Chapter 634

Chu Tian paid a part of the deposit, and there was not much left of the sacred stone in his hand.

If the artifact customization is completed this time, after paying the next money.

All he spent on his divine stone was nothing left.

Now Chu Tian felt that this god stone was really not enough.

The things he is looking at now start with hundreds of thousands of sacred stones, this is a large amount of sacred stones.

Converted into fairy coins, at least it starts with billions of fairy coins, thinking of all this.

It really made Chutian yearn for a large amount of divine stones.

Thinking about this, he also left here with the Snow God Shop.

Under the leadership of Xueshen Shop.

Chutian did not leave the site of Xueshen Shop.

How to put it, he is now being targeted by a member of the ancient big monster clan.

It is better to stay in the big shop honestly to ensure his safety.

And it was not easy to come to this ancient land of gods and demons once.

How to put it, you have to look at some items, even if you can't buy them.

You can also prepare for the future.

With a straight face, Chu Tian explained to Xue Manqing in front of him that he wanted to see the items sold in Xueshen Shop.

This made Xue Manqing startled.

Seeing Chutian's complexion fluctuate, he thought for a while before saying, "My lord, it's easy for you to make enemies with the ancient ancestors. If so, you won't be interested in ordinary small commodities and sales activities."

"In this way, adults can only go to the Snow God Chamber of Commerce in our main store. There, there are basically unique and top-quality holy products on display every day."

When Chu Tian heard this, his eyes lit up, and he agreed without thinking.

I plan to go to the other party's Snow God Chamber of Commerce to have a look.

There are three major general chambers of commerce in the Xueshen store.

Located near Wind Street, near Water Street, and; near Thunder Street.

These three general chambers of commerce are all managed by people from Snow God Shop.

As for Xue Manqing's identity, she is also the biological daughter of the manager of the three major chambers of commerce.

A snow god shop is not dominated by one person.

Instead, it was divided into three shop associations and three factions together.

This is what Chu Tian didn't expect.

From the looks of it, the interior of this kind of big shop is not as simple as imagined.

"My lord, we are one of the three major chambers of commerce in the wind street. My father is also the manager of the general chamber of commerce. He has heard about it."

"If you have any needs, you can tell us, and the other two major chambers of commerce, please don't be too talkative, as long as you make friends with us, we can give you a lot of discounts!"

His face straightened, and at the end, he was really serious.

The words in his mouth made Chu Tian very puzzled, and he didn't understand why Xue Manqing said that.

And he followed him to the Snow God Chamber of Commerce in Fengjie.

Only then did I understand why Xue Manqing said those words to him.

Headquarters of the Wind Street Snow God Chamber of Commerce.

The gorgeous and majestic building is really magnificent, like an ancient mansion, it is located in front.

There are many ancient protoss and ancient monsters coming and going.

The guard at the door is also a person from the Snow God Shop.

As the guards, they all have the strength of the ancient immortal saints!

Not to mention, as soon as Chu Tian approached, he could feel some pressure coming from him.

This horror is within the chamber of commerce, and there are ancient saint emperors or above.

Feeling all this, Chu Tian sighed.

Because he thought his strength was already against the sky.

He won the Heaven Realm and became the master of one Heaven Realm. Unfortunately, he never thought that there are many people who are more powerful than him.

Even the strength of the two gatekeepers may not be comparable to him.

His face straightened, and at this moment, Chu Tian was also very curious about Xueshen's shop.

With so many people, such a powerful ancient protoss powerhouse.

He also wanted to see with his own eyes the strength of his shop.

As he approached the past with Xue Manqing.

Seeing Xue Manqing, the gatekeepers in front of the house, their eyes lit up, couldn't bear it for a long time, and rushed directly towards him.

"Miss, you are back."

"Is everything stable in today's chamber of commerce?"

Xue Manqing raised his head and asked seriously.

The gatekeeper in front of him nodded without thinking, and said directly, "Yes, miss, today's chamber of commerce went very smoothly, but there is one thing!"

Seeing the hesitant face of the gatekeeper in front of him, Xue Manqing's expression also changed; "What's the matter?"

"People from other chambers of commerce came over today, they are really those from the Water Street Chamber of Commerce."

As soon as the words came out, Xue Manqing's face changed, his face was ugly, and he looked unhappy.

Gritting his teeth, when he opened his mouth, he said directly, "I'll go in and see if there's anything, I'll send you a voice transmission."

"It's Missy, Missy, be careful."

Lowering their heads, the gatekeepers all had serious expressions on their faces.

There are many struggles within the Snow God Store, and there will be constant crowding out among the three major general chambers of commerce.

Everyone in the three major chambers of commerce wants to be the manager of the Snow God Shop.

Outsiders simply don't understand the gap between them.

But right now, Xue Manqing also raised his foot and led Chu Tian into the chamber of commerce. ,
In the headquarters of the Great Chamber of Commerce, there are many businessmen coming and going.

Some small vendors are associated with such large shops.

If there are any good goods, good business transactions, they will come here to talk.

This is also a place full of snow.

When he saw a woman not far away, Xue Manqing's face was pulled, it was very ugly.

With a cold snort, he didn't even want to go straight to face him.

With a cold face, he said indifferently; "Xuehuawu, have you forgotten the rules between our three major chambers of commerce? You just came here without notification. You don't pay attention to our Xuemanqing chamber of commerce."

He had a cold face, stared, and stared angrily.

Snowflake Dance in front of her also turned her head to look over.

The woman in front of her was also very arrogant, and even more glamorous.

Glancing coldly, his face was indifferent, and he said calmly: "I have notified several managers of your chamber of commerce, but you didn't know it."

Xue Manqing's expression was even worse; "I'm the current manager of the chamber of commerce?"

"Really, it's a pity that no one agrees with this. If you want to manage, you have to wait hundreds or thousands of years."

The corner of her mouth twitched, and the cold woman in front of her continued to look at her provocatively.

It only made Xue Manqing very angry.

Wanting to lose his temper again, the woman in front of her glanced at Chu Tian.

His eyes lit up, and there was a flash of a smile.

Just lift your foot and come closer.

In front of Chutian.

"This one is Young Master Chu, Master Chu, I heard that the last Fengjie auction, Your Excellency suffered a little hardship, I am really sorry."

"On behalf of the Snow God Store, I apologize to my lord. If it weren't for the inaction of the Fengjie store, my lord would not have been misunderstood and provoked a big man!"

She sighed, with a bit of guilt on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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