Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 636 Buy twice what you want

Chapter 636 Buy twice what you want

Kuang Feng glared at the big talker in front of him with such a displeased face.

Their ancient crazy gods are definitely considered as the top three major customers of the Fengjie Snow God Chamber of Commerce.

Millions of sacred stone transactions a year!

Now one thing requires more than ten thousand god stones, and this kid actually doesn't pay attention to it.

Who does he think he is?

How dare you compare them with their ancient mad gods!
Just looking over with a cold and indifferent face, he mocked in a cold voice; "You keep saying that our ancient mad gods have the same confidence, but I want to see, how is your confidence?"

"If you have the ability, let me see what your confidence is. You can be more powerful than our mad gods."

With a cold and arrogant face, it is good to look at him with a cold face.

The words in his mouth only made Chu Tian frowned and looked over with a serious face.

There is really a little unconvinced in my heart.

Just as he was not convinced at all, the long-lost voice from the system was also transmitted directly.

"Those who have obtained the special task of the land of ancient gods and demons and suppressed the ancient mad gods can get [-] system experience points!"

Gaining system experience, this kind of experience task is also rare.

Chu Tian frowned and glanced at the system.

I found that the current system is really only [-] points away from upgrading the level.

If the system is upgraded again, some fairy coins must be rewarded, and the fairy coins can be exchanged for god stones.

According to the rewards given for each system upgrade.

You must get hundreds of millions of fairy coins.

Exchanged into the God Stone, it is also close to the Ten Thousand God Stone.

If you can get a few big gift packages with good value, it will really exceed hundreds of millions of fairy coins, and you can get tens of thousands of god stones.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian laughed, raised his head, and looked at the man in front of him.

With a smile on his face: "Oh, you said that you, the ancient crazy gods, can buy items worth more than [-] god stones here."

"Then let me tell you, even if it is an item worth hundreds of thousands of divine stones, I don't pay attention to it. I just want to pay twice as much as what you bought!"

As soon as the words came out, the face of the ancient mad god in front of him changed.

Fortunately, his face is more than ugly, and his face is changing.

Hearing Chutian's words, he was also shocked by Chutian's words.

The expression on his face was complicated, and he never expected that Chu Tian would speak so boldly.

It is twice as expensive as what their ancient crazy gods bought.

In other words, the guy in front of me wants to buy items worth more than 20 divine stones.

Now the eldest lady of the Snow God Chamber of Commerce is also here.

This is still within the most important warehouse of the Snow God Chamber of Commerce.

The kid in front of him dared to say such big words.

He is dead!
He's done!

With a smile on his face, Kuang Feng looked over with a smile like this, and said directly; "Okay, I want to see, what strength do you have to say such big words in front of me."

"Miss, this time, our Crazy God Clan is looking at the holy dragon Tianxin you collected recently. I heard that you have found many top-quality products, and there are also treasures?"

With a smile on his face, he gave Chu Tian a look, with a playful look on his face, looking brightly at Xue Manqing in front of him.

Hearing Kuang Feng's words, Xue Manqing nodded.

As soon as he raised his hand, he directly attracted a person.

Walking forward, he explained to the few people in front of him; "Our Shenglong Tianxin still has 10 top-quality products and two rare products in stock."

Hearing this sentence, Kuang Feng's eyes lit up, and he laughed.

"I have known the value of Shenglong Tianxin for a long time. The value of this item is very good. Whether it is healing or cultivating the soul, it is a first-class good item."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Chu Tian, ​​and said with the same smile: "Our ancient crazy gods, this is what we want to buy this time. Give our ancient crazy gods, a top-quality holy dragon Tianxin!"

With a wave of his hand, he spoke very generously and directly.

Xue Manqing had already made a smile on his face, and the subordinates on the side also looked respectful.

"I see, I will help you pick up the goods now!"

While picking up the goods, Kuang Feng glanced at Chu Tian again.

Smiling still, he said to Xueman in front of him; "Miss, you haven't explained to this newcomer the price of your Shenglong Tianxin."

"A good thing like this is hard to find for thousands of years. The value of this item is not cheap, right?"

Xue Manqing's complexion changed, and when he glanced at Chu Tian, ​​his complexion really changed.

For a moment, I didn't know whether to speak or not.

After all, she doesn't want to offend any of the two customers.

These two guests are very important to their Fengjie Snow God Chamber of Commerce.

Xue Manqing didn't speak, but Xue Huawu was on the sidelines.

The corners of his mouth turned up, and he smiled, looking at Kuang Fengdao in front of him; "The financial resources of the ancient mad gods are powerful, and the value of a holy dragon Tianxin is usually around 15 god stones, according to the discount of old customers."

"I think, the Xueshen store on Fengjie has already given you a price of 13?"

As soon as the words came out, Kuang Feng in front of him glanced over and landed on Xue Huawu.

Smiling together, they laughed loudly; "That's right, this one must be a member of the chamber of commerce, but we have to give 13 god stones to get it."

Snow Flower Dance's eyes lit up, and at this moment, she was really a little excited.

The smile became bigger, without the previous cold expression.

Just looking at the Kuang Fengdao of the ancient mad gods in front of him, "Oh, the financial resources of your ancient mad gods are very powerful. I really admire it."

"Also, I'm not a member of this chamber of commerce. I'm also a member of the Snow God Store. I'm the manager of the chamber of commerce on Fire Street."

With a smile on his face, he just watched over.

The words in his mouth were frantic, and he hadn't reacted yet.

Snowflake Dance continued; "Our chamber of commerce on Fire Street will have a lot of activities, and I really want to invite some ancient protoss to participate, and guarantee to get more preferential prices than here."

"If your ancient crazy gods are interested, you can go and have a look."

A direct invitation with a smile on your face.

It also made Xue Manqing's face pull, and his face looked a little ugly.

Kuangfeng got the request of Snowflake Dance in front of him, and smiled even more.

He laughed loudly and said, "Okay, we, the ancient crazy gods, have a chance to take a look."

"However, this time, I invite this person to be a witness. What the kid said earlier can't be ignored."

He raised his hand and pointed to Chu Tian in front of him.

Xue Huawu's gaze fell on Chu Tian, ​​with a calm face, she nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, since it's what this lord said, you must keep your word."

"What our shop wants is honesty. If your lord doesn't mean what you say, don't blame our shop for turning your back on you!"

With a curl of his lips, a little coldness flashed by.

Shops don't recognize people, they only recognize money, and the woman in front of them is like this.

(End of this chapter)

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