Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 623 The Birth of a God King

Chapter 623 The Birth of a God King
The first tribulation of thunder was to break the opponent's blood pool, causing countless blood to fall from the sky.

The semi-true god and the true ancestor both stared red-eyed anxiously.

Seeing the essence and blood scatter in all directions, he screamed.

"No, no, no!"

"Our blood, we have gathered blood for a hundred years, no, don't!"

The two of them could not prevent all this from happening in front of them.

The essence and blood all disappeared, the blood in the blood pool no longer existed, and Baili's savings were spent in just such an instant.

How could the two of them not be angry, their angry eyes were about to ooze blood.

Angrily staring at Chu Tian in front of him.

Chu Tian didn't pay attention at all, curled his lips, and continued to laugh; "This is still the first calamity God punished the sky thunder, you are like this, how are you going to resist the remaining 8 calamities?"

"You don't know that my God of Nine Tribulations punishes Tianlei, but one calamity is stronger than one calamity, and one calamity is better than one calamity!"

Just look at it with a smile on his face.

The words in the mouth made the expressions of the semi-true gods and true ancestors in front of them change.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, his face changed drastically.

All I could see was a divine punishment thunder falling from the sky again.

What's more, a huge hole pierced through the roof again.

It just fell down, making the two semi-true gods and true ancestors look dumbfounded.

There was no reaction for a moment.

Slamming it directly at them, and waiting in front of them, they couldn't help but raise their hands.

The two joined forces, trying to resist this divine thunder.

It's a pity that the strength of the two is really no better than Da Luo Jinxian.

This is the God's Punishment Thunder that even Da Luo Jinxian can be frightened out of his wits.

There was a loud explosion, and both of them vomited blood wildly, and flew out directly.

Even the two calamity thunders could not resist.

Seeing all this, Chu Tian shook his head directly, so as to look at the past calmly.

With a calm expression on his face, he said calmly, "You have become what you are now after the two calamities of thunder. I am really disappointed. How are you going to avoid the third calamity of thunder?"

Both of them were lying on the ground.

Watching the changes in the sky.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​both of them had ugly and unpredictable expressions.

Indescribably ugly in the eyes.

This second calamity divine thunder had already made them understand that they couldn't resist it at all.

This divine thunder, and the third, fourth, and even ninth, they are all bound to die.

With a kind of despair on his face, he looked at Chu Tian in front of him with a pale face.

The change in his gaze was really a bit extravagant.

It's a pity that Chutian didn't pay attention at all.

He just watched over with such a calm face, and said indifferently, "Which one of you wants to take the third one?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the two of them looked at each other and shook their heads directly.

The faces of the two were terrified and pale, and they stared at him with indescribably ugly and indescribably frightened faces.

"No, no, we surrender, we surrender."

"We are willing to hand everything over to you. I beg your lord to let us go. You are the real God, and you are the God beyond the Great God King!"

The two people looked scared, the words in their mouths.

Chu Tian only shook his head, and still looked at him calmly.

With a calm face, he said calmly; "Unfortunately, once the divine punishment thunder is released, it is difficult to take it back. I don't want to help you resist the remaining few divine thunders. You still say, who will resist."

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the two people in front of them changed.

Looking at each other, the male True Ancestor in front didn't even think about it.

"My lord, she is the one who wants to attack you, and she is the one who actually killed the first true ancestor of the third blood family. My lord, if you want revenge, you should find her."

The demigod True Ancestor who heard these words changed her expression and looked over in astonishment.

His face was angry, so angry that he trembled all over.

"You, you actually said such things, all these things are not your acquiescence, you, you want me to die now, so that you can be the real first ancestor of the first blood family, don't think about it."

The woman's complexion changed, and she really looked at Chu Tian with a flattering smile; "My lord, I am willing to be your slave, to do anything for you, to satisfy all your requirements, I just want to be your slave, My lord, help me kill him!"

Raising his hand, he pointed at the male True Ancestor in front of him.

The male true ancestor's face changed, and his face was extremely pale.

He clenched his fist again, gritted his teeth and stared angrily at him.

Seeing the distraught looks of the two, Chu Tian really shook his head and sighed.

With a casual move, there was no hesitation at all.

"It seems that neither of you is worth staying!"

After finishing speaking, the rest of the sky thunder also directly smashed over.

Boom boom boom!
The bombardment of several thunderbolts really made the front shake, and the shaking couldn't stop.

Under constant bombardment, huge potholes appeared on the entire ground.

The two semi-true gods and true ancestors hadn't reacted at all, and they were all turned into ashes.

Nothing left.

Chu Tian, ​​who didn't take a look, turned his head calmly.

I really don't know how to deal with the dependents and followers of the first blood family.

But right now, he noticed that Chu Tian had wiped out two half of the True Gods and True Ancestors.

Many people looked terrified and uneasy because they were all shocked by Chutian's God's Punishment Thunder.

They knelt down one by one, facing Chu Tian, ​​and shouted out again.

"Master True God, the real Lord True God has appeared."

"This is the real Lord True God, long live Lord True God!"

Kneeling to Chutian and shouting to Chutian, the voices were really one.

This made Chutian never expect that the guy in front of him really changed very quickly.

If you can destroy the demigod true ancestor, then you must be the real god.

Looking at the family members of the first blood family, some ordinary people bowed to Chu Tian in awe.

At this moment, the woman from the third blood clan who followed Chu Tian couldn't help but step forward.

Her voice was loud, and she looked happy and proud.

They all turned to the group of people in front of them and said, "This lord is the real god, and he is the god king supported by our third blood clan!"

"He is the real God King, believe in our new God King, God King will protect you!"

Debbie's words made a group of people look excited and knelt down again.

Facing Chu Tian, ​​he kept shouting: "My lord, my lord!"

"You are our first God King, you are the real God King!"

"Supreme God King, please tell us your title, Lord God King?"

Some people looked over excitedly, and they all recognized Chu Tian's identity.

He even wanted to know what kind of God King Chutian was.

Looking at the excited and adoring eyes of some people, Chu Tian thought of the previous title.

Really can only speak directly; "I am the true sun god king!"

(End of this chapter)

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