Chapter 631

The position of Emperor of Heaven cannot stop him from moving forward.

Originally, Chutian planned to find Feng Luxuan.

But as he arrived in the Immortal Mansion, he found that Feng Luxuan was retreating to restore her strength as a descendant of Nuwa.

Chu Tian didn't bother him much, and could only go to the land of ancient gods and demons alone.

It was also the first time that a person went directly.

As soon as the pass for the land of ancient gods and demons is taken out.

Just use it directly.

Feeling the power of the gods, he was dragged directly, and even brought to the land of ancient gods and demons.

This time, just like the last time, it is also within the wind street.

However, as soon as Chu Tian arrived, he really felt a force, staring at him.

As soon as he arrived, it was immediately noticed.

This made Chu Tian frowned, and he could only understand that a person with this kind of strength must be above the strength of an ancient immortal saint.

How powerful it was, he didn't understand.

Put it on top of him!

His face was serious, so serious.

There was something extra in Chutian's eyes, and as soon as he lifted his foot, he also went directly to Fengjie.

No matter what, he still planned to go to Fengjie to have a look.

Only by waiting for the other party to come to the door can we know the other party's origin and identity.

Is it friend or foe.

In any case, it was a big deal to leave here directly, Chu Tian was really not worried at all.

Wind Street is as lively as ever.

Thinking of the last time, in Fengjie, many things were auctioned, and a big shop gave them VIP certificates.

Maybe you can really get something you want from this big shop.

Thinking of this, Chutian took out the token he got last time.

Use directly.

Sure enough, as the token emitted a little light, the whole Fengjie looked over in astonishment.

Many people stopped and noticed the situation on Chutian's side.

The expression on his face fluctuated, and the way he looked at Chu Tian was a little more special.

The most important thing is the item in Chutian's hand, which is definitely not an ordinary item.

Many people looked at the item in Chu Tian's hand with such eyes, and were very surprised because of this item.

"This, this is the token of the Snow God Store, wow, this guy is actually connected with the Snow God Store."

"That's right, the Snow God Shop is a big shop, as long as the people who have contact with them are all well-known big shots."

"This big man, why haven't we seen it before?"

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​many people were curious.

And as Chutian used the token of the Snow God Shop, the Snow God Shop was the agent of Feng Street.

Also came in a hurry.

Seeing Chutian's respectful face, the female agent really bowed down respectfully.

Say hello to Chutian; "Your Excellency is a distinguished customer of our Snow God Shop, and I am the manager of the store in this street. Please come and sit in our shop, Your Excellency!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at everyone, and his face was really cold.

Those gazes, and eyes, made everyone dare not look at each other, and they all stepped out of the way.

Only then did the woman in front of her raise her hand and said directly, "My lord, please!"

The Snow God Shop has a lot of vigor, but this vigor made everyone dare not say anything more.

The woman in front of her represented the entire Xueshen shop, and she was not someone from some small shops in front of her.

Chu Tian followed the other party, and also went directly to the other party's shop.

This shop is very huge, and it really occupies a lot of facades. The immediate decoration gives people a very tall and noble feeling.

As soon as Chu Tian came in, there were always maids and servants coming over, serving tea and water.

The female agent in front of her was also very serious, she directly raised her hand, and asked Chu Tian respectfully, "I don't know, what do you want our shop to do this time, my lord?"

Chu Tian was taken aback.

Thinking of this, I really forgot what exactly he needed this time.

After thinking about it, Chu Tian raised his head and looked over seriously.

He said directly; "You Snow God shop, do you have any good things, are you selling them now?"

Thinking of the god stones in his hands, although there are not many, he should be able to buy some good ones in Tiandan.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the female agent in front of her looked strange.

"My lord, there are many good items in our Snow God store. I don't know what your lord needs."

"Actually, our shops generally search for things according to the requirements of customers. Usually, customers set a request for our shop, and we will fulfill it!"

This is what Chu Tian didn't expect.

Big shops are of course different from small shops.

The Snow God shop does not sell anything.

Instead, customize some items for distinguished guests.

Just like the ancient sacred artifacts that I told Chu Tian last time, this is one of them.

In short, as long as it is something that can be obtained, the Snow God Store can help customers find it.

Of course, this price is also very expensive!
This made Chu Tian's expression fluctuate. Thinking of coming here this time, he was really being targeted by someone. He didn't know what purpose this person had.

Anyway, be on guard.

The strength of the other party is above the ancient sages, maybe they have the strength of the ancient sages, think of this.

With a serious face, Chu Tian just raised his head and looked over.

He said with a serious face; "I want to know, there is nothing here that can protect me. I feel that someone is watching me. This person may have the strength of the ancient ancestor!"

As soon as the words came out, the face of the female agent in front changed.

He looked over with astonishment, and saw that Chu Tian was not joking.

The expression on his face fluctuated, and he opened his mouth and said, "My lord, since this is the case, I must tell the inside of our shop that this matter is not a trivial matter."

"Of course, don't worry, my lord. Even if it is the ancient ancestor, our Snow God Shop is not afraid at all. We will definitely meet your request!"

After finishing speaking, the female agent in front of her turned her head and hurriedly went to notify the people above the shop.

After all, this order must be a big order.

If you want the ancient ancestor of the other party, you must customize everything you need, this kind of customized thing.

The cost is also very expensive.

Thinking of this, the female agent really got a little excited.

This may bring a big benefit to the store.

As for offending the ancient ancestor, I really don't worry at all.

The ancient ancestors are powerful, so their Snow God Shop can't be messed with by just anyone.

The most important thing about a store is a store.

As long as there are guests, they can meet all the requirements of the guests.

The things of the other party's ancient ancestors should be customized, not too simple, too easy.

However, she can't come to discuss this point, so she can only ask the people above to get the people inside the shop to come over quickly.

Take this big order!
(End of this chapter)

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