Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 300 Ghost Saint Ghost Bone

Chapter 300 Ghost Saint Ghost Bone
The ancient beast Di Ting was completely enraged.

Seeing all this, the disciples under the Ksitigarbha Throne also sneered, and their gazes fell on Chu Tian, ​​feeling cold.

His eyes were cold, and he really laughed at this guy for actually daring to anger the ancient beasts under their Ksitigarbha throne.

Di Ting has lived for tens of thousands of years, and among the ancient beasts, he has a terrifying status.

The ancient divine beast Truth Listening requires a round of strength, and it is no longer at the level of a divine beast.

Its strength is already comparable to that of a ghost emperor.

The angry ancient gods and beasts listened to it, which also made the faces of countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals in the ghost city pale.

Every face is full of a kind of despair.

"Di Ting got angry. We are doomed. I didn't expect that the Ksitigarbha knew what we did a long time ago. We are finished."

"That's right, listen carefully to the ancient beast. This is a ghost beast that was sanctified together with Ksitigarbha. This ancient ghost beast has swallowed many ghost emperors."

Yes, following Ksitigarbha for so many years.

It has swallowed many ghost emperors, which made its temper even more violent.

For it, a weak guy like Chutian.

It is the food in its mouth.

Unable to resist opening his mouth, he rushed forward and bit Chu Tian directly.

Unexpectedly, the animal actually wanted to swallow him.

Chu Tian curled his lips, with a sneer on his face, and looked directly at the ancient divine beast in front of him. With a movement of his whole body, the speed was so fast that the whole person stepped forward in an instant.

As soon as he raised his hand, he met the ancient beast without retreating.

"Just because you are an animal, you want to swallow me. Even if your Ksitigarbha king comes, what can you do to me?"

"Ghosts enter the body, ghost bones possess the body, look how powerful I am with 50 ghost bones!"

After getting 50 ghost bones, Chutian is no longer what it used to be.

His ghost has long been matured, and after entering his body, his whole body was filled with a terrifying ghost energy.

This is the real ghost emperor breath!

Once entering the ghost emperor, ghosts transcend reincarnation, and the ghost emperor's ghostly energy shakes the entire ghost world!
As soon as this terrifying aura appeared, the ancient divine beast in front of him, Di Ting, trembled all over. It was obvious that he immediately stopped biting, stood where he was, and looked over with a vigilant expression.

Feeling that Chutian's aura is not too different from that of the Ksitigarbha King, he really didn't dare to approach him.

"Ghost saint ghost bones, one bone is better than a hundred bones, ghost control saint, control all ghosts in the world, ghost control method!"

In an instant, the ghost bones changed instantly, and all 10 ghost bones gave Chutian a lot of ghost energy, and the ghost energy directly rushed to the sky.

Let Chutian have an explosion sound all over his body.

The bones follow the changes of ghost bones.

As soon as this aura changes, it is clearly a ghostly aura.

The ghost-controlling sage, the king of all ghosts, ruled the ghost world for a full 1 years, and his ghost-controlling method is extremely terrifying.

It can breed all kinds of ghosts, and it can even transform all kinds of ghosts.


There was a continuous cloudy wind all around, and under Chu Tian's ghostly aura, many ghosts from the ghost world directly refused.

These sparse, very weak ghosts are constantly gathering together.

The gathering of ghosts is a violent ghost beast.

Thousands of ghosts and beasts, this ghosts and beasts are like giant wolves, raising their heads and chests up, looking at the ancient beasts in front of them and listening.

That is not false at all.

Thousands of ghosts and beasts are nourished by thousands of ghosts, and the ghosts and beasts formed are comparable to ancient gods and beasts.

Under Chutian's ghostly aura.

In an instant, he rushed forward, and unexpectedly bit the ancient divine beast Di Ting Divine Beast.

Di Ting screamed all over, as if a piece of flesh had been torn off.

Seriously injured, he no longer had the berserk look he had before, but instead kept backing away, screaming incessantly.

Di Ting was injured, which made many disciples' complexions change, and they became anxious.

"You dare to hurt our Ksitigarbha mount, stop it for me."

"Bold, you can also hurt the divine beast that is the mount of Ksitigarbha."

"Come on, help Ksitigarbha get rid of this guy and take back the Life and Death Book."

The disciples under the throne of Ksitigarbha rushed over mightily.

The imposing manner was astonishing, and he approached Chutian, wanting Chutian to take it down and snatch Chutian's life and death book.

How could Chutian let go of the life and death book, life and death book was in his hands, and he would not give it to anyone.

I saw a few people jumping up.

The ghost bones in the body changed again, and the 10 ghost bones drove his bones, which also directly changed.

"Ghost saint ghost bones, one bone can withstand hundreds of ghosts, catch ghost saints, catch ten thousand ghosts, catch ghosts!"

As soon as one hand was raised, Chu Tian immediately covered it with it.

The palm actually magnified in an instant out of thin air.

Facing the hundred ghosts in front of him, he directly grabbed them.

The huge palm held the hundred disciples under the Ksitigarbha Throne tightly in their hands.

With a firm grip, the hundred disciples were all squeezed into a ball, almost crushed into meat.

Puff puff!
Hundreds of disciples vomited blood wildly, unable to break free from Chu Tian's grasping ghost.

All of them had ugly faces and kept screaming.

"Ah, my ghost body can't break free, why, my ghost can't get out of my body, this, what kind of move is this."

"This, this guy, how much strength has he gained, and what happened to him in the cemetery where the ghosts are buried."

"My ghost, I'm dying, I'm dying soon."

More than a dozen disciples of Ksitigarbha King vomited blood crazily, and their ghost bodies were crushed to pieces.

That ghost is also instantly shattered!
Could it be that they can understand what Chutian got in the land of ten thousand ghosts?

He got 50 ghost bones and dug up 5 ghost graves.

These 5 ghost graves are all the tombs of the ghost saint, that is to say, he took down the ghost bones of the 5 ghost saint graves.

After the ghost bone entered his body, it immediately gave him a lot of terrifying ghostly aura.

What's more, even the things left by the Ghost Saint have been inherited by him.

5 ghost saints with different strengths.

The current Chutian is constantly surpassing the current king of ghost sanctuary in that underworld.

Watching the hundreds of Ksitigarbha disciples in front of them being caught.

Many ghost soldiers and ghost generals looked astonished, they never thought that this new King of Hades would be so amazing.

If you dare to fight against the disciples under the throne of Ksitigarbha, you can settle so many people with a single move.

Hundreds of Ksitigarbha's disciples were no match for the King of Hades alone.

All of this can't be explained now, but they are really stupid.

The faces of each of them changed, with a little excitement in their eyes, and a look of excitement and brilliance.

The loud shout sounded again.

"Long live the King of Chu, long live the King of Chu!"

"Your Majesty the King of Chu is powerful. I will fully support His Majesty Chu. I will help His Majesty Chu win the Holy Spirit."

"Seize the saint, seize the ghost way, seize the saint, Lord Chu, number one in the ghost world!"

The loud noises made the disciples under the Throne of Ksitigarbha who were caught by Chu Tian extremely angry.

Full of anger and anger, they all want to struggle.

Seeing all this, Chu Tian sneered, with a cold light in his eyes.

"You still don't know how to live or die, okay, I'll show you how powerful the third ghost, Shengguigu, is!"

(End of this chapter)

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