Chapter 635

The words in his mouth only made Xue Manqing's face change.

His face was extremely ugly, and he was extremely angry.

"Snowflake Dance, what do you mean? You mean, I caused all of this, you, don't talk nonsense here?"

As soon as Xue Huawu raised her head, she looked over without showing any weakness.

"Isn't it? If it weren't for the inaction of your Fengjie Snow God Chamber of Commerce, this lord would not have provoked that famous big shot."

"My lord, as long as you follow our Water Street Chamber of Commerce, we guarantee that that big man will not hurt you at all."

Looking over seriously, his eyes fell on Chu Tian, ​​his face moved.

It is clear that he came here for Chutian.

That face and gaze made Xue Manqing's face change, his face was ugly, and he looked at Chu Tian with an unsteady expression, as if he was extremely worried.

To Chu Tian, ​​the words spoken by the woman in front of him were somewhat attractive.

It's a pity that he won't easily trust the woman in front of him just because of such a sentence.

Those who are eyeing him will really solve it so easily.

It will not make Xue Manqing's face change in front of him.

In the final analysis, the strength among the Snow God Chamber of Commerce is the same, and the woman in front of him, so to speak, is all for it.

Lock him by your side first.

Knowing this, Chu Tian said with a smile on his face, "No need, I'd better trust her."

As soon as the words came out, Xue Manqing was very surprised, with a look of surprise on his face.

It also made Xue Huawu frown, and quickly locked her brows tightly.

Xue Manqing, whose gaze fell to the side, looked cold and unhappy.

It shows that everyone knows, Xue Manqing must have said something.

Xue Manqing was very proud. Hearing Chu Tian's rejection, his face was full of smiles.

The smile is bright, so it's a smile on his face.

Turning his head, his eyes fell on Chu Tian.

He approached with a smile on his face, and said respectfully, "My lord, what I said definitely counts. I know that we have caused trouble to your lord."

"As a representative of the chamber of commerce here, I am willing to make amends to you. As long as you like something here, you can take it away for free!"

What Xue Manqing said made Chu Tian's eyes light up.

On the contrary, he looked surprised and a little bit pleased.

It’s so cool to get something for free.

This is not for nothing!

Chu Tian, ​​with a smile on his face, was watching Xue Huawu in front of him.

The expression on his face fluctuated, and he really didn't want to forget about it.


Under the leadership of Xue Manqing, Chu Tian quickly arrived at the large warehouse here for storage.

What Xue Manqing said is not wrong, there are really many top-grade holy products here.

The large warehouses are filled with all kinds of top-grade holy products, excluding some items within the heavenly pills and heavenly and earthly holy materials.

There are also a lot of stocks from ancient times.

Along the way, Chutian heard Xue Manqing's constant introductions.

"My lord, this is the stock location of our Fengjie Snow God Chamber of Commerce."

"The outermost ones are all ordinary small items, and the innermost ones are the real high-end stocks. If adults want to choose, they should start from the innermost ones!"

Xue Manqing was not polite at all, and directly took Chutian to the innermost and most expensive inventory location.

As soon as you enter, you can see a few old men who are immediately guarding the goods, watching them with a glance.

Noticing Xue Manqing, he closed his eyes and continued to cultivate himself, but he didn't say anything.

This is the most immediate warehouse, but there are very few people.

Some people who can come here are all distinguished customers of the Snow God Shop, and many of them know Xue Manqing.

When I looked up, I noticed that all the ladies in the chamber of commerce were here.

His eyes lit up, with a smile on his face, someone really approached directly.

"Miss Xue Manqing, we meet again, it's a great honor to see you here."

With a smile on his face, the man in front of him spoke very respectfully.

Only let Xue Manqing see it in his eyes, notice the person coming, his eyes lit up, and he also smiled a little: "The ancient crazy gods, are you coming to purchase some holy materials today? Our chamber of commerce also wants to thank you for taking care of me." .”

The ancient mad god clan is also a powerful ancient god clan near Fengjie.

Hearing Xue Manqing's grateful words, he curled his lips and smiled, and then burst out laughing directly.

The smile continued, and Chu Tian, ​​who glanced aside, squinted his eyes, and the smile became even bigger.

"This person must be a distinguished customer of the Snow God Shop. I don't know, which clan this person is from. Judging by your aura, it seems to be an ancient protoss. I don't know how much business your protoss gives to the Snow God Shop every year?"

With a playful face, he just stared at Chu Tian like this, with a smile on his face, and he raised his head proudly.

His face was full of arrogance, and he said proudly; "Our ancient mad god clan spends about 100 million god stones on Snow God's shop every year."

A look of great confidence.

The figure of 100 million divine stones is also very bold.

It fell into Chu Tian's ear, his brows moved, and when he looked up, it was obvious that he saw a little provocation from the person in front of him.

With a calm face, Chu Tian really looked indifferent; "I am not from the ancient gods, and my current consumption is not as much as yours."

Hearing these few words, the man from the ancient mad god clan burst out laughing.

"Seeing that you don't have any money to spend, you can come in here. It's not because the eldest lady misjudged the person. How can you compare with our ancient mad gods."

"We spend millions of god stones a year, we are not bragging, let me tell you, this time, I will come to buy items worth more than [-] god stones!"

There is a kind of arrogance on the face, and it is really arrogance to say this sentence with a face of confidence.

Falling into Chu Tian's eyes, his face pulled, looking at the man in front of him, his face was really ugly.

This guy is really arrogant.

There are more than ten thousand god stones, and they dare to blow them.

Now he doesn't even pay attention to more than a hundred thousand god stones, if he wants hundreds of thousands of god stones.

Chu Tian looked over with a serious face and a cold face; "Oh, more than a hundred thousand god stones worth items, that's all the confidence of your ancient crazy gods?"

Chu Tian curled his lips and sneered, all of which made the expression of the man in front of him change.

With an ugly face, he clenched his fists and glared at him with a displeased face.

Being ridiculed by Chu Tian, ​​he immediately became angry.

"That's all, boy, what are you, how much sales you can bring to the Snow God shop, you dare to mock me, what qualifications do you have to compare with our ancient crazy gods!"

"Let me tell you, you can't even afford 10,000+ divine stone items, you trash!"

(End of this chapter)

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