Chapter 627 I Am Heaven
The blood dragon came here, of course, to quell the Shenlong turmoil this time.

It was also to help His Royal Highness the Dragon Prince.

This time, the civil strife of the Shenlong Dragon Clan was originally passed on to the Emperor of Heaven, but they did not expect that the Shenlong Clan could only deal with it by themselves in the absence of the Emperor of Heaven.

That's why the Shenlong clan is in trouble now.

As for the new emperor, the Dragon King of Nine Heavens had already expressed that he must be on good terms with each other.

This made the Blood God Dragon also come here, in order to quell the turmoil.

As for the fairy clan on the other side, he still wants to seize a fairyland. For this matter, he, the Blood God Dragon King, said nothing.

Seeing the serious face of the Blood God Dragon, Kai Long couldn't help but stepped forward and said in a low voice; "Master Blood God Dragon King, this guy is the one who calls him the Emperor of Heaven."

"We can't let him go. This time, we, the Dragon Clan, must find an opportunity to dampen the prestige of the Emperor of Heaven."

Hearing Kai Long's words, the Blood God Dragon froze and looked over with a strange expression.

"What did you say?"

"Master Blood God Dragon King, the strength of our Shenlong clan is originally the supreme of the Three Realms, so we are afraid of the mere Heavenly Emperor, and the immortals in front of us also want to fight against the Heavenly Emperor, so we should directly join forces."

Kai Long looked serious, and watched with a sneer at the corner of his mouth; "Just snatch one of the heavens directly, and make the new Emperor a headache."

The blood dragon's face was ugly.

Pulling down his face, his face was extremely cold.

Kai Long in front of him couldn't bear it long ago, and spoke directly to the people around him.

I really want people to take Chutian down.

"This guy belongs to the Emperor of Heaven, we can't let him go, just take him down!"

As soon as it exited, many dragons looked over with serious faces.

It all fell on Chu Tian.

This also made the Blood God Dragon in front of him notice Chu Tian.

At the beginning, when the Heavenly Emperor granted the emperor ceremony, the Jade Emperor abdicated, and the Heavenly Emperor fought, he, as the protector of the Dragon King, also had the opportunity to visit.

The attitude of the new emperor is still vivid in his mind.

Seeing that the person Kailong mentioned was Chutian, he was completely stunned.

For a moment, they were all dumbfounded.

This is not Xintiandi's subordinate at all, but Xintiandi himself!

These bastards are tired of their jobs!

He actually said that he would take the new emperor directly.

"Stop me all!"

After the face changed, the Blood God Dragon yelled out at once, preventing the others from moving.

It also made Kailong look over with a complicated face, and landed on the Blood God Dragon.

His face was full of unwillingness; "Master Blood Dragon, we can't hesitate anymore, this is the best opportunity, and now is the best moment for our Shenlong clan to rise."

Kai Long looked serious and spoke loudly.

It was obvious that they all fell into Chu Tian's ears, and Chu Tian heard them clearly.

There was sweat on the Blood God Dragon's forehead, and the sweat on his forehead was dripping down.

Looking at Kai Long in front of him, he gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Shut up, Xintiandi is recognized by the sky, even the original Cangtian recognized the strength of Xintiandi."

"It's only natural that he becomes the ruler of the Three Realms. When will we, the Dragon Clan, be able to fight against him?"

After finishing speaking, they all looked at Chu Tian with complicated expressions.

Seeing Chu Tian's eyes fall on him, he quickly lowered his head with a frightened expression.

It made him even more uneasy.

It's still Kailong in front, I really don't even think about it.

He laughed directly.

"The sky agrees, so what if the sky agrees, there is no one in our Shenlong clan who can surpass the sky!"

"Give me ten thousand years, and I can surpass the sky. Lord Blood God Dragon King, you are really out of date. Now the Shenlong clan is our world. You are simply a bunch of stubborn old people!"

Being scolded like this, the blood god dragon's face pulled.

Looking over with a cold face, he was about to get angry.

But laughing alone made him dare not express the anger in his heart.

"Haha, your dragon clan is really interesting."

Chu Tian shook his head and said with a smile. When he raised his head, he looked at the blood dragon in front of him, and said with a smile, "I don't know, do you Lord Dragon King mean the same thing? The juniors of your dragon clan are very powerful."

"As long as you give him time, he can surpass the heavens. I don't know, is he coming with confidence, or is it that you Shenlonglongwang also think so?"

With a curl of his lips, Chu Tian's expression flashed across his face.

It all made the blood god dragon's face change, and he lowered his head and dared not say anything.

On the contrary, Kai Long's face changed when he heard Chu Tian's words.

Fortunately, he looked over with a displeased face, and his face became angry; "I have the strength and ability, dare to say that, what are you, you have the right to speak here?"

Chu Tian's eyes turned cold.

At this moment, those eyes were so cold, looking at Shenlong in front of him with a cold face.

He sneered and said, "I am the new emperor of heaven, the new emperor of heaven who has won the supreme position of the three worlds!"

"Listen well, my name is Chu Tian, ​​who is the new ruler of the Three Realms!"

Chu Tian's voice was loud, and as soon as the words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Hearing Chu Tian's proud words, many people's expressions changed drastically.

All the members of the Shenlong clan looked astonished.

The Tianfeng family looked over with the same surprise, and there were not a few Tianfeng girls with stunned faces.

Seeing Chu Tian, ​​the blood god dragon revealed his identity directly.

I couldn't bear it for a long time, and in an instant, I knelt down and bowed down.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, please calm down. We, the Dragon Clan, absolutely have no intention of going against Lord Heavenly Emperor. We, Lord Dragon King, have asked me to come and deal with this matter."

"We are willing to make good friends with Lord Heavenly Emperor forever, and we have no intention of snatching the territory of Lord Heavenly Emperor!"

His face was terrified, and the faces of many Shenlong clans changed.

The Tianfeng family even looked at Chutian with strange expressions, completely unexpected.

Chutian is the new emperor of heaven.

"He, he is the new Emperor of Heaven, no way, he, he is so young, why can he become the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Yes, he really defeated Cangtian, he is the master of the Three Realms, and Cangtian is a much more powerful existence than our Tianfengtian Queen."

"That's not the Queen of Heaven, who has guarded the treasures for the heavens. In front of the heavens, it is not enough to look at."

"Then isn't he much more powerful than our Heavenly Empress?"

The identity of the new emperor made many people curious.

Some people were curious about how terrifying Chutian's strength was.

The face of Kailong in front of him changed unsteadily, and it was also complicated to feel Chutian's aura.

What more do I want to say.

Chu Tian glanced over with cold eyes, that look really frightened him half to death.

"In your eyes, the sky is still so unbearable. It seems that you don't understand the strength of the sky, and my strength."

"A mere dragon clan dares to be arrogant in front of me, but I want to see what your dragon clan is capable of. If you have the ability, let me see what you dragon clan are!"

With a curl of his lips and a cold smile, Chu Tian's whole body was filled with aura.

(End of this chapter)

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