chu Tian.

Feeling that these ghost bones disobey him, and want to fight him, want to occupy his body.

This made Chu Tian sneer: "I'm interested in your bones, but I'm not interested in you ghosts at all."

"Just because of your grievances, you want to occupy my body, crack it, break it, blow it up!"

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, he couldn't bear it long ago, and let the spell appear directly, and the two heavens were under the law.

It continued to bombard more than a dozen ghost bones in front of it.

The entire cemetery was destroyed.

These ten or so ghost bones were directly burned by Chu Tian, ​​and in the end, all the resentment from the top and bottom of the ghost bones was wiped out.

Only then did Chutian wave his hand, allowing his ghost to obtain more than ten ghost bones.

The ghost bone enters the ghost, and the ghost grows stronger again.

In this short moment, more than ten ghost bones were obtained.

They are all direct ghosts, and they are all clearly approaching the past.

The ghost bones are linked together to form a ghost body, which completely completes Chu Tian's ghost.

In the end, Chu Tian never expected that his ghost would be directly consummated.

This surprise came too big.

He was so excited!

Yin Hun was already consummated after obtaining more than a dozen ghost bones, but now, the time he spent was only 1 minute.

There are 2 minutes left, which is enough for him to dig a few more graves.

There are many benefits brought by these ghost bones, and now he just wants to take them all,

That was when he raised his hand and pointed directly at the two graves in front of him, and the spells exploded indiscriminately.

"You have all been dead for tens of thousands of years. Now, let me help you see the light of day again, and give me your ghost bones and ghosts. If there is anything you can't be satisfied with, I will help you fulfill everything you asked for before you were alive. You can just complain Go to heaven."

Chu Tian smiled, and the movements in his hands were very obvious.

They all exploded the three tombs in an instant.

Nearly 30 ghost bones flew out.


Beyond the cemetery of all ghosts.

Seeing that Chutian hadn't come out for a long time, there were only a few moments left in the 3 minutes.

The expressions of the disciples under the Ksitigarbha Throne changed, it was really complicated.

"This kid has actually used it for so long. He couldn't be attacking those single graves in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cemetery."

"How is that possible? Those are the tombs left by several generations of ghost saints. There are at least 8 ghost bones in these graves. Among them, the resentment left by those ghost saints, looking for these ghost bones is courting death."

"That's right, even our Ksitigarbha didn't dare to attack these single-grave tombs. What kind of strength does this kid dare to do?"

Some people simply don't believe it.

Even Ksitigarbha could not do something, how could this boy be able to do it.

Until the front, a figure flashed past, and the visitor rushed over very quickly.

It was clear that it was at the same time as the last second of time that they completely rushed out of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Graveyard.

As soon as it came out, there was a murmur.

"Three minutes is too little time, this actually only allows me to snatch 3 graves!"

Chu Tian rushed out, watching the ghost order disappear, all sighed.

 Sorry, the update has not been updated, and it will be added later.

(End of this chapter)

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