Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 616 He Can't Move

Chapter 616 He Can't Move
How could this matter be so simple.

Directly releasing the aura in the body can make people lose their minds.

How terrifying is this guy.

Now Xuelan didn't dare to guess more.

He could only lower his head, and said with a look of panic; "Master True God is amazing!"

As soon as the words came out, Yadala in front curled her lips.

Looking at it with a proud face, I really couldn't help it, and bragged directly for Chu Tian; "Of course the Lord True God is powerful, and I don't even think about the identity and status of the Lord True God."

"Hmph, even our Great God King has recognized the identity of the True God Lord, and even the Great God King is respectful and respectful in front of the Sun God Lord!"

This sentence made Xue Lan even more surprised.

And at this moment, the change on this side also attracted several people.

Seeing a few blood race people, they disappeared immediately.

Someone pulled his face down and came so close.

Among them, there is also the woman who competed with Xuelan for Chutian before.

With a blood-red face of indifference, he approached without even thinking about it.

As soon as his eyes swept across, they all fell on Chu Tian.

His expression turned cold, and he said, "Blood blue, why is this guy here, and how is the First True Ancestor?"

"Why did you let him go?"

His face was displeased, and his face was very ugly.

Not to mention her, some blood races who followed also looked at them with strange faces.

They can't ignore the death of a companion in front of them.

Looking at Chu Tian's eyes, he also looked threatening, and waited for their leader's elder sister to say a word, and made a move directly.

I noticed that some people in front of me looked unhappy.

On the contrary, Chu Tian smiled lightly, and looked over with a smile.

I really don't have any fear.

On the contrary, Xue Lan's face changed, looking at the situation in front of him, his face was ugly.

With a pale face, he spoke directly.

"You guys, don't mess around, Blood Hong, the First True Ancestor, you have already forgiven him, don't do anything to him."

Seriously, with a pleading look in his eyes.

It was clear that they didn't want people of the same blood clan in front of them to have something happen.

Neither of the two true ancestors was Chu Tian's opponent.

How could these people in front of them be able to deal with Chu Tian.

Seeing Xue Lan's begging expression, only Xue Hong in front of him smiled.

Really laughed out loud.

He said that he thought that Xuelan had taken a fancy to this guy and pleaded for this Chinese man.

"Xuelan, I think you have fallen in love with a Chinese person. I understand your feelings very well. You must have special feelings for the person you hugged for the first time."

"Unfortunately, he is the person our First True Ancestor is looking for. If the First True Ancestor can't deal with him, I'm going to do it. You can't have his blood all by yourself!"

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Chu Tian with excited eyes.

It was obvious that they wanted to taste Chutian's blood.

Not to mention blood red, the faces of other blood races were also agitated, and there was a little light shining in their eyes when they looked at Chu Tian.

"Big sister, isn't this guy's bloodline very powerful?"

"Even the First True Ancestor wants to get it, haha, it's great that we have a chance to taste it too."

"I also want to taste him, I haven't sucked good blood for a long time."

The people of the blood race all had a little light in their eyes, and they just looked at it so seriously.

Looking at Chu Tian in front of him, it was obvious that a person's face was moved.

Everyone wanted to taste the taste of Chutian's blood.

This made Xue Lan look ugly, looking at the person in front of him.

I couldn't help but speak again, and yelled out; "No, absolutely not, you guys, don't do this, don't mess around."

The excited face, and the extremely ugly eyes, all fell into the eyes of a group of blood races.

Really just think that Xue Lan wants to protect this Chinese man.

Only the blood race in front of them, a group of people laughed directly.

"Hahaha, you want to swallow his blood all by yourself, that's not okay, don't worry, we won't let him die here."

"That's right, we'll just make him half-dead, and promise not to take his life."

"This kind of fine blood of the superior bloodline is not something you can enjoy as a newcomer, obediently let us have a good taste."

Xue Hong also had the most displeased expression on her face, she waved her hand and walked forward, unable to bear it.

"Go away, this guy's blood, I will taste everything I say, and you can stop me, get out of here."

When he raised his hand casually, he really followed the movement of that hand.

A terrifying force just rushed through it casually.

Xue Lan's face changed, she was not the opponent of the leading lady in front of her at all, the strength of the other party was above her.

With a loud sound, Xuelan also fell out directly, spitting blood.

Seeing the jokes on the faces of the group of people in front of him, his face was extremely ugly.

"I really don't know what is good or bad, and I want to swallow it all by myself, so I have suffered a lot."

"Just now you should obediently get out of the way. You learned the lesson this time because you found it yourself."

Some people looked playful, but they didn't worry at all, they really looked mocking.

Xue Lan who lowered his head couldn't say a word.

Instead, Chu Tian saw it, glanced at the people in front of him, and his eyes fell on Xue Lan in front of him.

His face was indifferent, and he said calmly; "It seems that these people don't understand your kindness. These inferior blood races need to be cleaned up. Don't you think it's the same?"

Chu Tian's words only made Xue Lan's face change.

He raised his head, gritted his silver teeth, and looked at the blood-red and proud face in front of him.

At this moment, there was a little anger on her face.

"If you dare to touch him, you will not end well."

As soon as the words came out, the blood red in front really pouted and laughed.

Don't take Blood Blue's words seriously at all.

"There won't be a good result. Could it be that this guy is a member of your Fourth True Ancestor, so it's no wonder you can swallow him alone."

"What about the Fourth True Ancestor, we have the support of the First True Ancestor, and if we touch him, the Fourth True Ancestor dare not say anything."

"Yes, I have tasted his blood."

With every mouth, there is a mouthful of fangs.

In an instant, Chu Tian was locked on.

Seeing Xue Hong in front of him, he curled his lips and sneered, completely ignoring Xue Lan's angry eyes.

Glancing at Chu Tian with a greedy face, he wanted to taste Chu Tian's blood as soon as he stepped forward.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she lifted her foot, she still couldn't get close to Chu Tian.

It was as if an invisible wall in front of her was blocking her movements.

Many blood races were also unable to get close to Chutian. They couldn't even touch Chutian at a distance of one meter.

The complexions of these blood races changed, and they looked astonished.

Surprised, his expression changed drastically.

"What's going on, what's going on?"

"Why, why can't you touch him, what is going on here?"

(End of this chapter)

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