Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 621 Two Major True Gods

Chapter 621 Two Half True Gods

Follow behind the upper blood race ahead.

Chutian also accompanied Debbie, walked into the temple, pushed open the heavy door, once inside, there were a pair of eyes, just staring at her.

Swish swish!
A pair of cold eyes looked over, with a little sneer, and a face full of ice.

It's a joking expression.

It was all ridicule, ridiculing the people who came this time.

All the faces were full of sneers, just staring at Chu Tian and Debbie coldly, with no emotion in their eyes.

This is not true, once you come here, don't even think about going out.

Outsiders from outside the temple break in, and there is only one dead end.

With a quick glance, Chu Tian discovered that not all the people in this room were blood races.

More than half of them were ordinary people, which surprised Chu Tian a little bit.

Half of the ordinary people gathered here, admiring the first blood race ahead.

The power of faith is extremely firm!

And the man who led the way for Chutian stepped forward, stood where he was, turned his head, and said to Chutian and the others, "You guys wait here for a while."

"My lord, we are about to come out of the pool of blood."

Hearing this, Chu Tian looked puzzled: "Blood pool?"

It's a curious look.

As soon as the words came out, the man in front didn't say anything.

On the other hand, Debbie, who was behind her, stepped forward and said to Chu Tian, ​​"My lord, within the first blood clan, there is a hundred-year-old blood pool. It has been gathered here for 100 years, and all the high-quality blood collected is all Gather."

"This formed a huge pool of blood!"

Chu Tian frowned, and when he looked up, he saw a cloud of Yin Qi in front of him.

There is really a lot of Yin Qi in this blood pool.

This is not true, this is the blood of all the people with good bloodlines gathered within a hundred years.

All are gathered here.

The huge blood pool, probably as big as it is now, has collected the blood essence of tens of thousands of people, including those that have been consumed.

This is the life of tens of thousands of people.

Chu Tian, ​​who lowered his face, looked ugly.

Unexpectedly, this blood clan is even more cruel than he thought, not to mention the second and third blood clans, they all have their rules.

There are also many people who act recklessly.

But now, compared to the two and a half true gods of the first blood family, it is nothing at all.

These two half true gods are the real scourge of the blood race.

The establishment of this temple, and even such a pool of blood, is enough to understand that these two half-true gods are ruthless.

But Chu Tian's complexion changed.

There was a commotion ahead, followed by a sound.

puff puff!

Two people flew up and rushed directly into the sky.

The whole body was covered with blood, it was obvious that they had just come out of the pool of blood.

The man and the woman flew out directly.

It made everyone's expressions change, all in an instant, and they all knelt down and bowed down.

Everyone knelt down on the ground and greeted a man and a woman in front of them respectfully.

"Welcome to the bleeding pool, two adults!"

"Congratulations to the two adults, the blood pool training has been successfully completed!"

As soon as the words came out, there was a lot of momentum.

Hearing this sound also made Debbie's face change, and her whole body really trembled.

I really want to kneel down.

If Chu Tian hadn't opened his mouth, she would have been shocked by this momentum.

"Cultivating in the blood pool, it seems that you are walking in the way of ghosts, and you are also walking in the way of all evil ghosts. Hahaha, it is ridiculous. Just relying on the way of all evil ghosts, you also want to become demigods?"

"Don't you think you are too ignorant and ridiculous?"

This kind of killing thousands of people gathered such a pool of blood, relying on this pool of blood to practice.

This is not the cultivation method of ordinary ghosts and immortals at all.

This is clearly the practice of evil spirits.

Based on this alone, I really want to cultivate to become a true god, to be a god king!
How could this make Chu Tian not laugh.

With a sneer, he just looked over with a cold face.

The expression on his face and the words in his mouth made the two semi-gods in front of him raise their heads and look at them.

Even more solemn.

"who are you?"

"What qualifications do you have, dare to say these human words to us?"

Looking over with a cold face, the two great gods and true ancestors are still dripping with blood, which is really scary.

But Chutian didn't have any fear at all, so he took a step forward.

He spoke directly, and said in a loud voice; "I am here to let you know that the only true god is me, and I am the only one who can be called the true god!"

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the two half true gods and ancestors became angry.

It exploded in anger.

"You have such a big tone, you don't pay attention to us."

"It's just you, you want to be the only true god, it's impossible, even that great god king doesn't look down on us, what are you?"

The momentum of the two of them together made the whole temple tremble directly.

The blood pool not far away was also shaking.

Many people knelt on the ground, trembling.

His face was extremely ugly, and he was frightened by the aura of the two half true gods and true ancestors.

Feeling all this, Chu Tian had a calm face and looked at the two without the slightest fear.

He continued to sneer and said, "Great God King, he is nothing in my eyes, I'm afraid you don't know, even if he is, he can only kneel down obediently, beg me for mercy, and call me my lord!"

Chu Tianhao's arrogant words.

It only made the faces of the two people in front of them pull.

Soon, both of them burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, you don't even pay attention to the Great God King, you Chinese people are so arrogant, I want to see why you are so arrogant!"

"We'll let you see, we've been baptized by the blood pond, and we're now capable. I'm a true red blood ancestor, so I'll let you have a good look at it!"

With a cold snort, he looked over with a cold face, so cold and indifferent.

The look in the eyes, the look on the face.

It all fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

Looking at the two without fear, I couldn't help it long ago; "If you have the ability, come here."

As soon as these words came out, both of them moved. They couldn't bear it for a long time, and stepped forward.

He rushed towards Chu Tian directly.

"Our blood is two bloods and one blood, so I will show you what a real god is!"

"True red blood, red blood dyes the sky red, dyes the earth red, dyes everything around here red!"


As soon as the gust of wind blew, the two of them raised their hands directly, and the screams were loud.

The screaming was so loud that the whole room was shaken again.

The blood that accompanied the blood pool was swept over and blown directly into the sky.

It diffused, and the surrounding area was a deep red.

Like a huge blood cloth, not only the sky, but also the earth are completely included.

Seeing all this, Chu Tian curled his lips in surprise, "Oh, you can rely on your strength to build a small space by yourself."

"That's not bad, we really underestimated you a little bit."

(End of this chapter)

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