Chapter 298
The disciples under the throne of Dizang showed disbelief on their faces, their eyes were indifferent, and they glared over with anger.

Not agreeing at all, Chutian got two life and death books.

After taking down Chu Tian, ​​who had taken down the life and death plan, his eyes fell on the Ksitigarbha King in front of him.

Haha laughed and said, "Ksitigarbha, as a ghost sage, you have to keep your word. You should remember what you said earlier."

"Life and death are in my hands, and now I am the King of Hades in the two ghost cities!"

As soon as Chutian opened his mouth, Ksitigarbha in front of him took a deep breath.

His expression changed several times, and he took a deep look at Chutian before regaining his composure; "That's right, life and death are as thin as ghost towns, this is the rule I set, and the rules of the ghost world cannot be changed."

"Since you got the Life and Death Book, then you are the King of Hades of these two ghost cities!"

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth was full of smiles.

When the people around heard all this, their faces changed.

The faces of more than a dozen Hades were not good-looking.

Each of them, Hades, only got one life and death book, and only one ghost city.

But this guy in front of him actually took down two ghost cities directly. It can be said that Chu Tian is among the dozen kings of Hades.

The most powerful and most promising King of Hades.

With a ghost city, you can get many ghost kings and ghost immortals to take refuge in.

The more forces relying on him, the more astonishing Chutian's future will be.

This is not what more than a dozen Hades want to see.

Not to mention that the Ksitigarbha King wanted to see that the hand brushed his hair, and there was a flash of coldness in his eyes.

Take down two ghost towns and get the life and death book.

Chutian didn't plan to stay longer, he also wanted to see his two ghost towns.

So that Gui Huajiao can move the ghost cottage into the ghost city.

He didn't even think that this time he came to the underworld, and if he was not careful, he would become the King of Hades.

This is so cool!

Chu Tian's departure only made many Ksitigarbha disciples look up.

Looking at Ksitigarbha in front of them, these disciples looked reconciled; "Lord Ksitigarbha, hand over the two ghost cities of Ghost Realm to him. When the time comes, he will definitely not submit to us, and will definitely oppose us."

"That's right, Second Senior Brother died at his hands, Lord Ksitigarbha, please think twice."

The Ksitigarbha King sighed, with a bit of helplessness on his face; "Unfortunately, what I said must not be counted. I am a ghost saint in the ghost world, and I can't lose my status and fame. Do you understand the difficulties of ghost saints? "

Sweeping the crowd, the words with a look of sigh and sigh.

It only made the expressions of many disciples in front of them fluctuate.

The disciple whose eyes flashed and his face changed could not help but say, "Master Ksitigarbha, I am willing to help you crusade him, and I will definitely not let his ghost city develop."

"For Lord Ksitigarbha, we must do our best to stop him."

Ksitigarbha twitched a smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at the people in front of him, and raised his hand to gently pat and listen.

When the ancient divine beast Di Ting raised his foot, he jumped into the crowd.

"The power of listening is the strongest ghost beast in the entire ghost world. With him, you can be safe. In short, I don't know anything, and I don't know anything. Can you understand?"

Ksitigarbha opened his mouth.

Those disciples looked happy, and they all looked at the ancient beast in front of them excitedly and listened.

With the help of this ancient beast, how could they not be able to take down that kid.


Chu Tian took Gui Huajiao with him.

Xiaodie and Panshan arrived in the first ghost city, and the sixth ghost city was displayed in front of him.

The whole ghost town is full of ghostly spirit, above the ghost town.

It's always misty, and it's full of yin, how many ghosts are there in a ghost city.

Chu Tian couldn't know that, judging from the strength of the ghost aura, there are at least a million or more of them, and there may be hundreds of thousands of ghosts and immortals among them.

The ghost immortals who live in the sixth ghost city are a terrifying force.

Now this power is obtained by him alone.

He must make everything in this ghost city his.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Chu Tian raised his feet and strode up directly, just before the city gate ahead.

The ghost soldiers and ghost generals glanced over, these two ghost soldiers and ghost generals at the level of ghost immortals.

All brows twitched, and their faces sank; "Stop, the ghost city is closed, you can't enter the ghost city now."

Chu Tian asked calmly, "Why?"

"An order from Lord Ksitigarbha."

Hearing this, Chu Tian curled his lips and snorted coldly; "What is the Ksitigarbha King? I, Chu Tian, ​​have the final say on this ghost town."

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the two ghost soldiers and ghost generals looked pale.

Both eyes were full of evil spirits: "Boy, show me some respect, you dare to shout about the Ksitigarbha King."

"That's right. In the entire ghost world, Ksitigarbha is the only ghost. These [-] ghost cities are all owned by Lord Ghost Sage, and Ksitigarbha is in charge of them alone. What right do you have to say that this place belongs to you?"

The two ghost soldiers and generals in front of them looked over with mocking expressions.

It only made Chu Tian's face darken, and without thinking about it, he directly took out the life and death book.

"Life and death are in my hands. This ghost city is mine. Ksitigarbha is the king. From now on, the entire ghost city can only trust me, Chutian, and no one else."

Life and Death Bo shot directly in an instant.

This light of life and death shone with a cold light, and the two ghost soldiers and generals in front of them shivered with excitement.

Feel the courage of life and death.

The two ghost soldiers bowed their bodies to the building, their faces were terrified, and they were forced to kneel on the ground

Facing Chutian, he gritted his teeth and looked strong.

It's clear that they don't want to just give in like this!

"Master Ksitigarbha is the strongest in the entire ghost world. You, even if you get the Life and Death Book, you still can't beat Lord Ksitigarbha."

"That's right, you, you are just a Hades king, what right do you have to say these things?"

The two ghost soldiers and ghost generals are unrepentant.

This made him concentrate his eyes, and the cold light flickered in his eyes. His eyes were cold, and there was a kind of death in his eyes.

"My words, I will say it again, I control life and death, and I am the only one in the whole ghost city. From now on, Ksitigarbha is no longer the manager of this ghost city. Anyone who believes in him will betray my ghost city, and the only way to die. "

As soon as he raised his hand, Chu Tian didn't even think about it, it was all about life and death, and he directly attacked the two ghost soldiers and generals who believed in Ksitigarbha in front of him.

"Life and death control life and death, ghosts enter the body, I will control the life and death of you and other little ghosts, suck it for me!"


In an instant, there was a gust of wind, which directly sucked the ghosts of the ghost soldiers and generals in front of him into it.

Ghost Soldier and Ghost General's expression changed drastically, and he looked over in astonishment, clearly frightened by this scene.

They who had lost their souls were like white paper, as long as Chu Tian moved lightly, they could die miserably.

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life, we, we don't believe in Ksitigarbha, we only believe in your lord."

(End of this chapter)

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