Chapter 615
The First True Ancestor is already half useless.

The Fourth True Ancestor directly agreed to Chu Tian's words and did things according to Chu Tian's orders.

Now people in the second blood family are very clear.

This person from China is very scary.

It is the archenemy within their blood clan.

Together with the two great ancestors, they are vulnerable in the hands of the Chinese people in front of them.

The other little blood races also didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Together with the blood blue, the breathing was tightly closed, and his face was ugly, still pale.

It fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

Instead, he curled his lips and gave a smile.

I really took advantage of the free time, stepped forward, and said directly: "Your code name is Lan, right?"

Hearing Chutian's words, Xuelan in front of him didn't dare to neglect.

He lowered his head directly, and said anxiously: "Yes, yes, as people of the second blood family, we all have to abandon our original surnames and leave only one name."

Chu Tian nodded.

The blood blue in front of him couldn't help but said again; "I don't know the identity of your lord, please don't take offense, just now, it was my fault just now, I didn't expect that your lord already has the power of a true god."

"I offended Lord True God, but I deserve to die."

Xuelan's face was terrified, and he almost knelt down.

Seeing the frightened look of the girl in front of him, Chu Tian curled his lips, but smiled instead.

"You wanted to absorb my blood essence before, do you still want to continue now?"

Xuelan's face changed, and when he heard Chutian's words, he shook his head quickly.

His face was frightened and ugly.

She can still remember the pain of the Fourth Primogenitor until now.

If it was her, she would have been out of her wits long ago.

Looking at Chu Tian in front of her, she was extremely scared now.

It never occurred to me that there are such powerful people in this world.

No wonder the person in front of him has the strength of a true god.

Sensing Xue Lan's gaze, Chu Tian's face became calm.

He didn't have much dislike for the girl in front of him, after all, this girl wanted to absorb his blood earlier.

It's just to get his blood essence, not to suck all his blood.

This is also the principle of many blood races.

Don't kill people, just ask for blood.

These are the rules set by some principled blood races themselves.

Of course, there are also many people who will break this rule, and no one can control this.

For those vampires who beg for blood and harm others.

Of course Chutian didn't want to let it go.

I came here for a trip, what did I say, I wanted to cleanse this vampire.

This can give him a long reputation, and he can also get some merit.

This is something to do and see.

The corners of his mouth floated up, and when Chu Tian raised his head, he looked over seriously.

Facing Xue Lan in front of him, he said, "I want to wander around your territory, can you take me there?"


Xue Lan's complexion changed, he came to his senses in an instant, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Looking at Chutian, he looked very complicated, and really didn't understand what Chutian's intentions were.

Chu Tian laughed, and continued with a smile; "However, don't reveal my identity, otherwise, I can let you taste my blood."

Blood Blue: "..."

Xue Lan shook her head immediately, she was shaking her head very seriously, she didn't dare to taste Chu Tian's blood.

This is self-inflicted.


The two left together.

Chu Tian didn't stay long, and returned to the lobby of the bar.

He also quickly noticed Yadala who was being entangled.

This woman is also of the blood of the royal family, and the blood on her body is very attractive to some blood clans.

Groups of men had already surrounded each other.

These men are really handsome.

Those who have the capital to become a blood family are all people with good looks.

Among them, these men are also included.

Unfortunately, facing the temptation of several men, Yadala really didn't catch a cold at all.

His face was unhappy, and he looked at the person in front of him with a cold face, which did not express at all.

"Miss, do you really not want to buy you a drink?"

"Miss, I don't know what you like. I can give you any gift you like. My family is very rich, so I guarantee you will be satisfied."

"Haha, I'm here, but the famous dancing little prince, Your Highness, do you want to dance with me?"

The three men surrounded Yadala just like that.

Yadala snorted coldly, looked at the three of them, and said with a really haughty face.

"Fuck off, I'm not interested in paying attention to you guys, don't you know my identity, in my identity, it's not something you people can climb."

Chu Tian: "..."

Unexpectedly, the heir to the queen of the royal family is really hot enough.

After all, the other party's temper is like this.

Hearing Yadala's words, the expressions of the three men changed to ugly.

It never occurred to Yadala's temper to be so irritable, and she really didn't take them seriously.

His face was cold, like icy eyes.

It also made the faces of the three of them change.

Looking at each other, the eyes flashed cold.

At this moment, the three of them spread out the siege, directly encircling Yadala in the middle.

Let the ordinary people around you not notice this.

When the three of them opened their mouths, their fangs were really exposed.

"Little girl, if you want to die, we will help you."

"I don't care who you are, let me tell you, this is our territory, and your blood is a great tonic for us."

"Hehe, whatever I say today will suck all the blood in your body."

The three of them grinned ferociously and directly surrounded Yadala.

It also made Yadala's complexion change drastically. It never occurred to him that these three people were all members of the blood race.

For a while, I didn't know what to do.

At the same time that she looked helpless, like despair.

A voice came, with a bit of courage.

"You really don't obey the rules, you little blood races, and you still want to hurt people, it's ridiculous, die!"

Chu Tian, ​​who lifted his hand casually, just walked forward.

The movements of his hands are very random.

Just such a gesture of raising one's hand and waving one's hand.

The three blood races in front were stunned, and noticed Chu Tian's movements and his cold eyes.

The expressions of the three of them fluctuated, and for a split second, they all froze in place and couldn't move.

"You, what did you do to us?"

"You, what do you want to do, you guy, where did you come from? You don't even look at it, who owns this place."

The three vampires gritted their teeth and looked over angrily.

Chutian didn't even look at it, just raised his foot and walked forward, passed by three people, and came to Yadala's side.

At this moment, the three blood races trembled all over.


Following the sound of that voice, the three blood races really instantly turned into green smoke.

Just disappeared out of thin air.

It also made Yadala look at all this with her eyes wide open.

Not far away, Xuelan was even more astonished. She never expected that the three blood clans would disappear immediately without Chutian doing anything.

"You, what did you do?"

Yadala's face was strange, and the look in her eyes was even more strange.

Chu Tian smiled lightly, and said calmly; "I just released my fairy power, they couldn't bear it at all, they were blown away by my fairy energy like a body, it's that simple."

(End of this chapter)

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