Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 632 Customizing the Holy Artifact

Chapter 632 Customizing the Holy Artifact
Chu Tian waited for a while.

Someone came over immediately, and this time, it was the eldest lady from the Snow God Shop whom I met last time.

He really came here in person, and when he saw Chutian, he approached him with a smile on his face.

With a bright face, he said, "I heard that your lord is looking for something that can fight against the ancient ancestors, isn't it?"

As soon as you open your mouth, the words come out of your mouth.

It also made Chu Tian nod his head.

Xue Manqing kept smiling, with a happy face, and said without thinking; "If this is the case, it is right for your lord to choose our shop. I told you last time that you can customize a sacred artifact that can be used by the other party's ancient ancestor."

"Our shop can help adults do this, and it only costs 50 god stones in total!"

With a gleam in his eyes, he looked at Chu Tian with a little expectation.

Hearing this price, Chu Tian still frowned.

Now in his hands, there are only 20 divine stones, which is not just half missing.

50 divine stones, he really couldn't get them out.

Relying on the tasks given by the system, it is very simple to earn 10 and 20 divine stones, but you need to earn 50.

It's really difficult.

He looked at Chu Tian with a hesitant look on his face.

Xue Manqing couldn't help but continued; "We guarantee that we can meet the requirements of adults, not to mention all the ancient holy ancestors, as long as they are not the ancient holy ancestors of those super powerful clans, and the general holy ancestors, we can customize the response artifact!"

"And if you make a sacred artifact specifically for a holy ancestor, we can give you a 5% discount!"

The words in his mouth only made Chu Tian's eyes light up.

Hearing the last sentence, there was really a flash of light in his eyes, and he just looked over with such an excited expression.

"You mean to say that to deal with an ancient holy ancestor and make it for him, you can only need 25 god stones?"

Xue Manqing nodded, without even thinking about it; "That's right, we only need 25 sacred stones for this kind of special customization for an ancient holy ancestor, and the initial cost of customization is 10 sacred stones!"

"We will take the adults to meet the people who can make the holy artifacts first, and let the adults know the process. When the holy artifacts are ready, the adults will pay for the rest."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Chu Tian's eyes sparkled.

The face is full of interest, and it is also very interested.

"Can you show me now?"

Hearing Chutian's words, the corners of Xue Manqing's mouth rose.

The smile became wider; "Of course, if you need it, I can take you there now, but you must pay a deposit of ten thousand god stones first."

"Also, even if your lord doesn't need it, the ten thousand deposit will not be refunded, because your lord knows very well that the ancient ancestors have a lot of pride and shame, and we will cause some troubles if we deal with them!"

Ten Thousand God Stones is not too much.

How to put it, it is also to customize a holy artifact specifically to deal with an ancient holy ancestor.

Whether it is the person who does it or the shop you recommend, you must offend the other party.

This Myriad God Stone can only be regarded as a guarantee!
Chu Tian didn't talk nonsense, and directly handed over the Ten Thousand God Stones.

In the land of ancient gods and demons, there are too many powerful and powerful people.

Especially those who hide behind, above the ancient immortals, the ancient emperors, and the ancestors, they don't know when.

He's going to mess with these big shots.

To be on the safe side, Chutian still planned to prepare a countermeasure.

He is not someone to let other people figure it out!
With a serious expression on his face, he followed Xue Manqing's words, and when he went out, he always got on an ancient divine beast.

This Snow God shop is very confident!

This time, the mount that Xue Manqing brought was a jade white condor!
This condor is extremely huge, and its whole body is covered with snow-white feathers. ,
Its strength can also be regarded as the top of the ancient beasts.

Although it is not as good as the holy beast, it may be used as a mount, and it has been tamed so obediently.

This is enough to demonstrate the strength of Snow God Shop.

Xue Manqing went up to the back of Shenying, looked at Chutian, and said respectfully, "My lord, this trip, we are going to a place in the north near Baishen Mountain. It is tens of thousands of miles away, please My lord, go to Condor."

"At the speed of my condor, it can be reached in a few minutes!"

Hearing Xue Manqing's words, Chu Tian had no doubts.

I really sigh, the speed of this ancient beast mount is so fast.

If given the chance, he would really like to get one.

After thinking about it, Chu Tian climbed directly on Shenying's back.

Every time the condor moved, it flapped its wings.

The whole body is extremely huge, soaring in the sky in an instant.

With such a huge body, the speed is really like light.

Quickly go to the north.


Along the way, Chu Tian still felt a gaze staring at him.

This guy really didn't give up.

He has no idea who the other party is or what his background is.

But no matter what, he wouldn't stop being targeted.

With a serious face, he followed Xue Manqing to the foot of the White Sacred Mountain.

As the condor fell.

There are really people waiting here.

This is at the foot of the White Sacred Mountain, an ancient protoss.

"The young lady from the Snow God Shop came here in person, and we will greet you with the patriarch, the young lady has worked hard all the way!"

The group of people in front of them approached directly with respectful expressions.

Greet Xue Manqing directly.

I was a little excited about Xue Manqing's direct arrival.

How should I put it, the Snow God Store is their owner and has given them a lot of business. Every time someone from the Snow God Store comes, there will be a large order.

This time, Xue Manqing came in person.

It made them even more urgent.

A protoss still costs a lot, and the ancient protoss needed a lot of divine stones to develop.

God stones only dislike too few, never dislike too much.

Feel the enthusiastic eyes of a group of people in front of you.

Xue Manqing glanced at the condor, so he looked over with a calm face, and his eyes fell on these bodies.

With a faint smile, he said directly to the person behind him, "This one is a VIP customer in our store. Don't worry about his strength. Now, he has a big order that needs to be completed by you!"

As soon as the words came out, the expressions of the group of people in front changed.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​his face was bright and excited.

Watching over with a smile on his face.

His face was extremely bright, and he greeted with a smile; "My lord, if you need anything, just mention it. Our ancient Ao clan can satisfy all kinds of artifacts and holy weapons that your lord can create!"

"Yes, it takes a round of strength. Our ancient Ao clan is in the entire land of gods and demons. Not to mention the first, it is also the second ability. Our items are absolutely guaranteed!"

As soon as the words came out, Chu Tian's eyes lit up.

It can be seen that the people in front of them are very confident.

In any case, they were all introduced by the big shop, Snow God Shop.

It can't be too bad.

And right now, Xue Manqing glanced over and stared at Chu Tiandao; "By the way, my lord, I haven't asked yet, do you want to deal with that holy ancestor?"

(End of this chapter)

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