Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 628 Three Convicted

Chapter 628 Three Convicted
As soon as the emperor's momentum came out.

As soon as Chu Tian flew up, he directly went up to the sky, and under the wind and rain, the sky and the earth changed color directly.

"I'll show you why I can become the new Emperor of Heaven!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head, and his gaze swept across his eyes, and fell directly in front of him.

this moment.

The prince of the Dragon King, the Queen of Heaven, and the man in white from the fairy clan.

He also noticed Chu Tian's gesture.

There was also that terrifying aura, which made the faces of the three of them change, so that they looked ugly.

For a moment, there was a little trembling all over.

This is the strength of the Heavenly Emperor, surpassing the ancient immortal saints, how could they, quasi-immortal saints, be able to resist.

With a sneer on his lips, Chu Tian said directly, "No matter what your purpose is for making trouble in this fairy world, I will punish you."

"First of all, you immortal clans in the fairy world dare to plan to occupy my territory. You are tired of your work. Your sin is the first, and your sin is unforgivable!"

Just move.

In an instant, Chu Tian summoned the divine thunder and threw it directly at the man in white in front of him.

"God's punishment!"

The divine thunder struck in an instant, only changing the face of the man in white in front of him. When he raised his hand, he really wanted to use the fairy world in his hand to resist Chutian's divine thunder.

This made Chutian look even colder and smiled coldly.

He had a cold and indifferent face: "You want to fight against me just because of your trash fairy treasure."

"Look at my ancient artifact!"

In Chutian's hands, there are several ancient artifacts.

Not to mention the Kunlun Mirror, he made a move with the ancient artifact in his hand.

The sky and the earth vibrated even more directly, which made the man in white in front look astonished.

Before he could react, the fairy sword in his hand broke directly.

The whole person trembled and flew out directly.

With a loud sound, it flew upside down and fell on the horizon, his face pale.

When the other two looked over, their expressions were filled with astonishment.

The moment he saw Chutian, Xiansheng was seriously injured.

The Dragon Prince also trembled all over, looking at Chu Tian with eyes of reverence.

Only Chu Tian smiled coldly, his eyes fell on him, and he said coldly, "You are the prince of the Dragon King, but your dragon clan was framed by someone, so you are allowed to act."

"I can forgive you for this, but you hesitated before and thought about annexing one of the fairylands with him, didn't you?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he faced Chu Tian's aggressive gaze.

The Dragon King prince who lowered his head did not dare to say a word.

Chutian didn't talk nonsense, he just raised his hand and said, "If you offend my Heavenly Emperor, you will be spared the death penalty, but living is difficult. This is my punishment as the new Heavenly Emperor."

"I want one of your keel!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian, ​​whose whole body moved with a flash of light, made a move.

It was a hand that was directly raised, and the one that turned into a bergamot directly grabbed it.

"Buddha has pulled out his bones!"

At this moment, before the Dragon King and Prince Long could react, a huge pain caused him to scream.


A keel bone was directly taken away by Chutian, causing him so much pain that he immediately transformed into a dragon shape.

They were rolling all over the sky, and even more so, the sky was in chaos.

Watching all this, Tianfengtianhou's pretty face changed, and she took a few deep breaths.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​he was also in awe.

Feeling Chu Tian's sweeping gaze, she lowered her head, and she was really terrified.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor atones for our sins. We didn't intend to disturb the peace of the heavens here. We, the Tianfeng clan, were also affected this time."

"For disturbing the peace of the heavens, we are at fault. I am willing to accept the punishment and beg the Lord Heavenly Emperor to bypass our clansman's life!"

The queen in front of her really looked serious, she gritted her silver teeth and lowered her head.

His face was full of respect and respect, without any sign of complaint.

Chutian only took a look at it, and nodded appreciatively.

With a calm face: "Are you Tianfeng Tianhou?"

As soon as the words came out, Tianhou also raised her head and said directly; "It's my lord, I am in charge of the Tianfeng clan, Tianhou, I protect a few things for the heavens, and I have rarely appeared in the heavens."

"It's also my fault that I didn't go to see the new emperor!"

From the looks of it, this Queen of Heaven was also in the same period as Cang Tian.

It really made Chu Tian take a few more glances. Today's Empress really has a face and figure, even among fairies, she is first-class.

With his face concentrating, Chu Tian thought for a while before he opened his mouth and said, "This time, your Tianfeng clan was implicated, and your Tianfeng clan agrees with me, the new emperor."

"Things that disturb the peace of the heavens, I can pretend that I have not seen them, but I want you, the Queen of Heaven, to be used by me!"

As soon as the words came out, the face of Tianfeng Tianhou in front of her really changed.

Fortunately, he looked over with surprise and astonishment.

Chutian smiled, just stared at the past and said, "How about it, I am willing to give you the best treatment in the heavenly court, how about helping me guard the heavenly realm of the heavenly court?"

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, there was a look on his face.

The seriousness in his eyes made Tianfeng in front of him excited, his face was filled with joy, and he knelt down very excitedly.

"Thank you Lord Xintiandi, thank you Lord Xintiandi!"

His face was full of joy, and his face was extremely bright.

She understood very well that Chutian gave her the opportunity to improve their status in the Tianfeng clan.

How could she not seize this kind of opportunity.

She only helped the sky guard the treasure, and she was not drawn by the sky to guard the heaven.

Or because she was not favored by the sky.

This made her depressed.

I really didn't expect that one day, I would be recognized by the new emperor. As long as I think about it, the Chutian in front of me is the one who has defeated the sky.

With the excitement on his face, he stared at Chu Tian in front of him with a bright face.

Good eyesight is a kind of gratitude.

Feeling Tianfeng's gratitude, Chutian turned his head, and his eyes only fell on Shenlong and Tianfeng's clan.

The current Chutian is above the horizon.

In an instant, subduing the strength of the three immortal saints also made the Shenlong family look astonished.

The Tianfeng girl of the Tianfeng clan showed indescribable admiration on her face.

"Wow, this, this is Xintiandi, so powerful, so handsome."

"That's right, it's much better than the guys from the Shenlong clan. The Shenlong clan is really bad enough to dare to provoke the Emperor of Heaven and speak ill of the Emperor of Heaven."

"That's right, I just realized now that the members of the Shenlong clan are not good people at all. Hmph, it's a shame that I flattered that guy just now."

Among the Shenlong clan, one Shenlong's expression turned extremely ugly.

Kai Long's face was pale, he never expected that Xin Tiandi would be such a powerful existence.

(End of this chapter)

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