Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 299 My Ghost Town Is the Master

Chapter 299 My Ghost Town Is the Master

The two ghost soldiers and ghost generals were convinced.

Chu Tian curled his lips, his eyes still indifferent, he waved his hands directly and said, "Let all the ghost soldiers and ghost generals in the ghost city come out, I want to see them."

"It's an adult."

The two did not dare to resist, and were ordered by Chu Tian.

Turning his head, he left in a hurry.

Flying out directly, according to Chu Tian's words, all the ghost soldiers and ghost generals in this ghost city were called together.

All gathered together.

There are many ghost soldiers and ghost generals, within this ghost city.

There are 4 ghost soldiers and 1 ghost generals.

A total of 5 ghost soldiers and ghost generals.

They were densely packed in front of Chutian. Seeing Chutian, these ghost soldiers and ghost generals, it was really complicated.

"Who is this guy, he asked us to come?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, he is Lord Hades in our ghost town."

"What, he is Lord Hades, why haven't I seen him, isn't he our last Hades?"

"Could it be that something happened to the Centennial Celebration this time, and the King of Hades in our city is about to change?"

The faces of a group of ghost soldiers and ghost generals were all changing, and they stared at Chu Tian with a kind of surprise.

No one thought that the King of Hades would be replaced by such a young boy.

Chu Tian looked around, looked at the 5 ghost soldiers and generals, and nodded with satisfaction. With the movement of that single hand, Life and Death Bo also flew into the sky.

The sound was loud, and the sound resounded through the world.

"Life and death are in my hands. You should know that this ghost city is my world alone. From now on, the ghost city is my territory, and I, Chutian, is your King of Hades!"

Many ghost soldiers and ghost generals felt the strong light of Life and Death Bo and dared not look up.

Being suppressed by Chutian's aura, he couldn't hold back, and couldn't even take a big breath.

How can they block the power of life and death.

They didn't expect that this lord's ghostly aura was so compelling, and it was obviously much more terrifying than their previous Lord Hades.

"This King of Hades is so powerful. His ghostly aura can actually suppress the ghostly aura of our five thousand ghost soldiers and ghost generals. It seems that he is really more powerful than all of us combined."

"Yes, Lord Hades is so handsome, I must follow Lord Hades."

Some ghost soldiers and ghost generals looked excited, because they were extremely moved by Chu Tian's words.

Raising his hand, he shouted directly.

"Long live the King of Chu, long live the King of Chu."

"I am willing to swear to the death to follow the king of Chu and help the king of Chu to shake the ghost world!"

The voice was loud, and a group of ghost soldiers and ghost generals yelled out.

Chutian nodded in satisfaction and looked around with a smile on his lips.

His eyes swept over the crowd, and then he raised his hand, suppressed the voices of the crowd, and continued to speak: "I am the King of Hades, so I have my rules. I can tell you that I have more than just the life and death rules of a ghost town like yours."

"I have two books of life and death in my hand. The sixth and seventh ghost towns are my Chutian's ghost towns!"

The second book of life and death is all shot again.

This ghost soldier and ghost general's jaw almost dropped in shock.

This is awesome.

This is simply too awesome!
For so many years, which King of Hades can get two books of life and death, and can win two books of life and death, this is definitely the king of Hades with amazing strength.

Seeing that the King of Hades they were following was such an awesome person.

The firmness in the eyes of the five thousand ghost soldiers and ghost generals was even greater.

Feeling the sight of these people, Chu Tian glanced at everyone, and then realized that it was an opportunity, and said without thinking: "My rule is, only believe in me, and you are all my subordinates, from now on."

"You can't believe in other people. Even the Ksitigarbha has nothing to do with you. In the ghost town, I am the biggest person, and it's not their turn to be the Ksitigarbha!"

As soon as the words came out, the expressions of those thousands of ghost soldiers and ghost generals changed.

Chutian clearly wanted to fight against Ksitigarbha.

The ghost soldiers and ghost generals who have lived in the ghost city for thousands of years can clearly understand the strength of the king of Tibet.

All ghost generals could not help but walk forward.

The old ghost general, with a wry smile on his face, said to Chu Tian, ​​"Master Chu, it's not that we don't want to believe in you, but in this ghost world, it's the Ksitigarbha who has the final say, even if it's the King of Hades. And obey his orders."

"I don't know, my lord, why you have to say such things. If the ancient beast under the throne of Ksitigarbha heard about it, your lord will be in trouble."

Chu Tian curled his lips, looked at the ghost general in front of him, and said calmly; "So what if he hears it, even if he is here, I will say the same thing, my ghost city is up to me!"

The voice was loud, feeling Chutian's start, some ghost soldiers and ghost generals all looked hesitant.

Now they really don't know whether they should believe in Chu Tian alone.

If Ksitigarbha knew about this matter, they would all be in big trouble.

While the ghost soldiers and ghost generals are hesitating.

A voice came from Chu Tian's ear, and the voice came from behind.

This loud sound shook the entire ghost town even more.

"Bold, what are you? You dare to be king here alone, and you dare to say such outrageous words."

"That's right, you brat dared to rebel. The entire ghost world is owned by Ksitigarbha alone. It cannot be yours. This ghost city is only leased to you by Ksitigarbha, not yours."

"Boy, you have violated the rules of the ghost world. Even if Ksitigarbha is here, you will not be tolerated. You must die."

One hundred disciples under the throne of Dizang arrived.

There are quite a few of these disciples, and they even have a head like a lion, four feet stepping on ghost clouds, and dense hair all over their bodies.

Ancient mythical beasts like evil beasts.

The appearance of the ancient divine beast Di Ting made the 5 ghost soldiers and generals flustered.

"No, it's not good. It's Lord Ksitigarbha who brought people here. Unexpectedly, even Di Ting came here. I, I don't want to die."

"The ancient divine beast listens, this listen can swallow all ghosts, help, help."

5 ghost soldiers and ghost generals were in a mess.

The ancient gods and beasts locked on these ghost soldiers and ghost generals, opened their mouths, and the mouths were like bloody mouths, expanding in an instant.

There was a gust of wind.

This gust of wind blew directly onto the ghost soldiers and generals in front of them.

In an instant, hundreds of ghost soldiers and ghost generals were all sucked into the mouth of this listener.

Swallowed hundreds of ghost bodies in one gulp.

Di Ting hiccupped and looked at Chu Tian contemptuously.

This beast actually had a sarcastic expression on his face.

This made Chu Tian feel ridiculous.

This is simply ridiculous!
Even a beast wants to go mad in front of him, and even dare to hurt his people.

This beast, he is sure to kill it!

Chu Tian, ​​who was flickering with cold light, lifted his foot and moved one hand, with his hands empty, and directly smashed at the ancient divine beast Di Ting.

"Beast, this is not the place where you come to make trouble. Those who hurt me, I want your blood to pay back."


Life and Death Bo approached directly and hit the divine beast Di Ting.

At the same time as listening to the roar, the smashed bodies shook, and the eyes they looked at Chu Tian were even more blood red.

(End of this chapter)

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