Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 614 Three Blood Races

Chapter 614

The Fourth True Ancestor looked at Chu Tian with uncertain expressions.

It was the first time she had seen a person's blood that could be so terrifying.

If Chu Tian hadn't rescued her, she would really have killed herself.

Thinking of what happened just now, his face flashed, and it was all a little ugly.

Gritting his teeth, he looked at Chu Tian in front of him with a complicated expression.

Take a deep breath.

Then I couldn't help lowering my head, with a look of panic: "Many, thank you sir!"

Not to mention the fourth true ancestor, together with the first true ancestor in front, they noticed Chu Tian's terrifying strength.

His face changed, and now he wanted to run away.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his head and stared at him, his gaze was fixed on him directly, with serious and cold eyes.

The face of the First True Ancestor changed, and he turned his head, wanting to run away directly.

It's a pity that he hasn't waited until he leaves.

Chu Tian directly covered them with one hand.

"Do you want to run?"

"In my hands, you can really run. To deal with you, I only use one move, the bergamot!"

Covering it with one hand, under the cultivation base of Buddhism and Taoism, the light of Buddha shone even more.

It was so dazzling that many people in the room couldn't open their eyes.

Both eyes were irritated with great pain.

Together with the Fourth True Ancestor, they were also lifted by Chu Tian casually, and they were so dazzling with Buddha's light that they couldn't open their eyes.

Only the First True Ancestor's scream could be heard.

After reacting, the First True Ancestor vomited blood and fell to the ground with an extremely ugly expression.

A pale, half-dead look.

The First True Ancestor was so vulnerable in the hands of Chu Tian.

This lack made some blood races look shocked.

It is only now that I understand that this person from the East is definitely not simple.

The strength is terrifying.

Watching the First True Ancestor fall to the ground, spitting blood.

Chu Tian shook his head and sighed, "I only used [-]% of my strength, but I didn't expect you to be unable to resist. In my opinion, you blood races are really rubbish."

"Especially you, the first true ancestor, can only be regarded as garbage among garbage!"

Curling his lips, Chu Tian looked down upon him.

His Huaxia Buddhism mainly restrains these guys who practice ghost law.

As long as he uses the way of Buddhist cultivation, these blood races will be revived and scattered.

Really not too simple, too easy.

Knowing this, Chu Tian glanced at the Fourth True Ancestor beside him.

Sensing Chutian's gaze, the Fourth True Ancestor's face also changed.

He lowered his head, not daring to look at each other.

With a panicked expression on his face, he said, "I beg your lord to let our blood race go, I can do whatever your lord says, I, I don't want to die!"

I almost wanted to kneel down again.

Chutian's strength made her very clear that the other party could kill her directly.

This made her look uneasy, the look on her face, the expression in her eyes.

It completely fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

He looked over calmly.

Glancing at the Fourth True Ancestor, he was silent for a while before saying, "I have something I want to ask you."

"You are the upper true ancestor, so are there other powerful true ancestors above you?"

As soon as the words came out, the face of the Fourth Primogenitor in front of him changed.

Sensing Chutian's sight, his face changed unsteadily.

After a while, he nodded and looked serious: "Actually, above me, there is still the true ancestor of the demigod!"

"Semi-true god?"

The Fourth True Ancestor nodded and said without thinking; "Yes, the True Ancestors of Half-True Gods are all members of the first blood race, and there are two Half-True Gods in their strength, both of whom surpass me."

"Also, their strength is almost comparable to that of true gods. Last time, I went to meet the Great God King of the royal family. It was the two of them who teamed up and taught the Great God King a lesson!"

Chu Tian did not think of this matter.

From the looks of it, that Great God King also reserved a little bit.

Within the blood clan, there are still existences comparable to Chinese immortals.

It can make that Great God King suffer a little bit.

This even more shows that the opponent's strength has surpassed that of ordinary Chinese immortals.

Knowing this, Chu Tian's eyes lit up, he looked at the Fourth True Ancestor in front of him and said, "Where are these two people, can you take me to see them?"

As soon as Chu Tian said the words, the face of the Fourth True Ancestor in front of him also changed continuously.

Clenching his fists, he looked over with a complicated expression.

I really couldn't help asking; "Dare to ask my lord, I don't know, why do you bother our blood race?"

There was a bit of curiosity on his face, he really didn't have a goal, given Chutian's strength.

It is very possible to destroy the entire blood race.

She really couldn't figure out what it was that offended this lord.

Chu Tian pursed his lips, looked directly at him, and said without thinking, "Someone in your blood clan went to Huaxia and disturbed some people in Huaxia. I just came to avenge those people."

The fourth true ancestor in front of him was stunned when he heard this sentence.

It's complicated to have a good face.

"My lord, are you talking about the third blood family?"

"Oh, you know this third blood family?"

Think of the people of the third blood family who have not yet been fully found.

Chu Tian is not worried about this, he will destroy the other two blood clans first, and then continue to trouble the third blood clan.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​the Fourth True Ancestor in front of him had a strange expression on his face.

Take a deep breath.

Then he couldn't help but said, "In the third blood family, one person has a little friendship with me. I didn't expect that he would dare to anger you. I am willing to bring him here to apologize to you."

Chu Tian looked over curiously, and his face became confused: "You have a good relationship with him?"

The fourth true ancestor lowered his head, and said directly; "I fought against him back then, and he was no match for me, and he also regarded me as the true ancestor. As long as I have an order, he would never dare to disobey."

From the looks of it, the three blood clans are all deeply connected.

Hearing what the woman in front of him said, Chu Tian curled his lips and burst out laughing.

The smile is endless, and the smile is playful; "Okay, since that's the case, I will leave this matter to you, and there is more."

"The two half true gods of the first blood family, I must meet them!"

Chu Tian said with a serious face, the words in his mouth.

The expression on his face made the Fourth True Ancestor in front dare not refute.

Also dare not say anything at all.

He lowered his head and answered directly.

"I know my lord, our second blood family, will fulfill your lord's orders, your lord is waiting here, we will not let you down."

Since the second blood family is willing to help him do things, of course he is willing to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

The rest of the matter, the second blood, will help him handle it.

All he had to do was to wait until the second blood race and give him news.

Tell him where the two half-gods are.

As for what kind of tricks this second blood family dares to play.

Chu Tian was really not afraid at all. With his strength as the Heavenly Emperor of the Chinese Immortal Realm, how could he be afraid of these people messing around.

(End of this chapter)

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