Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 605 Great God King Wrath

Chapter 605 Great God King Wrath

Yadala stared at the past, and looked at Chu Tian's face, which was also constantly changing.

It fell into Chu Tian's eyes, and he glanced over.

His eyes were cold and he said: "In the end, I didn't care about people like you, but in my opinion, you are still a little bit useful."

"I don't want to kill people randomly, I only want to deal with your blood race!"

As soon as the words came out, Yadala's expression changed, and she heard Chu Tian's words.

He also took a breath of cold air: "Blood race?"

The expression on his face fluctuated, but it was complicated.

Not to mention Yadala's complexion, the complexion of the Great God King in front also changed.

"My lord, you, are you talking about those blood-cultivating demons who are rampant?"

The statue of the Great God King is serious, and it is obvious that they have a little understanding of these people.

This made Chu Tian a little curious, he looked at the past curiously, and asked with a puzzled expression, "You know these people too?"

The statue of the Great God King nodded, and said directly: "Several of them came to me and wanted to take away my position as the Great God King. It's ridiculous. If it weren't for this, I only have this clone here."

"Why is it their turn to mess around here?"

With a displeased and icy expression on his face, the words in his mouth made Chu Tian a little confused.

I really didn't expect that someone in the blood clan could actually provoke this avatar of Da Luo Jinxian.

In this way, the other party has the existence of surpassing immortals?

Looking at the Great God King in front of him, Chu Tian looked curious.

"Is there really someone among them who can surpass your clone?"

Hearing Chu Tian's question, the Great God King didn't dare to brag.

He lowered his head and said directly: "Yes, my lord, they have several true ancestors, all of whom have become awakened bloodline true ancestors, and their strength has surpassed that of ordinary immortals."

"Awaken the bloodline?"

"Yes, my lord, the True Ancestor who has awakened his blood is a superior True Ancestor. He doesn't need to use human blood to cultivate, he can absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, and even arouse the immortal energy of the heavens and the earth!"

In this way, there are really a few blood clans of true ancestors who have fully activated the blood in their bodies.

fully utilized.

They have gained a lot of benefits, and this is actually comparable to immortals, which Chutian did not expect.

Also full of interest.

Chu Tian raised his head, looked at Yadala in front of him, and said without thinking: "I want your royal family, help me find these big blood clans, I want to wipe out all the blood clans here!"

As soon as the words came out, Yadala's face in front of him changed, and he looked over with a very strange and complicated expression.

But as soon as Chu Tian spoke.

On the other hand, the members of Andy's family all had serious expressions on their faces, and they agreed without any nonsense.

"Yes, we are willing to do our best to assist the Lord and destroy all the blood races!"

"With Lord Sun God around, those blood races shouldn't exist at all."

Some people's faces were full of seriousness, and the expressions on their faces and eyes were all in Chu Tian's eyes.

I am very satisfied with the reactions of these people in front of me.

What the Andy family said made Yadala's complexion change, his complexion was very complicated, and he could feel Chutian's serious and serious expression.

She understood that Chu Tian was not joking.

She could only lower her head, she had to agree to help the person in front of her.

Even the Great God King, in front of this person, couldn't resist, and couldn't do anything at all.

How could she have the ability and strength to resist the man in front of her.

After taking a deep breath, those eyes flashed with seriousness.

He directly raised his head and said to Chu Tian: "Master Sun God, as long as you promise me to become Your Majesty Queen, I, I am willing to promise you."

Looking over with a serious face, it is clear that they do not want to let go of the identity of the queen's heir.

This was also what she was most afraid of. She was afraid that Chu Tian would kick her away and give up the position of Queen's heir to Andy Mi in front.

Hearing Yadala's words, the faces of the Andy family were not happy.

Andy Clara looked over with an angry face, staring at the woman in front of her, with an angry expression on her face: "What are you, what qualifications do you have to negotiate such conditions, let me tell you, only I am the one who is truly suitable for Her Lady Queen." sister!"

As soon as he opened his mouth directly, the words he said did not change Yadala at all.

He clenched his fists and looked at Chu Tian seriously.

Those eyes and gaze are really a kind of firmness.

Sensing the gaze of the woman in front of him, Chu Tian smiled directly at the corner of his mouth, "Yes."

As soon as the words came out, everyone's expressions changed. No one expected that Chu Tian would actually agree.

The faces of the Andy family changed drastically.

Andy Kela also stared at him with an ugly face. Even if Chutian is really the real god, she is still angry now: "True god, what do you mean, our family can give everything for you."

"My sister, even more, gave everything to you. You, you didn't choose my sister, but her!"

With an angry look on his face, he glared at him angrily.

Originally, I wanted to continue to say something, but I didn't expect that when Andymi stepped forward and raised his hand, he stopped Andykla.

"elder sister?"

Andy Mi's face was calm, so indifferent.

He really looked at Chu Tian calmly and said, "I respect the decision of Lord True God!"

The faces of Andy's family were all stunned.

Andikra's face was the most ugly.

Not to mention, the corner of Yadala's mouth twitched into a smile, and she really had a smile on her face. She looked at the past, the expression on her face, the expression in her eyes.

In the eyes of Andy's family, he was even more angry.

However, Yadalana's complacency did not last long.

As soon as Chu Tian opened his mouth, everyone's expressions changed again.

"Andymi is not suitable to be a queen, you are only suitable to be a true god, are you really interested in this mortal title of king?"

"Or, do you want to become the God King of the God Realm?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone realized that Chu Tian didn't want Andy Mi to be the queen.

It's just that the title of queen is too rubbish, too bad.

To do it, just be a god king, a real god!
At this moment, Andymi's face changed in various ways, and soon, his face was full of excitement and joy.

With the indescribable excitement on his face, he couldn't help but knelt down and swear directly to Chutian: "I beg my lord, let me become a true god, and Andymi is willing to completely dedicate this body and soul to Chutian. to your lord."

Chu Tian laughed loudly, nodded, and said directly: "Very good, don't worry, I will teach you to stabilize the blood in your body, and my exercises will definitely make you a real god king!"

"Maybe he can even surpass this Great God King!"

What Chutian said made Andymi's face change, and he glanced at the calm face of the Great God King in front of him.

Now she really doubts whether Chu Tian has already surpassed the Great God King, otherwise, the Great God King would not have been so respectful.

(End of this chapter)

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