Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 620 The True Ancestor Died

Chapter 620 The True Ancestor Died

Debbie directly asked people to take away all the people from the first blood family.

It also made people tidy up the environment here.

Looking at Chu Tian's eyes, he felt a little more awe, standing not far away and watching quietly.

After a long silence, I still couldn't help it, and walked forward directly.

Just like that, he came in front of Chu Tian, ​​lowered his head, and greeted him with a respectful expression; "Dare to ask, sir, who are you waiting for?"

His face was curious, so he looked over with a puzzled expression.

Hearing this question, Chu Tian raised his head and glanced over.

With a calm face, he said, "You don't know?"

Debbie was stunned, and her face was stupefied.

Chu Tian could see that the other party didn't understand anything, and it seemed that the other party's first true ancestor didn't say anything.

This made his face straighten, and he said without thinking; "The two and a half true gods in the first blood family will come here."

Debbie looked surprised.

Hearing this, there was even more admiration in his eyes, towards Chu Tian, ​​the admiration reached the extreme.

"My lord challenges the demigod of the first blood race. My lord must be very sure. My lord is simply the idol of our third blood race. I must dedicate my soul to my lord and believe in my lord!"

He said it with a serious face.

As soon as Debbie said that, the members of the third blood clan also looked over.

His eyes were full of admiration, and he handed over his beliefs to Chu Tian.

This really gave Chutian a lot of faith.

Although this bit of faith is really nothing to him now.

However, this kind of worship and belief, as well as the state of beautiful women dedicating their souls.

It also made Chutian feel very happy.

He wants to establish his status as a true God in this country!

In this country, only he is qualified to become a true god, and only the true god of China can exist.

There cannot be a second true god of a foreign race!

His face was serious, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and Chu Tian couldn't stop smiling.

Looking forward to the arrival of the other party, so as to end this matter as soon as possible.


Ten minutes.

Inside the bar, someone came again.

The visitor this time was quite different from the previous one.

The aura of the visitor is very strong, as soon as he walks into the room.

Looking around, his eyes were soon locked on one person.

"Are you from China?"

He looked over seriously, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

This man also made Chu Tian look up.

Feeling the aura of the other party also made him frown, with a serious face, so that he looked over seriously.

There was a flash in the eyes, and they were all a little cold.

"That's right, but you don't seem to be the person I'm looking for. Where is the master behind you?"

The other party is just a small upper blood family, although it is still a bit special.

But Chu Tian really didn't think that this was the true god he was looking for.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the people in front of him were somewhat surprised.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be able to see my strength at a glance. It seems that the two adults really don't think highly of me. Very good."

The man revealed a little bit, just stared at him and said; "The first true ancestor of the third blood family wanted to deceive us two adults, and now we have been executed by our two adults on the spot. At the same time, they also know that the people from Huaxia want Find trouble for the two adults."

"My lords, you are already waiting in the temple of our first blood race. People from Huaxia, if you have the ability, come with me to see our temple?"

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he looked over with a cold and arrogant face.

The words in his mouth really changed the faces of the third blood family.

Debbie's face was the most ugly. Hearing what the other party said, her whole body trembled, and she wanted to kneel down tremblingly.

There was a flash of despair in his eyes.

"We, our lords!"

Chu Tian still cared a little bit about the death of the true ancestor of the third blood clan.

In other words, the true ancestor of the third blood clan also did things for him.

Just died in the opponent's hands!

He really couldn't ignore it, raised his head with a serious face, just looked at the man in front of him and said, "Okay, I'll walk with you!"

As soon as the words came out, Debbie's expression changed.

Looking directly over, he said to Chu Tian, ​​"No, don't want my lord, this is completely a conspiracy, this must be someone from the first blood family, trying to lure you over."

"I have long heard that their temple is very scary, please don't go there, my lord, this is completely a conspiracy!"

With a serious face, he looked over with a look of longing, and he was really persuading Chu Tian.

Chu Tian's face remained unchanged, and he glanced at Debbie.

On the contrary, he said calmly; "Don't worry, I will avenge the revenge of the true ancestors of your blood race, and there is no way I will be in trouble. Here, no one can hurt me."

Chu Tian looked proud and full of confidence.

Seeing Chutian's expression, Debbie's expression changed continuously.

Gritting his teeth, he looked over seriously, without even thinking about it, and said, "My lord, I am willing to go there with you."

Looking at the serious eyes of the upper female blood race in front of her.

Even if you know that this trip is very dangerous, you still have to go with him.

It also surprised Chu Tian.

Debbie looked over seriously, and said directly, "My lord is the only hope for our third blood family now. Once the first true ancestor dies, the only person we can trust is you, my lord."

Obviously, the First True Ancestor is their last resort.

Not anymore.

Of course, the only person who can believe it and be a backer is Chutian.

Knowing this, Chu Tian nodded, but didn't say much.

He also took the woman in front of him directly to the place where she was, and the two of them left together.

Follow in the footsteps of the man in front of you.

Get in the car directly and go to the temple of the first blood family.

The first blood family will have a temple.

This surprised Chu Tian a bit.

It's just that the first blood family with half-true gods actually created a temple by themselves. It has to be admitted that the two half-true gods of the first blood family are really arrogant enough.

None of them have the real power of a true god, so they created the temple by themselves.

When Chu Tian curled his lips, he had a sneer on his face.

Soon, the car heard the place, and soon arrived in a very tall building.

It is located in a remote area, and many foreign buildings are like this.

There are few people, and so is this magnificent building.

Getting off the bus at Chutian and looking at the buildings in front of me is a feeling.

It is really gorgeous enough and very bold.

It soared into the clouds, as if it was inserted into the sky.

Let people feel an unspeakable architectural beauty!

And from it, one can feel a steady stream of faith.

From the looks of it, the demigod's blood clan has a very good faith in the Dao.

(End of this chapter)

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