Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 630 Chutian's Decision

Chapter 630 Chutian's Decision

The Shenlong clan was suppressed.

This matter is very easy to solve.

It's just that the fairy clan who provoked his Heavenly Emperor ran away directly, which made Chu Tian feel a little unhappy.

We can only capture the leader of the fairy clan and imprison him in Xintian Prison.

As for the rest of the matter, Chu Tian didn't need to solve it. He directly called the Heavenly Soldiers to deal with the matter here.

At the same time, Chutian even got the support of a race.

The Tianfengfengnv clan worships him very much.

They are all willing to fully support him, and even more willing to help him do anything.

Chu Tian did not think of this point.

Seeing the enthusiastic Tianfengfengnv, she is not bad in human form.

After thinking about it, Chu Tian still planned to bring these people, Tianfeng and Fengnv, back to the heavenly court.

Even if there is nothing for them to do, it can be used as a vase to watch.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian also directly returned to the heaven and fairy world!
With a group of people, they returned to the heaven in a mighty manner.

And when he came back, people in the heaven had already known about it.

When the Emperor of Heaven returned to the Heavenly Court, only the Hall of the Heavenly Emperor in the Heavenly Court was full of excitement.

The gods floated many heavenly soldiers in the air, and many priests also came out to greet them.

Knowing that Chutian quelled the disputes in the heavens.

Some of the clerics were full of admiration, and even greeted Chu Tian more than ever.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, you have worked hard this time. This is what we should do. I didn't expect to let you, Lord Heavenly Emperor, take action. Hey, this is our sin."

"Yeah, if it weren't for this time, I would be late, and I would definitely help Lord Heavenly Emperor!"

"This fairy clan is too abominable. Disturb the law and order of the fairy world. If you find the location of this fairy clan, you must uproot it."

Some people looked angry and started making noise.

It was really lively.

Feeling all this, Chu Tian walked forward with a calm face.

Looking around at the angry expressions on everyone's faces, without any nonsense, he directly raised his hand and said, "This person who disturbed the fairy clan cannot be let go. I will leave this matter to you to deal with."

"I don't want to see this happen again. Whoever can solve and catch them all, I am willing to give him a little reward!"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the eyes of all the priests in front of them lit up.

With a happy face and an excited face, he answered without thinking.

There are not many powerful people in the small fairy clan, so Chu Tian really doesn't care.

It's all handed over to others.

How could he, as the new emperor, do such a thing of losing his identity? Anyway, someone helped him deal with it.

He really didn't need to worry about all of this.

It was a lift of his feet, and he quickly walked along a path ahead to get to the seat of the God of Heaven.

Sitting down again, he watched a group of priests bow down directly in front of him.

Shouting Long Live the Emperor of Heaven!

This gave Chutian a sense of accomplishment, and the feeling of becoming the Emperor of Heaven was really good.

This feeling of dominating the Three Realms and dominating others is really addictive!

Chu Tian, ​​who curled his lips upwards, also had a smile on his face.

His eyes fell on a group of people in front of him.

With a calm expression on his face, he said directly, "This time, in the heavens, this incident really shows that there is a problem in the heavens. In the heavens, many people do not obey my new emperor!"

"I am dissatisfied with the new emperor of heaven, and think that I am not qualified to be the emperor of heaven after heaven!"

Chutian understands this very well. Some immortals, not to mention ordinary immortals, also have some other races.

The Shenlong clan is the best example.

His reputation as the new Emperor of Heaven did not go out.

How can this be!

He wants to be the emperor of heaven who surpasses heaven, what heaven can do.

He can do the same.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian looked at the front with a serious face, and said directly; "In order to strengthen my reputation, let others know why I am qualified to be the new emperor!"

"I want to re-plan the power of the heavens. Within the several great fairy worlds, the immortal saints and masters must be re-selected. I also welcome powerful immortals to show your strength in front of me. I will not let you You are disappointed!"

The corners of his mouth floated up, and Chu Tian opened his mouth.

It also made everyone's face change.

Hearing this sentence, everyone's expression changed.

Chutian's words clearly mean that the four great fairy worlds must be reintegrated.

After all, half of the four great fairy worlds have no backbone and no one to manage them.

This requires re-selecting people.

Chutian wanted to hold such an event.

Invite some powerful immortals to work for him, and even want to directly spread his reputation.

Let some people know that Chutian's strength is very powerful.

He is even more qualified to take the position of the new Emperor of Heaven.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the priests and immortals in front of them looked complicated.

The expressions on their faces fluctuated, and many priests and immortals with a bit of vengeance saw hope.

A new management of one side of heaven.

Just this position, no one wants to get it.

This activity decided by Chutian will definitely cause the entire fairy world to be in turmoil again.

Chu Tian, ​​who had no scruples at all, always found a priest to pass on this news directly.

"The time is tomorrow. Anyone with vengeance and strength, no matter who he is, can come to participate!"

"I will give him a chance. I will also supervise this event from beginning to end, and let some people know whether I am qualified to choose the master of the four directions of heaven!"

With a proud and confident look on Chu Tian's face, everyone bowed their heads.

Don't dare to look at each other.

How could they not understand how powerful Xintiandi is.

He has surpassed the sky, and is the only one who can surpass the sky.

Chutian is definitely the best candidate for the new emperor!
"The prestige of the Emperor of Heaven will definitely be resounding in the Three Realms!"

"Lord Heavenly Emperor is powerful, the ruler of the Three Realms, only Lord Heavenly Emperor can control it!"

All the priests knelt down directly, and a loud sound came out.

It also made Chu Tian smile, and the smile didn't stop.


This event will definitely alarm some big shots in the fairy world.

Re-plan the fairy world and the four directions of heaven.

Regarding this item, even the former Jade Emperor would not dare to do this.

The Heavenly Court was established from the Immortal World, and then the Heavenly World was divided into four directions, and the master of all these was also done by the Heaven alone.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the heavens honored all of this.

After deciding all of this, until now, no one can casually change this matter.

Just as Chu Tian made such a decision, it was obvious that he wanted to surpass the sky.

Re-planning the fairy world will definitely make some geniuses in the fairy world who are at the same time as the sky, or have strong talents and talents in the sky, very unhappy.

It is only natural to make trouble for Chutian.

And Chutian also made a plan, and at the same time, in order to make his position more secure.

Make his new Emperor of Heaven more famous.

Chu Tian plans to go to the ancient land of gods and demons to see if he can continue to grow his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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