Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 607 Teaching the Heart Technique

Chapter 607 Teaching the Heart Technique
Chu Tian went back to his room to rest.

This is the royal palace suite that Yadala prepared for her.

Originally, he planned to prepare a few bed-warming maids for him, but Chu Tian directly refused.

It's not that Chutian doesn't like it, but that he really doesn't want to be disturbed at night.

He promised to teach Andymi the heart method.

Also needs to be done.

On this point, Chu Tian still had to do what he said, otherwise, if it made Andy's family feel cold.

The power of faith he got will drop.

dong dong!

When the door of the room was knocked, Chu Tian raised his head and let out a dry cough.

The sound is loud.

He said directly; "Come in."

As soon as the door of the room opened, Andy Mi, who pushed the door and walked in, was very clever and clever.

This little golden cat with blond hair and blue eyes is really very elegant.

So charming at night too.

Chu Tian just glanced at it, and was very satisfied with his apprentice who had such a teaching.

Especially understanding the other party's physique, which made him laugh directly.

"I believe that my mentality can be comprehended by you very well. With your strength and your physique, it doesn't take much effort to cultivate to perfection."

Andy Mi, who nodded, stepped forward obediently, and knelt respectfully in front of Chu Tian.

"Yes, Master True God, please give me more advice."

Bending down, the etiquette of this island country is really a bit nondescript.

Chu Tian waved his hand and said without much nonsense; "Okay, let's start now. Let me explain first. This mental method is inherited from China. You don't need to know its origin."

"As long as it is clear, it can help you to become a true god!"

As soon as the words came out, Andymi's eyes lit up, and his face was serious.

His face was serious.

The look on the face, the look in the eyes.

It all satisfied Chu Tian, ​​and the method he wanted to pass on to Andy Mi was very simple.

This is the secret of ghost art in the underworld.

It is also the mental method of some ghosts and immortals.

It's a very common mentality, and it's really nothing powerful.

Ordinary, of course, is only ordinary to him.

But for Andy Mi in front of him, this set of mental methods is definitely not ordinary.

What the Immortal of the Ghost King can practice is not something ordinary people like her can understand.

Without Chutian, she might be directly swallowed by her blood.

In the end, he became the true ancestor who was half ghost and half human.

At that time, they will also be moody and unable to maintain their human nature at all.

Some true ancestors who have just awakened will be like this.

After absorbing too much human blood and killing many people, they can somewhat control their blood energy and restore their original posture.

But by then, his hands were covered in blood.

The blood in the body is no longer pure.

It is impossible to practice this superior ghost technique.

Andy Mi in front of him hadn't killed anyone yet, and had absorbed other people's blood.

For her now, this set of ghost techniques is really very suitable.

"Underworld Wraith, I control the true soul!"

"The soul comes out, the soul leaves, and cultivation with the soul is the real ghost method. Only by cultivating the soul can you control your blood!"

Every word Chutian said gave Andy Mi a little bit of insight.

Under Chu Tian's immortal voice.

It is also to feel the changes in the aura of the surrounding world.

Accompanied by the changes in her body, he gradually noticed the trembling of her soul, just like what Chu Tian said.

Under the trembling of her soul, it really made her tremble all over.

With a tremor all over his body, he directly entered a wonderful scene.

Andymi's soul also came out of his body instantly.

This surprised Andy Mi.

"My lord, this, what is this?"

"This is where your soul is. In China, this is one of the ghosts. The ghost is attached to the body and controls the Yin Qi in your body. It can completely guide the blood Yin Qi in your body and help you improve your physical body!"

After listening to Chutian's words, Andymi finally understood.

As her ghost floated, it soon entered her physical body.

It also made her whole body change again.

At this moment, the blood in the body was controlled.

Andymi's complexion also improved a lot, but the pair of fangs really grew out directly.

Although it is not too long, there are still two sharp small teeth in the mouth.

This made Chu Tian look at it, but he didn't feel scary, it was really cute.

Does he count as raising a little vampire?
Want to turn her into a true vampire fairy?
Chu Tian smiled, really looking forward to the time when Andy Mi in front of him becomes a real fairy.


The night was silent.

In one night, Chu Tian taught Andy Mi a lot of hell tricks.

In the end, Andy Mi was tired and rested in his room.

And Chu Tian meditated all night, and in the morning, he was very energetic.

As the day dawned, Chu Tian stood up and glanced at Andy Mi on the bed. He always felt that this little golden silk cat was also very beautiful.

Just as Chu Tian looked over with admiring expression.

There was a knock on the door of the room.

A maid's voice came over, which made Chu Tian go out directly.

"My lord, our queen is here to invite you."


"Yes, the Queen is in the Main Hall, waiting for Your Excellency."

I didn't see the Queen yesterday, but I heard from Yadala that the Queen has a good relationship with her.

And the current queen is already old.

What's the matter with actually looking for him.

It also made Chutian very concerned, and told the maid not to disturb Andymi's rest.

He also left the house directly, and soon arrived in the main hall.

Unexpectedly, there are really many people in this big palace.

Said that the queen was looking for him.

To be precise, it should be that many members of the royal family wanted to meet him.

The host this time is also Yadala.

Yadara stood at the forefront. As the queen's heir, she also spoke on behalf of the queen.

The queen has already passed eighty, and she is very old-fashioned.

Everyone knew that the queen was about to abdicate, and the real queen was Yadala in front of her.

Many people dare not complain a little.

He bowed his head very respectfully, and opened his mouth facing Yadala, not daring to say a word.

"Master True God has worked hard!"

As soon as Yadala opened her mouth, she greeted him, looked at Chutian seriously, and said without thinking, "Didn't the Lord True God say that to find those blood clans, we have already investigated several important locations of the blood clans."

"Maybe we can find some of their True Ancestors!"

The expression on his face was serious, and the words in his mouth also aroused Chu Tian's interest, and he looked over curiously.

Hao Shi looked puzzled: "Oh, so fast?"

"Yes, our royal family has been targeted by these blood races for a long time, and we have also known them. If it is not for lack of strength, we will definitely not let them go like this."

Within the royal family, there are quite a few people with pure blood, which is a real blessing for those of the blood family.

(End of this chapter)

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