Chapter 617
The blood-red face was the most ugly. When he raised his head, his eyes fixed on Chu Tian in front of him.

Even though his face was pale, he still understood that all of this had absolutely something to do with Chutian.

Chu Tian's face was calm, and he saw that everyone couldn't move.

It is also a kind of indifferent gaze with a good face.

With a smile on his lips, he raised his foot and stepped forward with a smile on his face.

Everyone just felt a terrifying momentum overwhelming them.

It made them tremble all over, and they really didn't move.

"I have cultivated Dzogchen with the merits of Buddhism and Taoism!"

"Buddha can destroy all ghosts and demons. Don't underestimate our great Buddha Dharma in China. It transcends Yin Qi and saves everything. This is the power of my Dharma in China!"

As soon as Chutian opened his mouth, Dzogchen Buddhism directly released Chutian.

Let something explode in the heads of everyone.


A group of vampires, all holding their heads, knelt down directly.

His face was in pain, like a scream.

All of this fell into the blood red eyes, and his face became extremely ugly, looking at the screaming expressions of the inferior blood races around him.

Swallowing his saliva, he stared at Chutian with an unsteady expression.

"You, what the hell did you do?"

"I use the Great Buddha Law of China to save you, and I hope that you will have a good birth in the next life!"

Chu Tian smiled, but that smile made the Strigoi in front of him feel something very terrifying.

It made the blood red face even more ugly.

Or the changes of some blood races around him.

The lower blood race rolling all over the ground couldn't bear Chu Tian's Dzogchen meritorious deeds at all.

Slowly, a cloud of blue smoke came out of the whole body.

In the end, they all disappeared out of thin air, just disappeared in place.

Seeing all this, Xue Hong's heart beat so fast that he almost knelt down in fright.

The lower blood races evaporated one after another.

In the end, only the high-ranking vampires in front of them, Xue Hong, stayed one by one.

Under the weakness of the legs.

Sitting down on the ground, his face was extremely ugly, and he was staring at Chu Tian with fear.

Open your eyes wide.

Chu Tian shook his head and said with a little sigh; "So, you have to listen to her just now, she is protecting you and doesn't want you to die, but you are looking for death, so you can't blame me."

After speaking, Chu Tian raised his hand, and a light shone in his hand.

The Buddha's light shrouded it, causing the blood red in front of him to scream.

Really got up and smoked.

In less than a moment, the whole person turned into a puff of smoke, and just disappeared from the sight of everyone.

Seeing all this, Xue Lan's face was full of fear.

Ordinary small blood races, in the eyes of the people in front of them, nothing really dies.

Thinking about it, the people in her second blood clan might even be the entire blood clan gathered.

Not enough to kill him in front of him.

For a while, Xue Lan felt very complicated. She never thought that she would meet such a powerful person.

The three blood races are all in trouble.

Instead, I saw Chu Tian's formidable skill.

As a member of the royal family and also the future queen, Yadala's expression changed.

It's a look of excitement.

He looked over with a bright face.

Staring at Chu Tian, ​​his face was full of joy, and he continued to smile, "Master True God has avenged our royal family."

"These vampires are really damned, hey, these people have their current fate, they are all looking for it themselves, Lord True God must not let these vampires go!"

To the vampires, Yadala also had a look of hatred.

The blood clan is attached to this country, and has really done a lot of bad things.

As a member of the royal family, she doesn't have the slightest affection for the blood family.

Only the true God is everything they worship and believe in.

Chu Tian's expression was calm, but he didn't say much.

The blood race, he must get rid of it, and at the same time, he also needs to see what happens to the first blood race, the true ancestor who is a demigod.

Since he is a demigod, he shouldn't be disappointed.


The number of people in the second blood group has decreased a lot.

This incident spread, and the entire second blood family knew it very well.

A person from China taught a lesson to their second-blooded guy who didn't have eyes.

All of them directly killed dozens of people from the second blood clan without using their hands.

Seeing this second blood family of Chinese people, they all looked terrified.

That's why, Chu Tian walked into the private room where the Fourth True Ancestor was.

Many blood races looked at him with fear.

Immediately lowered his head, not even daring to meet his eyes.

This also left Chutian with a little trouble.

To deal with the little blood race, he really doesn't need to do it.

Chu Tian, ​​who was only interested in those semi-true gods and true ancestors, just came to the fourth true ancestor and opened the door of the room in Xuelan.

I saw the fourth primogenitor who came back.

And the first true ancestor of the first blood family who followed him.

He noticed Chu Tian, ​​a man dressed as a foreign nobleman.

It really changed his face.

With a very sincere and apprehensive expression, he approached.

In front of Chutian.

Just knelt down and bowed to Chu Tian, ​​exposing his loyalty and said, "The first true ancestor of the third blood clan has met the Lord True God, and it is our third blood clan's fault for offending the Lord True God. The punishment of the true god!"

His complexion fluctuated, he gritted his teeth and looked serious.

I really came here to beg for mercy.

Chu Tian only glanced at him, his face was calm, and he raised his head to look at the Fourth True Ancestor.

The Fourth True Ancestor also lowered his head, and said directly; "Master True God, I helped you find someone from the first blood clan. There are people in the first blood clan who have a deep relationship with him. As long as you keep him, he will definitely help you. busy."

As soon as the words came out, the true ancestor of the third blood race in front of him also had an excited face.

Without even thinking about it, he said, "Lord True God, I will definitely do my best to assist the siege of the two half true gods and true ancestors. In the first blood family, there are my people."

"I will definitely help you, my lord."

This aroused Chu Tianlai's interest, and he looked curious: "Oh, can you help me find them?"

The man in front of him nodded quickly, and said directly; "Yes, in order to make up for the mistakes of our third blood family, I will definitely help you, Lord True God, if you can't do it, I am willing to die to make up for you."

Chu Tian smiled lightly, very satisfied.

Nodding her head in agreement, she also intended to let the man in front of her do what he asked.

"As long as you can lure out the true ancestor of the half-true god, I can spare your life."

"Thank you sir."

Chengruo, the first true ancestor of the third blood clan in front of him, was happy when he got Chutian's Chengruo.

His face was extremely excited, and when he stood up, he let out a dry cough.

The true ancestor of the third blood clan, with a straight face, said to Chu Tian; "My lord, within this first blood clan, the two half-god true ancestors are the leaders of the first blood clan. The founder is also the first true ancestor of the first blood clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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