Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 637 Holy Dragon Tianxin

Chapter 637 Holy Dragon Tianxin
Whoever has more money is an adult.

Seeing that the ancient crazy gods are also very good, they really want to abandon Chutian.

They all want to win over the ancient mad gods.

On the contrary, Xue Manqing watched over with a very ugly face, and heard Xue Huawu's words.

He was very unhappy and said, "Lord Chu, he has just purchased hundreds of thousands of divine stones from our chamber of commerce. He has already proved his strength, and there is no need to compare."

Snowflake Dance heard this sentence.

He curled his lips and laughed out loud.

"Haha, Xue Manqing, how can we believe what you said, and we haven't seen it?"

"Maybe you are protecting him on purpose, just saying good things for him, your chamber of commerce really wants everyone."

With a sneer on his face, his eyes fell on Chu Tian, ​​and he really thought that it was impossible for Chu Tian to compare with the ancient mad gods.

If you can win over the ancient mad gods, the guy in front of you can just throw it away.

The corners of his mouth turned upwards, thinking of all this, he looked at Chu Tian with a smile on his face.

Continued; "My lord, don't forget what you said just now, twice as much as 13 god stones is 26 god stones, sir, can you really afford it?"

This price is definitely very expensive.

There are very few items that can replace this price.

They are generally real treasures.

Not ordinary people can afford it.

Chu Tian had previously ordered the holy artifact and spent more than [-] divine stones.

If you keep it in your hand, there will only be less than [-] sacred stones, plus if you can complete this task.

Even if you get tens of thousands of divine stones, it is far from reaching 26 divine stones.

Fortunately, this sum of money really doesn't need to be paid directly.

As long as a time is agreed, it is enough for him to earn more than a hundred thousand god stones.

Chu Tian still had some confidence in the system.

Just looking up, he looked over with a smile on his face.

He noticed the look of disdain on Xue Huawu's face in front of him.

He also laughed and said, "Okay, I'm going to buy 26 God Stone items."

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on Xue Manqing.

Without even thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said, "Shenglong Tianxin, there are two treasures, I don't know, how much are these two treasures worth?"

As soon as the words came out, Xue Manqing was taken aback.

Hearing this sentence, his face changed unsteadily, and he took a deep breath.

Then he said, "My lord, the price of this treasure is around 30 divine stones. If it's your lord, we, we can give you a discount, 25 divine stones!"

The price of 25 god stones also made the Kuangfeng in front of him gasp.

This price is really high.

25 god stones, you can directly buy a holy artifact.

It's really not worth it to buy this consumable.

At the very least, the ancient mad gods couldn't afford it.

Even Xue Huawu shook her head, looking at Chu Tian in front of her with a calm expression.

I don't think Chutian will buy it.

This kind of consumable, which can only be used once, costs 25 divine stones, which is not something that ordinary people can buy, nor are they willing to buy.

25 god stones are enough for an ancient holy emperor to squander about a hundred years.

Just when the two of them looked over, their eyes were complicated.

I really don't think Chutian will buy it.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his head, his face was very calm, and he said very easily: "Help me pack one directly."

As soon as the words came out, Kuang Feng's face changed.

But with a look of astonishment, it never occurred to Chutian that he really wanted to buy it.

Even Snowflake Dance couldn't believe it.

He looked over with a face that was changing, and his face was very complicated.

Xue Manqing also opened his mouth wide, his expression fluctuating, looking at Chu Tian, ​​he couldn't help but said, "My lord, this Shenglong Tianxin is not in stock in our warehouse."

"We said that if you want to give an adult something, it can only be something in our warehouse. This item is not in our warehouse, but it is consigned by others."

Xue Manqing's expression kept changing, and he looked over with a worried expression.

I really thought Chutian wanted to get it for free.

With a calm face, Chu Tian waved his hand and said directly, "I can give you one hundred thousand divine stones first, and I will come over to give you the rest of the money tomorrow."

"You can also wait for me to pay the money, then give it to me, and help me keep it temporarily!"

As soon as the words come out.

Xue Manqing's face in front of him changed, he looked excited and stunned.

"My lord, do you really want to buy it?"

"Nonsense, why should I give you a deposit if I don't buy it?"

"If this is the case, from now on, this thing belongs to you, my lord. I will let me take good care of it and take good care of it!"

Xue Manqing's expression was agitated. She never expected that two big orders would be made in one day.

Chu Tian ordered the artifact and spent more than 20 sacred stones.

Now I want to buy this treasure of heaven and earth, the holy dragon Tianxin consumables worth 30 god stones.

This made her heart full of surprises.

I don't think Chutian won't be rich.

As for Kuang Feng in front, when he heard that Chu Tian was about to pay the deposit, he also looked over in shock.

Staring at Chu Tian in front of him, his expression was extremely ugly.

He was so shocked that he yelled directly; "You, are you crazy? You, what are you doing buying this thing? Do you know what strength Shenglong Tianxin can use."

"Let me tell you, even if it is the top-grade holy dragon Tianxin, even the ancient holy emperor is not eligible to enjoy it. It is used for the ancient holy ancestors to cross the catastrophe and cultivate the broken soul!"

Speaking of all of this, his face pulled.

His face was ugly, and his face was constantly changing.

I can't say anything after that.

The top-grade Shenglong Tianxin is terrifying, let alone the precious Shenglong Tianxin, this consumable is not only terrifying, it is simply against the sky.

Xue Huawu also looked over with a serious face, and her face turned cold.

"No, that's right, the precious holy dragon Tianxin is already a good thing for peeping at the ancestors. He can make a holy ancestor pull him back before he is about to die."

"This kind of thing is simply the spiritual treasure of heaven and earth. If the ancestor got one, he got a life-saving good thing!"

But this is just a consumable item, not really a good item to improve strength.

It's just a life-saving thing, and it actually costs 25 god stones.

How rich is this guy.

He didn't know at all that 25 divine stones were enough to buy countless cultivation pills of ancient heaven, which could make an ancient immortal sage.

In the shortest time, ascend to the ancient emperor!

But he actually used it to buy such a consumable.

This is simply insane.

If not crazy, this guy has money after all?

After all, you have such assets that you dare to squander like this.

Would the divine stone in his hand be regarded as money?
Xue Huawu couldn't think of it at all, and felt utter regret for speaking for the ancient crazy gods just now.

If the Chutian in front of him would not pay attention to the hundreds of thousands of divine stones at all.

With Chutian's financial resources alone, he is many times stronger than the ancient mad gods.

Maybe behind the opponent is a super race.

Thinking of all this, Snow Flower Dance regretted to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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