Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 619 2 Blood Clan Conflicts

Chapter 619 Conflict Between Two Blood Clans

Glaring angrily, he looked over with a displeased face.

The words in the mouth are exported.

Unexpectedly, the complexion of the strong man in front of him changed, he raised his hand casually, and slapped him directly.

There was a loud sound.

The slap was very loud, and it was really sudden.

He slapped the woman in front of him to the ground, and the man spat.

His eyes were cold, and his face was icy; "Our first blood family does things, and it's your turn to teach you a lesson. If you don't pay the offerings, it's okay. Let me tell you, if you don't pay the offerings, we will use your blood to replace them! "

With a little cold light in his eyes, he just glanced at everyone.

Everyone's complexion changed, and the family members of the third blood family all looked ugly.

Now being bullied to the head.

How could they not be angry.

"You first blood, don't go too far!"

"Damn it, you want my blood, why should we give it to you!"

"You are too arrogant, ahhh, I will fight with you!"

At this moment, the third blood clan was in a commotion.

His face pulled, and each of them looked angry.

He clenched his fists and looked over excitedly.

I couldn't help it a long time ago, and rushed forward directly, the third blood clan with clenched fists, and rushed forward.

Seeing all this, the first-blood family all curled their lips and laughed directly.

The smile was full of sarcasm, looking at the third-blood man in front of him, he couldn't help but sneer.

His eyes were full of sarcasm.

"What are you guys? You dare to fight us. You are a group of inferior blood races, you can compare with us."

"Our first blood races are all noble upper blood races and lower blood races, so just kneel down and be your servants for us obediently."

"If you want to court death, you upper blood races will fulfill you!"

At this moment, the face of the first blood clansman changed.

With a movement of the whole body, the skill is very fast, and it really rushed forward.

The most robust leading man in front grabbed a person, opened his mouth, and bit him, directly sucking all the blood from his body.

It was really grabbing one of them with each hand, causing the lower blood races of the third blood race to continue to die tragically.

Looking at all this, Debbie's face was extremely ugly, pale and uncertain.

Even if she is an upper blood race, there is nothing she can do.

The opponent is a high-class blood clan with dozens of people.

People from the first blood family are not something they can deal with at all.

This made her look ugly, she clenched her fists tightly, her face was pale, and she looked ahead, her expression changing.

Turning his head, his eyes fell on Chu Tian who was not moving at all.

He really lowered his head and came in front of Chu Tian.

Hao is sincere: "Please help our third blood family, as long as you help us, we are willing to obey any orders from you."

They all pinned their hopes on Chu Tian.

How to put it, Chu Tian is also the person whom their First True Ancestor fears, and his strength must be terrifying.

Debbie pleaded and looked over eagerly.

As soon as the words came out, Chu Tian didn't say anything.

On the other hand, the person from the first blood clan in front burst out laughing.

"Debbie, you are actually going to beg a Chinese person, or an ordinary Chinese person who is not a blood race!"

"Haha, he alone can do it for us, we are all high-ranking blood, how can he be compared."

"If he dares to come over, I will tear him apart!"

All of them had cold faces, and looked at Chu Tian with sneer smiles.

The family members of the third blood family were all killed and injured.

There were less than ten people left.

After noticing this scene, Chu Tian moved, calmly glanced at Debbie in front of him, and stood up straight away.

Hao Shi looked over indifferently, staring at the number one blood race in front of him and said, "I wasn't interested in the fight between your blood races at first, but it's different if you provoke me."

"If you disturb me, you will have to pay for it!"

As soon as the words came out, the face of the first blood clansman in front of him changed.

They were all directly angered by Chu Tian's words.

"What are you? How dare you say such things in front of our first-ranked blood race?"

"It seems that you really want to be sucked out of your blood and tear you in two, okay, we will fulfill you!"

With a cold snort, at this moment, the face of the first blood family member changed.

He stepped forward, looked at Chu Tian, ​​and rushed over.

The speed is so fast, under the fangs and claws, with sharp fangs, just like this.

People from the first blood race rushed forward.

This made Debbie nervous.

Even if she knew Chu Tian's strength and made the First True Ancestor feel in awe, how scary was it?

She didn't know at all that the people of the third blood clan all looked over seriously.

Can't look away.

All he could see was Chu Tian, ​​who was facing a group of high-ranking blood races, the flash of light in his eyes was as bright as the sun.

"I'll die here!"

"Supreme Buddha Dharma, transcending sentient beings!"

puff puff!

The light from a pair of eyes really shines directly on the past.

It only made the upper blood race rushing over tremble.

At this moment, the closest upper blood race really exploded.

It turned into puddles of blood, and all of them fell on Chu Tian's face.

One after another, one by one, they were all buried in front of Chu Tian.

Dozens of high-ranking vampires were all turned into blood.

Only the leader of the upper blood clan was left, feeling the terror of Chu Tian in front of him.

His legs were so frightened that his legs went limp, and he fell to his knees directly on the ground.

He just knelt down like this, with a frightened face, looking like an idiot out of fright.

Chu Tian didn't take a look, but turned his head and said to Debbie who was also in a daze, "Let your people clean up here."

"I have other things to solve here!"

As soon as the words came out, Debbie realized that her face changed.

With a strange look on his face, he gritted his teeth and nodded.

Then he greeted the rest of the blood clan, stepped forward, and looked at the leader of the first blood clan with a desperate face in front of him.

It also made Debbie sneer.

"You of the first blood family did not expect that there will be such a day, our lord, but the real god, even the demigod of your first blood family, is not his opponent."

As soon as the words came out, the expression of the man in front of him changed upon hearing this sentence.

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and looked over, his face was angry, and he shouted angrily, "Listen to me, our demigods are the real gods, and no one can compare to them!"

"Our demigods, we will become true gods sooner or later, and the real true gods are them. If you third blood clan dare to provoke us demigods, all of you third blood clansmen will die!"

With a look of incomparable anger, he just looked over with a look of hatred.

The words in her mouth only made Debbie's face twitch, and her face was very unhappy.

With a cold face, he raised his hand casually and slapped him back.

"Hmph, you first-bloods are all going to die for me. The good times of your first-bloods are coming to an end."

(End of this chapter)

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