Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 622 The True God's Punishment

Chapter 622 The True God's Punishment

The two semi-true gods and true ancestors completely covered this small space with the blood of the blood pool.

Their blood pool world was formed, and it was controlled by the two of them.

This is also the strength of their demigods.

They really didn't expect that they would be seen through by Chu Tian at a glance, and his face changed uncertainly.

That gaze stared at him with a complex expression.

With an ugly expression on his face, there was a cold snort.

Just looking over with such a cold face, staring at Chu Tiandao; "Huaxia people, why do you know so much about our Blood Pool God Realm?"

"Hmph, the Blood Pool God's Domain is powerful, you'll see it soon."

Hearing what the two said, Chu Tian was taken aback, and soon wanted to laugh out loud.

"Shenyu, just rely on this one?"

Chu Tian laughed loudly, shook his head and sighed: "This is not some kind of God's Domain, it's just a small world, not even a big world, God's Domain exists beyond heaven and earth."

"Not ruled by the five elements, something that is hard to find in the fairy world, you actually say that this is the realm of the gods, you are too ridiculous!"

Chu Tian had a smile on his face, and what he said was clearly an insult to the two halves of the True God and the True Ancestor's specialty, Xuechi Tiandi.

The two semi-true gods and true ancestors were very angry.

The anger rushed straight, and he exploded with anger.

"Okay, you don't like our God's Domain at all, then we will show you a good experience!"

"Insult God's Domain, let you die in God's Domain, watch our God's Domain God's punishment!"

The whole world was filled with crimson blood and completely rolled over.

It made many ordinary people and the first-blood family members tremble all over while watching all of this.

Can't help it, some ordinary people, as well as people from the first blood family, knelt down one by one.

Facing the blood pool heaven and earth, he continued to kneel and worship, so that he looked in awe.

"God's Domain, God's Domain has shown its power!"

"We saw God's Domain again, great, we have a chance to see God's Domain again!"

Some people's faces were excited and bright.

Fortunately, he was so excited that he yelled out with joy on his face.

The voice was loud and sounded in one piece.

It also made Chu Tian listen to it, with a sigh on his face, he shook his head, sighing.

With a sigh, watching the blood rolling in front of him, he rushed directly towards him.

This terrifying blood really wanted to completely envelop him.

I want to melt him directly.

"Let our Divine Realm turn you into a stream of blood to nourish our pool of blood!"

"Our blood pool has dried up a lot recently, and your blood essence can replenish this, which is really great."

The two laughed.

Seeing the bloody water instantly swept across Chu Tian's body like a huge wave.

Enveloping Chutian completely, it seemed as if seeing Chutian turned into the nourishment of a pool of blood.

A look of joy, a look of excitement, and a look of incomparable brilliance looked over.

Just wait for the blood pool to grow again.

Unexpectedly, that huge wave of blood engulfed Chutian at once, and in less than ten seconds, it was shaken.

The whole huge wave of blood broke through in an instant.

There was a loud sound, and the whole huge wave of blood really flew out like an explosion.

Countless blood bombs flew away.

Among them, Chu Tian had nothing wrong with him. He really didn't have any injuries on his whole body, not to mention, there was no blood on his body at all.

Let everyone look at all this, and they are all dumbfounded.

"What's the matter, God's punishment, God's punishment is useless to him?"

"This, this is impossible, this is God's punishment, who is he, why is God's punishment useless to him at all."

Some 2 people's faces were extremely surprised.

The semi-true gods and true ancestors also couldn't calm down. They looked at Chu Tian with serious expressions.

They couldn't take their eyes off Chu Tian, ​​and until now, they didn't understand why the blood pool's divine punishment had no effect on him at all.

He felt the surprise of the two semi-true gods and ancestors in front of him.

Chu Tian's face was calm, and his eyes swept over everyone with disdain on his face; "This is not the so-called divine punishment, it's just a small fairy method to control the small world, this is really not considered divine punishment!"

"If you want to talk about the divine punishment in the fairy world, the divine punishment that can destroy the immortals, you have never seen it before, so I will let you see what the real divine punishment is!"

Can be called God's punishment, it must be an immortal method that can teach immortals a lesson.

Immortal techniques that can be useful to immortals can directly make Daluo Jinxian's soul fly away.

This is called real divine punishment!

With his eyes fixed, Chu Tian released the aura all over his body, and without much thought, he brought out the aura of the Emperor of Heaven.

As soon as one hand was raised, this huge temple also began to shake.

"Using the sky as a guide, I summoned the nine gods to punish Tianlei, and Tianlei obeyed my orders!"

The whole earth began to roar.

As the ground trembled, it split open.

The small world of the blood pool also shattered in an instant.

He really couldn't resist Chutian's immortal energy, and was directly pulled a big hole by Chutian's Heavenly Emperor aura.

As this hole gets bigger and bigger.

The temple was also slightly damaged, and the bricks and tiles between the roofs were broken in an instant.

Accompanied by an instant burst.

It also made many people look extremely pale. When they looked up at the sky, they could only see that the sky was dense with dark clouds.

What a terrifying gesture.

It can actually cause changes between the heaven and the earth, not ordinary changes in the small world, and even nature is shaken by this guy's breath.

The semi-true gods and true ancestors all had ugly faces, more than pale, and extremely ugly.

Looking at Chutian in front of him, he felt Chutian's strength.

The two who looked at each other really didn't want to sit still.

"No, no matter what you want to do, you actually want to destroy our temple, don't even think about it."

"We have a blood pool here. It's useless for you to do anything. We can use the blood in the blood pool to let you know the lesson."

The semi-true god and true ancestor didn't want to stop like this. When he raised his hand, the water in the blood pond rolled in. In an instant, it was like a tornado of heavenly water in the blood pond.

Everything around is swept up.

Facing Chutian in front of him, he rushed over directly.

All the water in the blood pool gathered and scraped towards Chutian, trying to stop Chutian's current actions.

But God's Punishment Thunder has already begun.

How could Chutian stop.

"Nine Tribulation Gods Punish Heavenly Thunder, I don't know how many times you can resist, don't let me down!"

Chu Tian curled his lips, with a strange smile, and waved his hand casually after speaking.

Accompanied by his movement, the first tribulation thunder also fell from the sky.

It smashed over in an instant.

It pierced through the heaven and earth, just like that, it landed on the tornado in the blood pool, and even smashed this tornado directly.

(End of this chapter)

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