Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 638 Super Shenhao System

Chapter 638 Super Shenhao System
Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Looking at Snowflake Dance, that regretful face was very ugly.

Xue Manqing floated up from the corner of his mouth, and he really smiled smugly.

I am very happy to find such a benefactor as Chutian.

Without even thinking about it, it was all for Chutian, packing up the treasures of Shenglong Tianxin.

Just wait for Chutian to pay the final payment, and then hand over this thing to Chutian.

In one day, their Snow God Chamber of Commerce can still afford to wait.

Chutian directly handed over the remaining deposit of [-] divine stones to Xue Manqing in front of him.

Once the deposit is paid, if the remaining money cannot be paid off, this deposit cannot be refunded.

Chutian has already owed the Fengshen shop, and the final payment of nearly 30 god stones has not been paid off.

In his hand now, there is really no god stone left.

This made him contemplative, and he really felt that this little amount of divine stones was far from enough. How could he get hundreds of thousands of divine stones.

While thinking about it, a voice rang directly beside my ears.

"The task is obtained, and the system experience + 1 points are obtained!"

"The system level has been improved!"

"The system level has been raised to level 8, the Super Shenhao system has been activated successfully, and the system name has been changed to the Super Shenhao system!"

This made Chu Tian startled.

Hearing this voice, he looked surprised, even more unexpected.

Super Shenhao system?

It only made him look curious and stare at the past with doubts.

Immediately seeing that the system has indeed been improved, it has become the name of the Super Shenhao system.

Host Level: Level 8 Super God

The host's cultivation base: the early stage of Nascent Soul

Available money: 1 god stones

Items: none
Experience: 1500/100000
"The system level is improved, and the basic reward is obtained, ten thousand god stones!"

"Upgrade the system level and get the treasure chest of the super god!"

"Get the treasure map of the super god!"

"Get the Super Shenhao Treasure Hunting Quest!"

Getting the item in a split second really made Chu Tian completely dumbfounded.

This super godly item made him very curious.

I got a treasure chest and a treasure map.

There is also a treasure hunt mission.

This has never happened before.

However, listening to this tall name, he is super proud!

Even if he guesses with his feet, Xia Feilong is sure that there must be many good things in it!
There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he directly took out the super god's treasure chest.

Without even thinking about it, just open it directly.

The super god's treasure chest really shines brightly.

Within his system, it was constantly flickering and jumping.

Accompanied by a few rays of light flashing past, three items appeared in front of Xia Feilong.

"Successfully open the treasure chest of the super god, and get the low-level god stone gift bag*1!"

"Obtain ancient top-quality gems*10!"

"Get the fragment of the treasure chest of ancient gods and demons*1!"

A series of rewards really made Chu Tian stunned.

These things are really different from before.

It also made Chutian look puzzled, and they all looked at the few items they got with curiosity.

Low-level divine stone gift bag: 1 to 10 divine stones can be opened!
The best gem in ancient times: a god stone worth 1!
Fragments of the ancient gods and demons treasure chest: 10 fragments can be synthesized into the ancient gods and demons treasure chest, and open the ancient sacred objects left by the ancient gods and demons!
Not to mention the sacred stone gift bag, it is actually possible to directly get 1 to 10 sacred stones.

This is really a timely help!

Chu Tian almost wanted to laugh, especially when he saw that ancient gem.

It can be exchanged for the god stone.

A gem is worth 10, and 10 gems are worth [-].

This helped him solve another third of the troubles of the god stone.

It also made Chutian open the gift bag without thinking about it.

And exchange all the top-quality gemstones into divine stones!
"Successfully open the gift bag and get 5 divine stones!"

"The exchange was successful, and I got 10 divine stones!"

A series of jumping out, in this short moment, I really got 15 sacred stones.

It's just so cool.

So cool!
Chu Tian was really overwhelmed. Looking at the system, there was an extra 15 divine stones, which solved half of his financial problems.

This is just a treasure chest, the treasure map has not been opened yet, and there is still a treasure hunt task.

These two things might be able to help him solve the lack of God Stone this time.

It can also make extra people.

The corners of Chu Tian's lips were raised with smiles all over his face.

Raising his head, his eyes fell on the treasure map of the super god.

But he did not expect that this treasure map of the super god can only be opened in the fairy world, not in the human world.

This surprised Chu Tian very much.

And the treasure hunting opportunity of super gods can only be used in the land of ancient gods and demons.

Originally, Chutian wanted to use it directly.

But while using it, he heard a warning, which made him hesitate.

"Please note that the Super Shenhao treasure hunting opportunity needs the strength of the ancient emperor to complete it. Do you want to use it?"

The ancient emperor!

He is only looking at the strength of the ancient demon saint now, it is impossible to compare with the ancient saint emperor.

Hearing this prompt, Chu Tian immediately hesitated.

After thinking about it, I better put it away and avoid using it directly. I can't complete the task at all. This time the treasure hunting opportunity is just wasted.

Waste is taboo.

A treasure chest can give him 15 god stones.

This treasure hunting opportunity, at least, is 15, 15 god stones, in the land of ancient gods and demons, it is enough to buy some ancient heavenly pills and strengthen yourself.

Whatever you say, keep it well.

To understand this point, Chutian really didn't use it directly.

As soon as he raised his head, Chu Tian withdrew his mind.

Just look at it with a smile on his face.

His eyes fell on the few people in front of him, and he kept smiling.

Especially looking at the ancient crazy gods.

Chutian's eyes were full of pride.

With a proud face, he said without even thinking about it; "When I buy something, I just don't like to look at the price of this thing. As long as it is useful, I want it all."

"Tomorrow, I will continue to come here to buy. If I have the ability, let's come back tomorrow to compare!"

Chu Tian had a provocative face, with playful and provocative eyes.

All of them made the face of the ancient mad god man in front of him change.

Clenching his fists, he was very annoyed by Chutian's stimulation, and even raised his hand in anger.

Pointing to Chutian, he called out; "Okay, I want to see what strength you have, I will compare with you, I don't believe it, we are the ancient mad gods."

"It really can't compare to a guy like you!"

After finishing speaking, he let out a cold snort and turned around, and the members of the ancient crazy gods also left directly.

Xue Huawu saw it, and glanced at Chu Tian with a strange expression.

Gritting her teeth, she turned and left, not forgetting to say a word to Xue Manqing.

"Xue Manqing, let me tell you, I won't forget it like this, you Fengjie Snow God Chamber of Commerce, don't even try to compete for the first place!"

"The Snow God Store belongs to us!"

With a cold snort, his face was icy cold. After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, that is, he left directly.

When she was about to leave, Xue Manqing's expression turned even more ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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