Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 606 Make You Real God

Chapter 606 Make You Real God

Seeing that Chutian is so optimistic about Andy Mi.

It was obvious that they wanted to accept Andy Mi as an apprentice.

There is a true god as a master, and you can still get the guarantee of the true god.

Compared to becoming a true god.

The position of the queen is really nothing.

Yadara's face changed unsteadily, and only now did she realize that it was impossible for her to compare to Andy Mi in front of her.

Hearing Chutian's words, Andy Kela was very excited at this moment.

With a happy face: "Master True God, you, you are serious, you want to make my sister a true God, if you can really do it, it would be great."

"Haha, Yadala, you heard me, you are your queen, but my sister is going to be a true god!"

Laughing loudly, Andy Klare kept smiling.

The entire Andy family was excited.

So Andymi became a true god.

Then their family is the royal family protected by the true god. This status is much more noble than the queen's royal family.

Even Her Lady Queen must obey the instructions of the true God.

The corners of Andy Mi's lips curled up. If she was the happiest, of course she was.

Getting Chutian's acceptance made her feel at ease, and she quickly glanced at it.

That gaze fell on Yadala in front, with a serious face, looking over with a serious face.

Even thinking about it; "Yadala, you can be your queen, I will give you the position of queen, but if I want to become a true god, I will protect this country and your position as queen .”

"So, you should know where you are now."

The corners of his mouth floated up, and Andy Mi really had a dark belly.

Yadala looked at Andy Mina's complacent look, although she was very angry.

But there was still nothing he could do, his face changed, and he glanced at Chu Tian, ​​his face was serious.

Now she is very clear that as long as she firmly grasps this Lord True God, she will definitely get a lot of benefits.

"The only true God I agree with is this one!"

"I am willing to give my soul to you, my lord, right now!"

Yadala knelt down and swore directly to Chu Tian.

With a serious face, a serious face.

The words in his mouth made Chu Tian a little unexpected. Seeing the flickering eyes of the other party, it was a firm look on his face.

Knowing what the woman in front of him was thinking, Chu Tian also smiled.

She nodded and said directly; "Give me your soul, and I can guarantee you the position of queen. Be your queen well, and I won't treat you badly."

With Chutian's guarantee, Yadala breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really scared. In the end, she couldn't even take the position of queen.

Chutian's Chengruo is a good reassurance.


Come out of the cathedral.

This time, Chu Tian was hugged by others.

There are quite a few people in Andy's family, including Yadala's royal family members, who are constantly flattering Chu Tian.

Originally, this time, they wanted to return to the Andy family.

However, in order to show sincerity, Yadala deliberately asked Chu Tian to live in the palace where the royal throne was located.

According to her words, the only place suitable for Chutian is within the palace of the royal family.

This made the Andy family no longer dare to say anything.

Yadala is the person who knows the palace best.

Now in the palace, there are quite a few people from their Yada royal family.

Yadala is very proud of this.

He took Chutian to the palace and invited Chutian into the magnificent palace.

Seeing Chu Tian in the palace, he understood what a real royal family is.

Compared with Andy's family's palace, it is even bigger.

There are many people inside and outside the palace, including some soldiers from the palace.

heavily guarded.

There are countless servants, no matter where you go, you can find servants.

And under the leadership of Yadala.

Chu Tian also discovered that Yadala's identity was not simple.

When some servants saw Yadala, they immediately bowed down.

Greetings to Yadara constantly.

Although he couldn't understand what those people said, he must have said hello to the future queen.

Yadara raised her head, just under the greetings of a group of people.

Take Chutian to the main hall of the palace.

It is also the main meeting hall.

As soon as Yadala came in, he had already seen many people waiting here. These people were all members of the Yada family.

Now that they got his orders, they all came together to meet Chutian.

As soon as Chu Tian appeared, the group of people in front also bowed down directly.

The voice was loud and neat, and said directly; "I am willing to give our souls to the Lord Sun God."

"Dedicate our lives to strengthen the power of Lord Sun God."

Some people spoke directly, and the words in their mouths also made Chu Tian's face move slightly.

Compared with the Andy family, the family in front of them has a lot of respectful faith.

After all, Chu Tian's identity was verified by the Great God King.

Know that Chutian is the real true God!

How dare the royal family in front of you be a little disrespectful.

True God destroys the existence of a country.

Yadala noticed the satisfaction on Chutian's face, stepped forward, knelt down, and said again; "My lord, please bless our Yada family."


"Yes, with the blessing spoken by the lord and the mantra of the true god, our Yada family can willingly give everything to the lord."

As soon as the words came out, Chu Tian understood.

The words of the true God are also a blessing to them.

Only with the blessing of the true god can they be completely at ease.

Feel the anticipation of the group in front of you.

Chu Tian coughed dryly, but he did not disappoint the people in front of him.

When he opened his mouth, he also used the immortal energy to make his voice very loud: "I bless you, as long as you believe in me, I will guarantee the stability of your royal family, and no one can hurt you."

"From now on, you are my believers, believe in me and have eternal life!"

Opening his hands made everyone's expressions change.

I was so excited, so I lowered my head with excitement.

Without even thinking about it, he answered in one gulp.

The sound is loud and very neat.

Facing Chutian, he has incomparable faith.

"Thank you, Lord Sun God!"

This is a ceremony. From now on, members of the Yada family will all become followers of Chutian.

The number of believers among them is not much less than that of Andy's family.

There are two royal families who have become believers in Chutian.

It all feels a little funny.

He is not the true God of the Sun, but he never thought that he could directly gain the faith of the two royal families.

It seems that this trip abroad is very pleasant.

Even if those blood races are not found, the harvest this time is also very good.

(End of this chapter)

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